The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
ADL Condemns “Mounting Hysteria” About Anti-Semitism on Campus
Daniel Greenfield
Is the ADL’s mission to protect Jews from defamation or to protect the left from defamation?
Obama Doesn’t Want an Open Internet, but a Government Regulated Monopoly
Daniel Greenfield
With a monopoly and government control, the internet dies.
Both Global Warming Nobel Prize Winners Accused of Being Sexual Predators
Daniel Greenfield
You can’t trust them with your daughter. Why should you trust them with your future?
Bill Nye the Racist Guy Blames Jews for Anti-Semitism
Daniel Greenfield
Isn’t it really, really time for this guy’s 15 minutes to be up?
ISIS Now Demanding Women They Rape Wear Double Veils
Daniel Greenfield
ISIS Jihadists have two things on their mind. Raping women and covering them up.
Muslim Hate Crime Hoax Exploiting Chapel Hill Shootings Exposed
Daniel Greenfield
“I also closed my eyes and said Laa ilaha ill Allah.”
Lawyer Says No Way to Know if Man Who Raped and Killed Baby Suffered During Execution
Daniel Greenfield
“We will never know whether he experienced the intense pain of suffocation and burning.”
Obama Jumps to Conclusions, Says Chapel Hill Shootings were Islamophobic
Daniel Greenfield
After the Boston Marathon and Fort Hood attacks, Obama warned against jumping to conclusions.
Muslim Rapist in Australia Blames Muslim Rape Culture
Daniel Greenfield
Mohebbifar told a psychologist that Western women were “portrayed as whores” in Iran.
Obama Condemns Hebdo Attack Despite Jailing Man for Mohammed Movie
Daniel Greenfield
Does he feel that blasphemy prosecutions are fine when carried out by him?