I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a poll that is as stark in class divides and the ivory tower echo chambers of the elite. And what’s really striking is that the ‘Two Americas’ here are both part of the Democrats.
The Pew Survey numbers that break down priorities among white, black and Hispanic Democrats show that the white lefties who remain in the party simply don’t give a damn about anything except the environment.
I’m not exaggerating.
Black and Latino democrats care more about every issue than white Democrats do.
A majority of blacks and Latinos surveyed want to reduce crime, reduce the budget deficit, fight terrorism, reduce illegal drugs, improve the job situation, while most of these issues score in the 30s among white Democrats.
About the only issues that white Democrats care more about than minority Democrats is “reducing the influence of money in politics”, “dealing with climate change” and “protecting the environment”.
The only thing white lefties really care about is raising taxes to change the weather, but that’s because they benefit disproportionately from ‘green’ gigs and investing. Everything else can go to hell.
The disconnect here is truly stunning.
38% of white Dems believe improving the job situation should be a priority while 68% and 69% of blacks and Latinos say it should be.
This is practically 19th-century stuff. It highlights how the Dems have become a party of white elites completely cut off from working-class concerns despite all the social justice virtue signaling.
“Climate Change” is a complete hoax, while saving the environment was a well-intentioned movement (I think) that was hijacked and used for political purposes.
they moved from stopping pollution to ending all industry
The Democrats only seem to care for the demands of the Globalists Gun Control, Open Borders and violating the U.S. Constitution while the lapdog press covers up for them
Is there an offer of cake at least?
This is a thoroughly Corbinized party that has zero concerns about terror China and has thrown any past support of Israel under the bus
And yet those Black and Latino voters keep voting overwhelmingly for the Democrats. One would think that would give Republicans pause, yet it doesn’t. You’d think it’d cause them to take these communities more seriously, yet it doesn’t. Interesting.
Oh, but Daniel Greenfield cares a bunch about improving the job situation of Blacks and Latinos. That’s why he talks about it on his columns all the time.
Race and racism are all BO ever talked about. How many jobs did he create while POTUS.?
You like to suck dicks, don’t you?
the Latino vote is proving to be not very loyal, but the black church lady vote is rock solid and looks to give the Dems another Biden candidacy
“The black church lady vote”?
Bidumb can’t win without vote cheating.
Where I live, it does give us pause. Believe me. Democrats promise them ‘free stuff.” Should we really compete with them?
You give giant corporations free stuff, why not Black and Latino Americans?
Because they don’t deserve it, scumbag.
And only politicians give “giant corporations” free stuff.
Human beings don’t deserve it but giant corporations do?
Dems take hard working people’s money and use it to get more votes by offering free stuff to free loaders.
They live in good neighborhoods, but dont care about the illegal immigration.
They have security systems and armed patrols in their neighborhoods, but dont care about the murder rates skyrocketing- and are against the 2nd Amendment right to defend oneself..
In short, stupid, selfish, corrupt, and beholden to the leftist groupthink mindset. After all, why think for themselves (and take responsibility for their morally-bankrupt actions/behaviors) when their gurus/handlers/herd leaders do it all for them?
Is it just me, or does Elizabeth Warren look like a used car lot wind puppet?