The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
Mueller Office Wiped Strzok-Page Text Messages
Daniel Greenfield
The media is obsessed with the scandals being manufactured by the Mueller-Clinton attempt to reverse the results of the 2016 election. It’s much less interested in the scandals coming out of the office. For obvious reasons. Remember Peter Strzok and Lisa Page? The investigation of the behavior of the two disgraced FBI figures who were…
Hillary Campaign Created Russia Conspiracy Theory to Challenge 2016 Election Results
Daniel Greenfield
Every revelation about the Steele dossier, the Clinton campaign’s Russia conspiracy theory that was funneled into the DOJ and then used as the basis for everything from eavesdropping on the political opposition to the Mueller investigation, just makes it worse. And this latest revelation is particularly bad. British ex-spy Christopher Steele, who wrote the Democrat-financed…
Mexico to Fight Illegal Immigration by Closing Guatemala Border
Daniel Greenfield
Most of the media coverage of the caravan missed the point. It wasn’t about the midterms. It was a confrontation and a test of wills. The caravan backers expected to get through. And many of them did. But in the process, the confrontation between them and Trump seriously inconvenienced Mexico. And Mexico is the illegal…
US Taxpayer Funded Terror Group Prays for Babykiller’s Soul
Daniel Greenfield
As long as American tax dollars subsidize the Palestinian Authority, they’re funding evil. Front Page’s Ari Lieberman reported on the brutal terrorist attack in Israel. On Sunday, seven Israeli civilians were wounded after Palestinian terrorists in a white sedan sprayed a group of people waiting at a bus stop with automatic machinegun fire. The attack…
California Running Out of Other People’s Money to Tax
Daniel Greenfield
To paraphrase a Thatcher paraphrase, socialism works until you run out of other people’s money. And then you start taxing Netflix and text messages. On its way to bankruptcy, Chicago managed to do impose some ingenious taxes. Now California is following suit. A California regulator’s plan to tax texts in order to fund cellphones for…
The Hateful Hate of Marc Lamont Hill (VIDEO)
Daniel Greenfield
On this supersized (or regular sized depending on your perspective) edition of the Glazov Gang, Jamie and I discuss CNN’s tolerance for Marc Lamont Hill’s hate and what that says about society and the media. Our chat is partially based on my article on Marc Lamont Hill and on John Perazzo’s excellent piece on Hill.
France Islamic Terrorist Had 27 Previous Convictions
Daniel Greenfield
These “lone wolf” Muslim terrorists invariably have a track record. Before they actually carry out an attack, they’ve usually spent years enriching the European countries they settled in with a long record of petty crime, violent attacks and drug dealing. Cherif Chekkat, who opened fire at the Strasbourg Christmas market, has the expected record. Chekkat…
“Allahu Akbar” Doesn’t Mean “God is Great”, It Means I’m Going to Kill You
Daniel Greenfield
“Allahu Akbar” means “I’m going to kill you.” So does Islam.
Time Mag Names Osama bin Laden Pal as “Man of the Year”
Daniel Greenfield
There was never any chance that Time’s Thingy of the Year was going to be President Trump. Man of the Year used to represent newsmakers, not necessarily ones you agreed with. That’s why Hitler was on the list. But these days, Time knows quite well that listing someone the Left doesn’t like will mean an…
Spotify Flees San Fran HQ Over Homelessness, Violence
Daniel Greenfield
Here’s a basic pattern. 1. Lefty city subsidizes homelessness. 2. Homelessness spreads along with violence and blight. 3. The same lefty corps that subsidize lefty politics get nervous 4. City announces bold new plan to subsidize homelessness twice as hard, attracting twice as many homeless people, and spreading twice as much crime, blight and violence.…