After the entire George Floyd affair and a year of Black Lives Matter protests and riots, not to mention police defunding, you would expect any police brutality or unpleasant incidents to have decreased, rather than increased.
But this poll shows the counterintuitive opposite result.
Nearly seven out of 10 Black Americans say police treatment has gotten worse in the past year, and about the same percentage believe police shootings of Black and brown youths have become worse in that time, according to an Axios-Ipsos poll.
When you look at numbers like that it becomes painfully obvious that what we’re seeing is a moral panic manufactured by the media.
Does anyone seriously believe that the police, who have been thrown in prison, fired, and sued every time a drug dealer gets a hangnail, whose top brass has been replaced by politically correct leadership on a mission to dismantle policing, have become more brutal?
Why and how would police treatment have gotten worse in the last year?
But perceptions of police treatment fed by media and social media hate would definitely have worsened.
If you keep watching MSNBC or shoot up social media black nationalist narratives, you are likely to believe that the cops have become monsters who are constantly shooting innocent black people for no reason whatsoever.
This isn’t “lived experience”. It’s a moral panic fed by a disinformation press looking for clicks, ratings, and power.
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