It’s tricky to say which Dem 2020 candidate has the fewest deeply held beliefs that they are willing to swap at a moment’s notice. But Senator Kamala Harris is probably no. 2 there right behind the Senator from New York who doesn’t even bother apologizing for her flip-flops. In recent weeks, Willie Brown’s old mistress boasted about how cool her Jamaican family is with drugs (leading to angry rebuke from her father) and got on board with legalizing prostitution. So what’s a little anti-Semitism between progs?
“Like some of my colleagues in the Congressional Black Caucus, I am concerned that the spotlight being put on Congresswoman Omar may put her at risk,” Senator Kamala Harris said, making the bigot into the victim.
I don’t recall any concerns about Steve King being put at risk. Or any of the hundreds of people that the Dems decide to blame for something. Or the private citizens appearing on a viral video accusing them of racism and handing them a nasty nickname.
But single out Rep. Omar’s anti-Semitism and you’re putting her at risk.
Harris prefaces this with boilerplate language about anti-Semitism and the Two-State Solution, while suggesting that Jewish critics are conflating anti-Semitism with criticism of the Israeli government. This is a typical excuse. It’s false. But that’s the game here.
Kamala is still lagging and she needs to break off voters to break out. So she’s been doing everything possible to prove her prog bona fides.
It’s been fashionable to compare Kamala Harris to Obama. Now that she embraced an anti-Semite she finally made it.
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