The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
Netflix Bans Crews From Looking at Each Other for 5 Seconds
Daniel Greenfield
The left’s response to corruption in its own ranks is never character or values. Instead it’s insane totalitarian regulations that predictably bypass the lefty abusers and land on the heads of ordinary people. Netflix has introduced new anti-harassment training in the wake of the #metoo movement that rocked Hollywood and seriously disrupted production on its…
Comey: “I Didn’t Know That I Knew” Weiner Was Married to Huma Abedin
Daniel Greenfield
James Comey doesn’t know a whole lot. Whenever he’s asked to testify, out spill a lot of Clintonesque claims of ignorance. But even by the standard of things that Comey doesn’t know, this section from the IG report is truly impressive. James Comey doesn’t know what he knows. Act 1: Comey plays really dumb. “Comey…
FBI’s Strzok: “We’ll Stop” Trump from Becoming President
Daniel Greenfield
This is bad. And it’s been covered up. FBI agent Peter Strzok texted a fellow bureau official in August 2016 that “we’ll stop” Donald Trump from becoming president, the Justice Department inspector general reportedly reveals in his highly anticipated report on the Hillary Clinton email case. The Washington Post reported that Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s…
AMA Unscientifically Calls Gun Violence a “Disease”
Daniel Greenfield
Crime is not a health problem. Murder is not a disease. When people who claim to be guided by the rules of science start throwing around overheated rhetoric like that, they lose all credibility. CHICAGO — With frustration mounting over lawmakers’ inaction on gun control, the American Medical Association on Tuesday pressed for a ban…
Majority of Voters Say Mueller Investigation Unfair
Daniel Greenfield
(Art by Bosch Fawstin) Dems bet hard on Team Coup to deliver. But Team Coup can’t pull off a coup without public support. And that support is withdrawing fast. Voters interviewed for the POLITICO/Morning Consult poll also have changed direction on whether they think the Mueller investigation has been on the up and up. In…
The Appeasement Letter the Terrorists Don’t Want to Read
Daniel Greenfield
The Wall Street Journal had the bad sense and worse taste to print a sloppy kiss to Yossi Klein Halevi’s latest tract (probably paywalled). “Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor”. Despite the title, the only possible audience for books like these are formed by lefty anti-Israel Jews. The conceit is false from the start. The letters…
Why Do Black People Hate Cynthia Nixon?
Daniel Greenfield
The media loves covering Cynthia Nixon because she’s just Bernie Sanders if the bespectacled bumbling socialist had starred on a terrible series instead of renaming post offices while dreaming of the Comintern. But she has the same base as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. The one group that the left hates almost as much as…
CNN: “We Are Not the Enemy of the American People.”
Daniel Greenfield
First prize for unintentionally terrible messaging goes to Bill Clinton. But CNN’s Wolf Blitzer just managed to steal second. Blitzer went on to say a lot of Trump’s supporters believed the charge, which was “a really, really awful situation.” “We are not the enemy of the American people. We love the American people,” he said.…
The Seattle Tax and the Hypocrisy of the Woke Corps
Daniel Greenfield
(Photo via Obama White House) Seattle, like a lot of blue urbs and burbs, decided to slap on a tax to help the homeless and create low income housing. This same scam was pulled in a number of cities including Los Angeles with no one the wiser. But Seattle made a big mistake. It went…
Rod Rosenstein to Congress: “We Will Subpoena Your Records”
Daniel Greenfield
I’m sure the media will be up in arms over this blatant attempt at intimidating legislators looking into government abuses some time between next Thursday and never. But it shows how open this war between elected and unelected officials is becoming. The emails memorialized a January 2018 closed-door meeting involving senior FBI and Justice Department…