The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
Where’s the Government Investigation of Lefty Employee Groups?
Daniel Greenfield
Here’s what happens when lefty government employees set up sabotage groups. CFPB employees formed ‘Dumbledore’s Army’ to resist Trump
FACT CHECK: Newsweek Falsely Claims 140 Holocaust, Genocide Experts” Support AOC’s Holocaust Hijacking
Daniel Greenfield
Newsweek, a media fake news scam site notorious for desperate clickbait headlines, falsely claimed that, “MORE THAN 140 HOLOCAUST, GENOCIDE EXPERTS THINK
59% of Americans Oppose Gov Health Insurance for Illegal Aliens
Daniel Greenfield
And that’s if you call them, undocumented immigrants. If you polled people on whether their tax dollars should subsidize health care for illegal aliens,
More People Heard of Julian Castro Since the Debates, They Don’t Like Him
Daniel Greenfield
The big debate question for sure loser candidates like Julian Castro was whether it was worth throwing a tantrum on stage to get recognition. The media
Opposition to Medicare-for-All Hits 57% in Post-Debate Poll
Daniel Greenfield
The media has its narrative. Meanwhile it’s ignoring some interesting numbers from its own polling. Take this latest CNN poll, asking, “if the
Bus Poor Children to Kamala Harris’ $4.8 Brentwood Home
Daniel Greenfield
Senator Kamala Harris is the most oppressed politician in California. Honestly, if it weren’t for busing, she would have never slept her way up the
The Latest Garbage Russia-Trump Conspiracy Study
Daniel Greenfield
Conspiracy theorists love correlating things together. A map of the rise in TV dinners and nasal infections. The travel patterns of Bush administration
Jesse Jackson is Irrelevant, Why are Dems Flocking to Him?
Daniel Greenfield
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have both been irrelevant for a generation. Neither has much standing or influence in the black community. Obama chose
Kamala Harris’ Dirty Sugar Daddy Still Working Hard for Her
Daniel Greenfield
Without Willie Brown, Senator Kamala Harris would have a nice slot in a boutique law firm and give monthly talks about leadership as a woman. With Willie Brown
BLACK NEW DEAL: US Oil Hits 12 Million Barrels a Day High
Daniel Greenfield
Who needs a Green New Deal when there’s black gold in the ground and it’s creating jobs across the country. (Except in states like California which would