The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
Hidden Hand: Anti-Saudi Senate Resolution Backs Qatar
Daniel Greenfield
For a month now, we’ve heard that Trump is a Saudi stooge for 1. Refusing to pull out of the Saudi campaign against Iran in Yemen, giving Iran a win. 2. Refusing to sanction the Saudis for allegedly killing Jamal Khashoggi, a Muslim Brotherhood terror propagandist and old pal of Osama bin Laden Now the…
Facebook Board to Soros: Go Fly a Kite
Daniel Greenfield
George Soros and the media’s big push to take over Facebook has run into a snag. The Facebook board has made it clear that it won’t turn on the company’s leadership, despite the demands of Soros Inc, and the media, and that researching Soros was entirely legitimate. If the Soros/Media coup wants to take over…
Forward: It’s Not Anti-Semitic When Black People Attack Jews
Daniel Greenfield
Nothing to see here folks. #ObamaFarrakhan #Democrats pic.twitter.com/22xVjkucdX — Mike Dmano (@Dman767) March 2, 2018 This comes on the heels of the Washington Post running multiple defenses of Marc Lamont Hill’s defense of murdering Jews. So of course The Forward, which had previously defended a lefty politician who claimed that Jews control the weather, wants…
Kamala Harris Went After Kavanaugh, But Her Aide was Accused of Sexual Harassment
Daniel Greenfield
It’s okay. Despite this, Senator Kamala Harris will still continue lecturing on gender inequality and pontificating about sexual harassment. She’ll keep on campaigning for the 2020 slot on her disgusting attacks on Justice Kavanaugh. Meanwhile, as is usual for the Dems, her own house was dirty. A longtime top staff member of U.S. Sen. Kamala…
Bernie Sanders Flies Private Jets, Demands “Decarbonizing” Economy
Daniel Greenfield
Remember when Bernie cult members were pushing propaganda about Bernie flying coach? Those were the days. They ended once the cranky confused socialist hit the big time. But in April, Bernie Sanders took 50 staffers and reporters on a chartered Delta 767 for a trip to the Vatican… Not only wasn’t Bernie flying coach, but…
Another Dem 2018 Loser Ponders 2020 Run
Daniel Greenfield
As a candidate, Stacey Abrams was unqualified, surly and charmless. As a loser, she’s still trying to figure out some sort of role that keeps her relevant after people stop paying attention to her clamorous call of, “I was robbed.” Too bad she has no original ideas. The media keeps touting Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke,…
The Khashoggi Circus Continues
Daniel Greenfield
Actual events die a natural death. Agendas drag on. That’s the case with Khashoggimania, a grim farce in which Islamists and their regimes backing them, Turkey, Qatar and Iran continue to use the media and top politicians as their hand puppets. And the media’s relentless hysterical propaganda is as nonsensical as it is hilarious. “GOP…
Volunteer Calls Out Top New Jersey Dems for Ignoring Her Sexual Assault
Daniel Greenfield
I covered this story of a sexual assault by a Murphy aide last month. Governor Murphy, an Obamaite, who ran as a hard lefty dedicated to illegal aliens and the #MeToo movement, has been badly tainted by his refusal to address a sexual assault by one of his aides. “Donald Trump represents a historic threat…
4th Woman Accuses Neil deGrasse Tyson of Sexual Misconduct
Daniel Greenfield
Don’t look now, but the Tyson star just went nova. After the Patheos story on the two women who accused Neil deGrasse Tyson, the favorite social justice scientist of people who tweet #ILoveScience in response to using their deodorant, of sexual harassment and the woman who accused him of rape, BuzzFeed took it on and…
The Media Rediscovers “Fawning”
Daniel Greenfield
When Obama, literally, bowed to the Saudi king, the media indignantly reprimanded the “right wingers” who thought there was anything wrong with the scene. But now, in the grips of deepest, darkest Khashoggimania, the media has rediscovered “fawning”. 1,001 articles attack Trump for “fawning” on the Saudis. When Hillary Clinton rolled in with a Reset…