Of course she does.
The Corbyn wing of the Democrats is firmly united around anti-Semitism and will keep throwing around excuses and collaborators with Jewish last names.
Cortez backed Julia Salazar, an anti-Israel activist who tried to pass herself off as Jewish. She’s tight with Rep. Omar. So onwards.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Tuesday said she sees hypocrisy in Democratic leaders’ planned rebuke of Rep. Ilhan Omar over her controversial remarks about Israel, adding that Omar shouldn’t have been “called out” publicly before the issue was addressed privately.
The issue had been addressed privately and then publicly, to no avail.
But, any excuse in a storm for Rolling Stone cover buddies.
“One of the things that is hurtful about the extent to which reprimand is sought of Ilhan is that no one seeks this level of reprimand when members make statements about Latinx + other communities (during the shutdown, a GOP member yelled ‘Go back to Puerto Rico!’ on the floor),” the congresswoman tweeted.
Cortez is predictably dabbling in Labourite anti-Semitic dog whistles suggesting that anti-Semitism is getting too much attention. While searching for distractions. No Democrats yelled, “Go back to Puerto Rico”. If they had, they would have lost committee assignments, careers and probably their lives.
Meanwhile anti-Semitism gets you a cushy seat among the DNC elite.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez tweeted, “It’s not my position to tell people how to feel, or that their hurt is invalid. But incidents like these do beg the question: where are the resolutions against homophobic statements? For anti-blackness? For xenophobia? For a member saying he’ll “send Obama home to Kenya?”
I’m not going to tell Jews it’s all in their heads, but why are they so privileged?
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