Remember when a lawyer-client relationship was sacrosanct? That was before Democrats trashed it to get to President Trump.
Suddenly lawyers providing the best possible defense for their client became enemies of the state.
Now, the inevitable, next frontier, defense experts.
Even though they pulled off their lynching in the George Floyd case. they’re still going to make an example out of defense experts.
Maryland is launching a review of cases handled by its ex-medical chief who served as an expert for the defense in the Derek Chauvin trial.
“We welcome an independent review of reports on deaths in custody issued during David Fowler’s tenure, and agree it is appropriate for the Office of the Attorney General to coordinate the workgroup,” Michael Ricci, a spokesperson for Gov. Larry Hogan (R), said in a statement, The Baltimore Sun reported.
I could have headlined this ‘Democrats’, but Hogan is, in theory, a Republican. And he’s happily joining the new lynch mob.
The only purpose of this is intimidating defense experts and letting them know that if they act as experts in a politically incorrect case, they’ll be punished.
The only basis for revisiting Fowler’s cases is… that he testified for the defense. This is witness intimidation.
Let’s talk some more about violating political norms by bringing back the criminal justice system of the USSR where representing clients opposed by the state meant getting a share of the political repression aimed at them.
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