The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
Anti-Israel J Street Dem Curses in Synagogue
Daniel Greenfield
J Street certainly picks some real winners. The leftist anti-Israel lobby’s PAC backed Scott Wallace, born with a solid gold spoon in his mouth and spawned by a solidly leftist dynasty, whose fund has backed BDS. Another odd endorsement story occurred in Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District. Democratic nominee Scott Wallace came under criticism after it…
Keith Ellison: Hitler-Admiring Farrakhan Had “Some Things to Offer”
Daniel Greenfield
Keith Ellison defends his ties to Louis Farrakhan, saying Farrakhan had “some things to offer” in the early 1990s. In 1984, Farrakhan made headlines for calling Judaism a “gutter religion” and Hitler “a very great man.” — Michael Ahrens (@michael_ahrens) October 22, 2018 Pathetic. At the Minnesota Attorney General debate between Keith X. Ellison…
Trump Opens Up Germany to US Gas, Beats Russia
Daniel Greenfield
“Trump accused Germany of becoming ‘totally dependent’ on Russian energy at the U.N. The Germans just smirked.” Washington Post Who’s smirking now? BERLIN—Chancellor Angela Merkel has offered government support to efforts to open up Germany to U.S. gas, a key concession to President Trump as he tries to loosen Russia’s grip on Europe’s largest energy…
Elizabeth Warren Lied About Being Cherokee to “Restore Trust in the Government”
Daniel Greenfield
It used to be that we couldn’t trust politicians when it came to their finances, now we can’t even trust them when it comes to their genetic code.
New York Times Shocked That Latino Voters Don’t Care About Illegal Aliens
Daniel Greenfield
Every good progressive knows that President Trump is the new Hitler who hates “brown skinned” people and that ICE is the new SS. They even made a play about it. So infuriated Latino voters should be gearing up to… uh not so much. Ride along with the New York Times into the dark heart of…
WSJ Exposes Qatari Info Op on Khashoggi
Daniel Greenfield
When it comes to the media’s sacred cows, journalism has become rarer than the teeth of common barnyard fowls. The Wall Street Journal is the only US paper doing any Khashoggi coverage that doesn’t consist of 1⁄3 bile, 1⁄3 Turkish propaganda and 1⁄3 calls for a Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Saudi Arabia. This is a…
Democrats Now Denying There Was Ever a Blue Wave
Daniel Greenfield
Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan. And the Democrats in the midterm elections have been preemptively orphaned. From the top on down. Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez said Monday that he has always thought this year’s elections would be close and that he doesn’t use the term “blue wave” to…
An American Journalist Just Died After a Racist Beating, and the Washington Post Didn’t Even Report It
Daniel Greenfield
Search for Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi-Turkish Islamist activist who hated Jews and backed Hamas, and the results are legion. Search for Jerry Wolkowitz, an American Jewish journalist, at the Washington Post and you get zero results. While the Washington Post weeps and wails over Khashoggi, an anti-Semitic foreign Islamist, it has no interest in the…
JTA’s Ron Kampeas Defends Pro-Hamas Khashoggi Against Pro-Israel Activists
Daniel Greenfield
The JTA is a lefty outlet. And so in a struggle between pro-Hamas and pro-Israel, there was never any doubt which side its tendentiously anti-Israel columnist, Ron Kampeas, would choose. The issue is Jamal Khashoggi, a Muslim Brotherhood figure, a former friend of Osama bin Laden, and a supporter of Hamas. This is how Hamas…
“Anti-Racist” CNN Commentator Defends Farrakhan Ties
Daniel Greenfield
Marc Lamont Hill, a CNN commentator, spends a lot of time screaming about white racism. He’s far more comfortable with black racism. After a photo of him with racist hate group leader, Louis Farrakhan, came out, Hill tried to have it both ways. “The last 24 hours have been crazy. I have been getting challenged…