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According to a new Harvard/Harris poll, only the police and military are more respected than Israel. It’s heartening that Americans overwhelmingly support civilization over the Islamofascists of Gaza and Iran.
Then again, “The Palestinian Authority” gets 17% support, and Hamas has a 14% positive rating — which is to say 14% of your neighbors have taken the side of a medieval religious cult that’s vicious enough to cut Jewish babies out of mothers before beheading them. If 14% of Americans supported ISIS or al Qaeda or the Nazi Party, we would probably be concerned.
Anyway, those numbers seem far too small to me. I think there’s a good reason why. For one thing, many of those who claim to be “supporters” of the Jewish state are not. The Barack Obama types, who do the perfunctory throat-clearing about Israel’s right to exist before going into the usual reasons it should not. This faction — let’s be generous and call them “both-siders” — is a growing concern in the Democratic Party and on the fringes of the Right.
According to the Harvard poll crosstabs, 36% of “liberals” of all ages agreed that the Hamas attack on civilians was justified, and 15% of “conservatives.” While antisemitism isn’t the exclusive domain of left or right, full-blown Hamas apologists are now deeply embedded in left-wing institutions such as universities, major newspapers, cable news, progressive politics, think tanks, and the State Department. They have the kind of disproportionate reach and institutional respect that cosplaying Nazis standing in front of Disney can only dream about.
Also, according to the Harvard poll, a majority of 18- to 24-year-olds believe the killing of more than 1,200 Israeli and American civilians was justified. Nearly half of those 25 to 35 believe it was justified. That percentage might be a bit lower than what you find in The New York Times newsroom; nevertheless, it is only going to get worse.
How many young people working as engineers or carpenters, starting a new business, or at home tending to a new family support Hamas? Very few, one imagines. What about the literature majors or those pursuing international relations degrees or Ph.D.s in one of the social pseudosciences? There is little hope for those who attend hermetically sealed ideological laboratories of higher “learning,” where identitarianism, intersectionality and other iterations of Marxism — most contingent on some form of antisemitism — are taught.
These institutions are run by cowardly administrators who only stand up for free speech when defending terror apologists. They will continue to create credentialed moral nitwits. These are not often places for young people to learn critical thinking skills. But they are places that produce ideologues who’ll be getting those editorial jobs and professorships and teachers union presidencies and law clerkships and security clearance jobs at the Pentagon.
Who else makes up this minority? We’re not supposed to talk about it, but it’s clear. According to a Cygnal poll (the outfit gets an “A” rating from FiveThirtyEight), a majority of American Muslims agree that Hamas was “justified” in its attack on Israel as well.
Though it is indisputable that antisemitism is deeply ingrained in certain Muslim communities, to say so will likely get you smeared as “Islamophobic” — always a big topic of conversation in Washington when Jews are being murdered.
But look to Europe, where crimes against Jews have skyrocketed in places with high levels of immigration from the Middle East, to understand the potential problem. When Pew polled the Muslim world, it found nearly universal antipathy toward Jews. Not only in places like Jordan and Egypt, where governments have spent decades ginning up Jew-hatred to distract from their own failing, but also in Muslim-majority nations like Indonesia, where there are around 20 Jews and the Israeli border sits thousands of miles away. Antisemites like Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib did not appear from the ether. They represent communities in Michigan and Minnesota.
There were dozens of Charlottesville-type marches in the United States last week, with chants of genocide ringing in the air. They were mainly attended by Muslim protesters, along with the hard Left (including a number of self-hating Jews.) Though Jews are by far the most targeted religious minority in the United States, we have yet to have a big national conversation about the problem. No one in major media dares even bring it up.
Ugly Sid says
An item Jordan Peterson might describe as “making one’s bed”, would be the successful conclusion of the Crusades.
To depict our failure to restore historic Christendom as an expensive oversight, hardly covers it.
Mo de Profit says
“ According to the Harvard poll crosstabs, 36% of “liberals” of all ages agreed that the Hamas attack on civilians was justified, and 15% of “conservatives.”
They are using the poll to deliberately discredit Israel because they are 100% leftist. That’s how academics operate, someone says “I’ll give you a grant if you can produce a poll showing that people don’t support Israel”
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
In other words, academics are actually working to destroy our civilization. An entity of which they, ironically, are a part. Which is to say, academics do not think critically. Otherwise, why would they celebrate and push that that will vanquish them? Utter lack of foresight and critical thinking. Bottom line: they are not really, true academics.
John says
Simple. They are communists. They couldn’t care less how bad it gets here, as long as the agenda is served; the transformation. The pain, like a kamikaze, is working it if it brings down this nation…which traditionally fought the advance of communist power.
Steve says
Back in 1972, Peter Jennings refused to refer to the perpetrators of the Munich Olympic Massacre as terrorists- he referred to them as “commandos”. 29 years later he allowed “moderate Palestinian spokeswoman” Hanan Ashrawi (hom he dated when he was a correspondent in Beirut, and who’s more recent been TWICE caught peddling blood libels aboout Jews) to insert 45 minutes of propaganda into live coverage of 09/11. BTW, Jennings was so worried that 09/11 would harm the “Palestinian” cause he resumed smoking. Then he got cancer. Karma.
The mainstream media and academia don’t need a thorough housecleaning. The poison needs to be removed, branch and root.
Darryl says
Support for Hamas will disappear when Hamas is eliminated. Kill them all. Turn the tunnels into mass graves.
That’s already happening too. No need to win hearts and minds. Leave those hearts and minds spattered across the walls of the caves..
Steve says
One of three things will happen to diaspora Jews. They’ll disappear as a group through assimilation (much like the Sulzberger Ochs family at The New York Times, or the children or grandchildren of Bernie Sanders, Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Rob Reiner-none of whom are Jewish). This would please those who are “woke”, since the Left considers Jews “oppressors” in spite of the fact that Jews have suffered far more oppression than the groups they champion- one third of them were murdered in the past century in industrialized genocide that covered an area from the Pyrenees to the Caucasus, from Norway to Greece and the majority of the remainder were uprooted. Indeed, the success of Zionism was in large part due to the wholesale flight of Jews from Arab and Islamic countries (most wokelings are so stupid they assume all Jews are from Poland or Germany- places they’d like to send them back to- probably in a cattle car).
The second thing is simply leaving countries that have been made unbearble for Israel. I can easily see this happening in Western Europe where Jew hating is now completely out of the closet and more worrying, even in the United States- look at what’s happening on university campuses or on the streets of Brooklyn and Manhattan.
I third alternative is Jews recognizing the Left is irreducibly hostile. Foolishly 70% of American Jews vote Democratic, but that could change. In Britain 87% of Jews voted for parties other than Labour after Jeremy Corbyn. They used to vote Labour more heavily than American Jews vote Democratic. The same thing happened in Australia in the 1970s after Gough Whitlam (who had a slush fund courtesy of Saddam Hussein) became the country’s Labour Prime Minister. Voting Republican may seem like a wrenching change, but afterward, to borrow a word from a woke Cornell professor who celebrated the October 7th pogrom, it is “exhilarating”.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
The second thing is stunning, for sure. And to think it was growing here unbeknownst to most including little me. It is generated from ignorance and envy. Now we learn some are actually considering leaving Germany after recent acts there. Were I Jew, i would leave here too. There are a few places in the world that cherish still good minds and hard work. Those places are the modern milk and honey gardens.
Kasandra says
It’s not just those who are anti-Semitic that are a problem. Last Thursday, for example, a longtime friend, who is Jewish, intelligent, an attorney, and a firmly Democratic voter but not a radical Leftist at all, informed me that all the post-October anti-Semitism by Muslims and their Lefist allies was Donald Trump’s fault. How he gets to this conclusion is beyond me but anyone either so ignorant of reality or willing to invert it is only a short step away from blaming Israel.
Steve says
I love it when (on those rare occasions they deign to acknowledge antisemitism) the Left and politicians such as Bill De Blasio and Joe Biden attribute the explosion of antisemitism to “right wing white nationalists”. That is total bullshit. Nationally > 50% of religiously based hate crimes target Jews, who make up < 2% of the population. In New York City, 67% of ALL hate crimes target Jews. Aside from the fact that "right wing white nationalists" are about as common in New York City as Hassidic Jews are in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, less than 3% of the perpetrators of antisemitic hate crimes are non Hispanic whites. And I'll bet the overwhelming majority of them are wokelings, not "MAGA Republicans"
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Sometimes i have begun to wonder whether “stupidity” is actually a virus or some kind of contagion. Definitely intelligence is better understood as very narrow into one or two topics at most. Gates is an example; Zuckerberg is another. Two people two years ahead of me in preparatory school were super intelligent – 226 iq and 195. Both failed to come even close to using that horsepower. The 195 even got into some petty crime. Intelligence is not what most believe it to be.
Kasandra says
I think it is a combination of things. First, these peoples’ identities are thoroughly bound up with being Democrats and/or on the Left. Our culture praises thrm as being “the good guys.” Second, the media – news, entertainment, and social – flatter them with this depiction and are relentlessly critical of Republicans and the right trashing their brand. Third, they are thoroughly propagandized and don’t even suspect it because they are gullible, incurious and too lazy to even look at other sources beyond the corporate media. They have been thoroughly propagandized and don’t even accept that fact. Fourth, they have been throughly infected by post-modernism which denies the existence of objective truth, facts, or rationality and believe that everything is simply a narrative. Thus, they refuse to accept anything that contradicts their beliefs and reject it by ritually incanting “You probably heard that on Fox” or something equally as vacuous. Fifth, they have lost their moral compass and are convinced that morality is simply relative and that the worst thing one can be is “judgmental.” Sixth, they are largely ignorant of history and, therefore, are prone to invert it. I’m sure there is more to it but my fingers are getting tired.
Viet Vet says
I dream of a world without muslimes. While I’m at it I might as well dream of a world without Marxists, Maoists, Democommunists and anti-freedom miscreants of all stripes!!!!!
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Dream on, sir. It’s all most of us can do.
Modern humans have choice between good and evil, according to John Steinbeck in his East of Eden. There is a choice for intelligent people. The less intelligent do not even understand the concept of choice.
The five universal laws of human stupidity:
In 1976, a professor of economic history at the University of California, Berkeley published an essay outlining the fundamental laws of a force he perceived as humanity’s greatest existential threat: Stupidity.
Stupid people, Carlo M. Cipolla explained, share several identifying traits: they are abundant, they are irrational, and they cause problems for others without apparent benefit to themselves, thereby lowering society’s total well-being. There are no defenses against stupidity, argued the Italian-born professor, who died in 2000. The only way a society can avoid being crushed by the burden of its idiots is if the non-stupid work even harder to offset the losses of their stupid brethren.
ProudPagan says
The most worrisome trend is the self-hating jews.
Steve says
“Jewish” Voices for “Peace”, Bernie Sanders, Seth Rogen, Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein. They’re worse than kapos in the camps, Jewish Police in the ghettos and individuals such Chaim Rumkowski and Stella Goldschlag, who were at least operating under duress.
Of course, George Soros WAS a collaborator, helping to confiscate Jewish property and deliver deportation notices in German occupied Budapest in what he describes as “the happiest time in my life”. Even though he was a teenager, he should have been strung up as a collaborator. And he admits that his parents were the very model of self hating Jews, as he is himself.
PeteS says
Be aware that Jewish Voice for Peace is not a Jewish organization. Last I heard, it was led by Arabs and successful in recruiting self-loathing useful idiots, some — unfortunately — Jewish.
Steve says
I know that. Most of its members aren’t Jewish by even the most elastic standards.
Domenic Pepe says
Depraved psychopathic murderous Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
Islam needs to be crushed like the German Nazi’s and the Japanese militarists were crushed in WW2.
George says
Yes, It’s either them or us who have this planet for the future. Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition.