The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
The Unbelievable Courage of Being an Ex-Republican Trump Hater
Daniel Greenfield
Books by ex-Republicans complaining about how Trump drove them out of the GOP are a hot publishing item now. Even though the audience for them is as missing as Jimmy Hoffa. Who really wants 30 Trump Sucks books by ex-Republicans? Lefties don’t want them. Nobody on the right does. But they get published for the…
Dem Voter Fraud Ring Targeting Thousands Busted in Texas
Daniel Greenfield
Democrat voter fraud often targets the elderly or the disabled. Because they’re vulnerable. They can be manipulated into signing on to documents, their names can be exploited or they can be outright taken into voting booths to cast ballots for Democrats. Democrats often tell us that voter fraud doesn’t exist and Voter ID isn’t necessary.…
Hispanic Voters Keeping “Beto” O’Rourke From Beating Ted Cruz
Daniel Greenfield
Apparently calling yourself “Beto” doesn’t help. If Rep. O’Rourke were doing as well among Hispanic voters as Democrats usually tend to do, he might actually beat Ted Cruz. Except he’s not. Driving around Juarez in late September, Bob Pena remarked wistfully about the city that once was, the city he knew as a child. A…
New York Times Ends Saudi Tours, Keeps Iran Tours Going
Daniel Greenfield
The hypocritical farce of media outrage over Jamal Khashoggi, a Muslim Brotherhood leader and former pal of Osama bin Laden, is easily exposed every time you look at the media’s treatment of Iran. The New York Times just made a big huffy show of canceling its pricey tours to Saudi Arabia. “In light of the…
How to Stop Migrant Caravan Invasions With One Easy Trick
Daniel Greenfield
The technical term for what Mexico and other countries have been doing to us is, “military colonization”. Latin American countries send settlers across the border. They set up shop here, sign up for every welfare program under the sun, and send the money back home to their families… and their countries. Some countries actually use…
Minnesota Dems Call for Violence, 2 Republican Candidates Attacked
Daniel Greenfield
This is what happens when your mainstream political party gets taken over by political radicals. It’s not just radical views, it’s radical tactics. The left is growing tired of working within the system. It’s turning into a revolutionary mob bent on destroying its political opponents, economically, politically, culturally and physically. Here’s another ground zero in…
The Washington Post Isn’t “Investigating” the Khashoggi Case, It’s Running a Political Campaign
Daniel Greenfield
Here’s a contextual reminder. The entire Khashoggi circus only happened because the Saudis got into a struggle with the Muslim Brotherhood, and its Turkish and Qatari backers. The media never discusses the men behind the curtain, only the Saudis. It hardly even mentions the Brotherhood. How invested is the media in this? Don’t believe any…
“We’re All Crooked Here”: CNN’s Favorite Trump-Bashing Mayor Faces FBI Raid
Daniel Greenfield
What caused so much havoc in Puerto Rico? Just as in Chicago or New Orleans, the issue is political corruption. And while the media pushes fake news about thousands dead in the storm, while somehow blaming it on President Trump, its own favorite mayoral martyr is being entangled in a corruption investigation. BI agents raided…
Abuse Victims Blast Senator Heitkamp for Exploiting Them in Attack Ad
Daniel Greenfield
This week, two Democrat senators imploded. Elizabeth Warren’s implosion was more high profile. Heidi Heitkamp’s implosion was more of a slow burn. Until this happened. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D., N.D.) on Tuesday apologized after her campaign publicly disclosed the names of women identified as “survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, or rape,” saying she was…
Media Smears Ex-Green Beret for Taking Out Al Qaeda’s Muslim Brotherhood Allies
Daniel Greenfield
The media’s coverage of the Middle East these days is mostly Qatari/Turkish/Iranian propaganda. That’s not just true of the Khashoggi story, in which the media literally repeats every claim handfed to it by the Turkish Islamist regime that imprisons and beats journalists, but on everything. Especially Yemen. The media’s reports on the civil war in…