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Pope Francis recently implied that Israel was committing “genocide” in its campaign against Hamas. While the pope was eager to apply the term to Muslims terrorists dying in the war, he has been reluctant to apply it to Christians being massacred by Muslims in the Middle East.
Over 50,000 Christians were massacred by Muslims in Nigeria. Dozens of churches were attacked, some on Christmas, without the pope ever condemning this as genocide.
In 2016, after millions of Christians had fled Islamic violence in Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan and much of the Muslim world, Pope Francis rejected calling it a genocide.
“I want to say clearly that I do not like it when people speak of a ‘genocide of Christians,’ for example in the Middle East,” Pope Francis argued, and claimed that he preferred the term “martyrdom.”
The pope’s comments were a retreat from his reaction a year earlier to the abduction and killing of priests in Syria when he declared it, “a form of genocide — I insist on the word — is taking place, and it must end.”
Over the course of a year, Pope Francis had decided to run away from calling the murder of Christians a “genocide”.
A week later he visited Armenia, on the front lines of a war with a Muslim country and used the term “genocide” as a purely historic reference, while failing to use it to describe the contemporary treatment of Christians in the Middle East where he admitted that “religious and ethnic minorities had become the target of persecution and cruel treatment, to the point that suffering for one’s religious belief has become a daily reality.” He also refused to name the Muslim perpetrators, only complaining about “a presentation of religion and religious values in a fundamentalist way, which is used to justify the spread of hatred, discrimination and violence.”
The pope’s refusal to address the subject of Islamic terrorism was an ongoing problem.
In 2014, Pope Francis met with a delegation from the World Jewish Congress to condemn the murder of Christians in the Middle East.
WJC President Ronald Lauder, a Republican donor, asked after the meeting, “Why doesn’t the world react? There has been a tremendous focus on Israel when it defended itself, as any country would, when thousands of rockets were fired on it by terrorists, but not a word for the thousands of Christians in Iraq, Syria and the Middle East.”
The strange thing was why the question was coming from a Jewish leader and not the pope.
Lauder claimed that the pope “privately” told him that “first it was your turn and now it is our turn. In other words, first Jews suffered savage attacks that were met with the world’s silence and now it is Christians who are being annihilated and the world is silent.”
Pope Francis was clearly referencing the threat often heard by Middle Eastern Christians, ““First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people”, yet he wasn’t willing to say it out loud.
Worse still, when Pope Francis met with a WJC delegation in 2016, his focus was on the sacred importance of bringing more Muslims into Europe. Earlier that year, Muslim terrorists had bombed Brussels Airport and a train station, killing 32 people and wounding hundreds more.
Pope Francis, instead of condemning the horrifying mass migration that had brought Muslims terrorists into the heart of Europe to murder Christians, claimed that, “Europe often forgets that it has been enriched by migrants” because it has a falling birth rate and is “lacking creativity” that the Muslim migrants were bringing to it.
“We need to reflect on integration, which is important. The people who committed the terrorist attacks in Belgium were not properly integrated,” he argued.
Bringing Muslim migrants to Europe became one of the pope’s great obsessions.
In 2024, Pope Francis claimed that rejecting open borders and mass migration was a “grave sin”. He had previously washed the feet of Muslim migrants and claimed that, “the presence of God today is also called Rohingya” in reference to an invasive Muslim group of migrants who had been expelled from Burma after engaging in systematic violence against Buddhists.
Some Jews have reacted to the pope’s genocide accusation by accusing him of antisemitism, but there’s no reason to think that he is bigoted against Jews in any particular way. Rather, Pope Francis has a politically correct tendency of accusing Christians and Jews, and other groups of genocide, especially when resisting Islam, while refusing to speak out against Islamic terrorism.
Much as the pope has been willing to accuse Israel of genocide, he has also been all too willing to accuse Christians of genocide. In Rwanda, Pope Francis blamed the Catholic Church for the genocide in that country and asked for forgiveness.
After a visit to Canada, Pope Francis described the alleged deaths of Indian children in church schools as genocide. “I asked forgiveness for this activity, which was genocide.” Over 80 Catholic churches have been burned in Canada over the deaths which may not have occurred.
The pope can accuse Christians and Jews of genocide, he just can’t seem to use the term to describe the actual Muslim genocide of Christians that is taking place around the world.
In Nigeria, the massacre of 50,000 Christians has not been condemned by him as a genocide.
Pope Francis is willing to describe the deaths of Muslims terrorists and their human shields as genocide, but not the mass murder of Christians praying in churches on Christmas.
Not content to sell out Christian communities around the world, he demands that Europe accept a stream of endless Muslim migrant invaders until Paris, London and Brussels are as unsafe for Christians as Nigeria.
Pope Francis has slurred Israel, but he is the one enabling a worldwide Christian genocide.
James Glynn says
Red Francis is a South American, Jesuit, Marxist who truly hates Western Civilization and thus the church he allegedly leads.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, Pope Commie is an open borders zealot (only open to the Western countries, natch) and fanatical islamophile. As if he’d let the islamopithecines come live in Vatican City. He’s a hypocrite and piece of shit.
And I hate his face. I’d like to punch it.
eric siverson says
The pope is Catholic but not Christian Catholic
WhiteHunter says
I have long questioned whether Francis is a Catholic, or even a Christian at all. You’re correct, James Glynn: He’s a South American Marxist.
He’s certainly not worthy of holding Office as the Vicar of Christ on Earth, and I gag at his assumption of a pope’s traditional title of “The Holy Father,” to be addressed as “Your Holiness,” because he’s neither.
As a “Fallen Catholic” myself, I’ve searched my conscience for several years with a yearning to return to Communion with the Church.
But not under this antipope, who seems determined to lead us not to Salvation, but instead to Damnation and Hell.
Tionico says
I would recimmend to cease referring to yourself as a “fallen catholic”. I would say that the catholic church has fallen away from the path it used to take. I was born and raised in that “faith” from birth to my 27th year. It was in that year I came into contat with some people who had come into a solid and life changing relationship with Jesus. I wanted what they had. Fify years on I’ve had it all this time.
The silly rules and regulations that might make you “feel holy”, whatever that was, (I never could learn that part) did nothing to build a real relationship with Jesus. I was good at doing what others said I should do… but found most of it did nothing to fill that hole in my life.
I’d recommend finding a bible and reading Luke’s two books, they are back to back in the bible.. His first hand account of his years walking with Jesus is recounted in his Gospel according to Luke. Turn a few pages and find his “second chapter” of the story, called The Actis of the Apostles, perhaps more accurately “the Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus.
Matt says
Just realize and/or learn that the earthly ministry of Christ and early Acts up to Acts chapter 9 have to do with God’s program with Israel, not the church the body of Christ. II Tim 2:15 is critical in this matter. Must rightly divide the Bible. Law and grace. Israel and the body of Christ. Giving under the Law, and giving under grace. Miracles and the suspension of miracles, and so on.
Matt says
Is the pope saved? Was any pope saved? If this pope were saved, he would not be a pope; or else he’d correct Catholicism’s teaching’s, but then he’d be impeached. It is the scriptures which lead men to salvation. 1 Cor. 15:1-4.
Dan Schnittker says
I am persuaded by the arguements that Bergoglio is not and has never been the pope. And you call him as much – antipope. Rejection of an antipope is communion with the Church. Lifesitenews recently had an article on the subject, and it is all over the web on trad Catholic sites. As a fellow lapsed Catholic, I have began attending TLM masses when I am able,. SSPX is has a magnificent new Cathedral in St. Mary’s, Kansas, 90 minutes away.
Ron Kelmell says
This Francis is a typical bureaucrat decorated with all the trappings. An insufferable magisterium authority coupled to a nuanced vocabulary dripping with moral superiority. tells it all. What a clown……..!
He is a great argument for the Protestant Reformation
Beto says
Oh,the reformation launched by notorious anti Jew Martin Luther? The same anti Jew who called on the authorities to slaughter the peasants who revolted against their feudal lords?
Matt says
And what business did the Lord have saving Saul of Tarsus?
Acts 22:4 “…I persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women.”
Galatians 1:13 “…ye have heard…how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it:”
Even Ananias in Acts 9 questioned the conversion of Saul.
Nevertheless, the Lord saved his bitterest enemy. Paul. Paul wrote nearly half of the NT, and Paul is the church’s apostle, not Peter or the Pope. Paul is God’s spokesman in this dispensation of grace.
So, in spite of whatever Luther had done, he got a great work done in getting the scriptures translated into German, and Luther helped recover Paul-ine truth; that salvation is by grace, not works.
C. Paul Barreira says
Late last year I read a few chapters of the “Cambridge Companion to Antisemitism”, an intensely depressing experience. On 19 October 2023 the Primate of the Anglican Church in Australia published a blood libel on the website of Australian Anglican Media. It remains in place. What really changes, if anything?
ShoshanaS says
Lloyd deJongh, a Catholic has a great channel and has a great piece about Martin Luther, the antisemite and his perversion of the bible.
Jeff Bargholz says
Well, in dubious defense of Martin Luther, he went insane in his later years. Who knows what the cause was, although some type of physical illness is likely. Lunatics can be held accountable for their actions but there’s no reason to judge them because, well, they’re crazy. Crazy people aren’t able to control themselves. I know some loonies and have intimate relations with them but I know they’re never going to be normal.
Crazy girls need love too, though, especially the hot ones I know.
TruthLaser says
You should produce a movie called “Loon River.”
Karma spaced out says
Is that why they call him a primate?
Roark says
“Between the desire
And the spasm
Between the potency
And the existence
Between the essence
And the descent
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom”
– The Hollow Men, TS Eliot
lethal says
Not speaking out about persecution of Christians seems to indicate one believes they deserve it
Mark Rogers says
Well, he did say that he preferred the word martyrdom…
Tionico says
I much prefer the term “life”.
Funny (not) he does not refer to the deaths of the mawzies as “martyrdom” but rather “genocide”.
I would posit that those groups of mawzies NOT bent on destruction and violence are not the targets of western aggression. But it is rather certain those ARE targets of violence by their own for “not being sufficiently zealous”
Patrick says
Pope Francis doesn’t even call abortion genocide (although he calls it murder). Yet abortion completely fits the definition of genocide: “The systematic killing of substantial numbers of people on the basis of ethnicity, religion, political opinion, social status, or other particularity.” The “other particularity” in this case is people still in the womb.
Jack Popejoy says
Jeff Bargholz says
I think he’s a DERP hire.
Beto says
What-s interesting is that a Jesuit became Pope after the order was disbanded in the 1700s for being troublesome
Annie45 says
Jesus himself said “Blessed are they who are persecuted because
of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Cowardly Pope Francis faces no persecution from the murderous
Muslims for standing against their genocide of Christians. As the
leader of Catholics throughout the world – he has failed miserably
in leading them along the righteous path to a denouncement of
Islamic atrocities. And to the whole world becoming aware of
It is likely more deliberate on Bergoglio’s part than cowardice.
If so, there’s no point telling him to go to hell. He’s already on
his way.
Tionico says
The main issue with this fraud of a prelate is not that he is the designated “leader” but that so many continue to FOLLOW him.. into perdition.
Neil says
Pope Francis is a godless, communist, atheist who worships the Golden Calf of Socialism. He comes from a communist order that was originally created to persecute Protestants during The Spanish Inquisition. He always meddles in politics in violation of Jesus’s commandment To render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s & To God what is God’s & is therefore in rebellion against God. He is the Anti-Pope of the Anti-Church of the Antichrist!
Tionico says
Hmmm now you have brough up the term “antichrist”, firs know that this is not a designation for a specific PERSON but merely a label, after applying a simple one question tst to any given individual, which describes whether a given individual is “for CHris” (or with Him) or “agains Chris”, or opposed, even simply NOT FOR Him.
I would love to brush up on my high school latin (back when John 23rd was pope) and ask this south american misfit one question:
Has Jesus Christ come in the flesh? Yes or no?
Beto says
🥱 evangelical clap trap
Steve says
Jews in Rome were rounded up October 1943, in sight of the Vatican. Of the over 1,000 seized and deported to Auschwitz, only 15 survived (14 men and one woman). When Vatican remained silent then, it abdicated any authority to lecture to (and delegitimatize) Israel. Pope Francis has about as much moral currency as Joy Reid, or Mika & Joe. And the notion of using the word “genocide” while defending Hamas and Hezbollah is a lie so vast it might have embarrassed Josef Goebbels.
Jeff Bargholz says
Goebbels didn’t actually lie. He thought propaganda should be fact based. He was an evil scumbag who compared Jews to scampering rats – in film! but he wasn’t a liar like Hitler. He really believed that psycho shit.
CharlieSeattle says
The Vatican Perv’s are going HeII and they know it.
Spurwing Plover says
The Pope is a total Imposter the Vatican blew it big time and Satan is rubbing his hands together over how his Pope is in
Allan Goldstein says
The Vatican is on the muslims’ hit list.
We Jews come first as we are fewer in number.
This is yet another reason why Jews should support Israel adopting a new and different stance concerning her nuclear weapons: Israel should BRANDISH those weapons and make credible threats to use them…..and then proceed to do so (because anti-Semites are relentless and will never stop until killed).
It is time for Israel to give the world REAL nightmares. …..not just the faked up “genocide” claim that no one really believes.
Glenn says
I still can’t find the “Pope” in the Bible.
Tionico says
Worse yet, the “pope” is called “THE Vicar of Christ on earth”. Vicar is replacer, or substitute for., Placeholder, From the latin.
Since Jesus IS who He is, and stands fully on His own authority, and since there is ONLY ONE saviour and redeemer who died for OUR evil ways, NO ONE can take His place or substitute for Him. Only HE is above all, He stands alone in that place being both God and man.
thus the pope cannot be what he is claimed to be. Jesus NEEDS no substitute nor placeholder and indeed cannot have one because here IS NONE LIKE HIM. .
Beto says
It’s called Peter– aja the rock
Matt says
Peter is not the rock. When Peter is resurrected, this Jewish man is going to sit on a throne in Jerusalem judging his particular Jewish tribe.
Matthew 19:28 “…Jesus said unto them…shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”
The Rock is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Deuteronomy 32:18 “Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee.”
1 Corinthians 10:4 “…they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.”
Duncan says
The Pope’s antisemitism should come as no surprise because if we read authentic world history deeply we will discover that the Vatican has always hated Israel and its people. Kind of looks like demonically inspired jealousy.
RS says
THE POPE IN PROPHECY. It is very likely that the Pope will serve as the Antichrist’s right hand man, referred to in THE SCRIPTURES as the FALSE PROPHET. REVELATION 19:20. The False Prophet is referred to as the head of a world wide religion that supports the rules of the Antichrist.
In Today’s world, the Pope is the most likely candidate for this role. As a Jesuit priest,. Francis is particularly interested in bringing the “separated brethren”. back into the fold to be included under the umbrella of the Roman Catholic Church.
He calls himself the “Vicar of Christ”. The word Vicar means stand in or substitute. So does this pope consider himself to be a “substitute for Christ?” He calls himself the Holy Father and accepts worship of himself. (His title, his name, and his acceptance of worship constitute blasphemy. The True Vicar of Christ is the HOLY SPIRIT, NOT THE POPE.
Cassandra says
I believe the poop is creating a new cult with his muslim brotherhood pals: chrislam or marxchrism.
Duncan says
The cult is the woman/”great prostitute” sitting on a scarlet beast of Revelation 17, “and on her forehead was written a name of mystery: ‘Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth’s abominations.'”
She is the end times one-world religion which is an amalgamation of all apostate and pagan belief systems with the Vatican on the top of the pile, a pope fulfilling the role as the False Prophet (ch. 13).
Tionico says
Folow in a bit further… toward the end of that chapter.
The Beast is called he woman who sits on the seven hills. Hmm. “the city that sits on seven hills” is always and only ROme. Further, there are seven kings…five are not (who are the first five caesars/kings of Rome?) More important, whis is the SIXTH? The “one that is now”? Nero is the sixth. in the line of Caesars. HE is the very one who had John put into chains on Patmos, where he wrote the Revelation. This John is cryptically naming he current emperor and establishing him in the line, and also the time when he was writing was during this caesar’s ruler, which ended April 68. That is also why he is so cagey about the mark and number/name of “the beast”. Knowing that if he spells it out in plain language and his Book gets found and associated with him writing it, Nero Casear would NOT take kindly to describing him so accurately.
Duncan says
A common misconception is to not recognize that the Greek word for “hills” is different than the word for the correct translation .”mountains.” Mountains in Scripture signify kingdoms, i.e., the seven beast powers through history which interact with Israel – Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome & the end times kingdom of the Antichrist. The woman/prostitute is not the beast but represents abject paganism which is the religious philosophy that contaminates them all. These kingdoms make up the seven-headed beast that the pagan/mystical/occult/Luciferian woman ‘rides.’
THX 1138 says
Syncretism always happens with religions and with mysticism, since there is no objective reality to point to, to establish what is objective and what is not.
Alkflaeda says
Syncretism only happens when people care about something else more than they care about the truth. The syncretism of Constantine’s state church would not have happened if the church of the time had said “Sorry, we’re not going to introduce a whole new festival that celebrates the birthday of the Babylonian god Tammuz on the 25th December just to accommodate the Babylonian religion.” Of course, there would then have been many more Christian martyrs, because Christians would have been on Constantine’s hit list along with the Jews.
Tionico says
Bear in mind as well it was Nero who so seriously and violently persecuted the church during his reign… from about Nov 64 through his death in April 68 Convenient that this time period is precisely “a time, two times, and half a ime”, he predicted Persecution Jesus foretold. Followed by a similar period of tribulation which was largely in Israel starting soon afger Nero’s death as the zealots (remember them? “Crucify Him” was their handiwork)
The false prophet came along and perpetrated the “abomination of desloation”, offering a sacrifice in the Holy of Holies in the Jerusalem temple.. this was Titus Imperator, (the date is known but I don’t have time to look it up just now) the Roman general who was summoned to help Vespasian and his two divisions, the best fighting force in the ROman army. Immediately following itus and his men began to systematically and carefully dismantle the Temple, leaving it precisely in the condition Jesus foretold.. not one stone left upon another. Those who lisened to and remembered Jesus’ words.. when you see the abomination of desloation in the temple… GIT OUTTA TOWN NOW. learned of Titus’ performance and did exactly that. Josephus the Jewish historian records that about 860,000 pekple left Jeriusalem wthin days of that event, heading out to the orth and into the hills, then.. off to every corener of the Roman world at the time.
All of this is recorded in both Jewish and Roman records of he day. If you are brave enough, calculate the tome from the death of Nero to the time of the destruction of Jerusalem by the roman armies. Yeah, it is “a time, two times, and half a time”. Funny that, eh?
If you are still brave, turn back to the beginning of Jphn’s book…. in his intro he tells what his book will be about…. tings that MUST SOON COME TO PASS. That word “soon” has a bit of leeway, but in no wild fit of imagination can that time period be sretched to two thousand years. No, the term means “at the door”, within ndays or at most a very few months. Jon wrote those words in about 65 or so AD, and Jerusalem fell in about 70 or 71. six or so years. Not two thousand and six.. and counting.
Intrepid says
Syncretism. Dredging up an oldie but goodie. It’s really nice to know that nothing changes in your world. Especially your penchant for using words that no one else uses.
But I guess it’s the only way you can feel superior to the rest of us.
ShoshanaS says
The popes new religion: chrislam:
Abrahamic House
G20 and Interfaith
Chislam and the Pope
World Religion and Woke
From the guardian:
Here are some pictures:
THX 1138 says
Oh Shoshana, pray tell, what is the correct INTERPRETATION of the Bible and what is a perversion?
Exegesis of the Bible is like reading tea leaves. It is not objective philosophy. It is not rational science.
Of course, Martin Luther was a rabid antisemite that does not mean he was perverting the Bible.
Luther’s interpretation is as good or bad as any other mystic’s reading of the supernatural tea leaves.
“Factional agendas underpin the writing of the canonical texts, and the various New Testament documents are windows into the conflict and debates of that period.[4] According to Timothy Johnson, mutual slandering among competing sects was quite strong in the period when these works were composed.[5] The New Testament moreover is an ensemble of texts written over decades and “it is quite meaningless to speak about a single New Testament attitude”.[6]” – Antisemitism and the New Testament, Wikipedia
Intrepid says
Amazing, You wait a whole week to dispense your personal misery and this is what you come up with?
Exegesis of the bible? Tea leaves? Another Luther slam? And an incomprehensible paragraph of New testament gibbersh that talks about different interpretations of the New Testament. Well knock me over with a feather. Of course we will never see different interpretations of Randian nonsense.
Not allowed under Randian rules.
Why not an exegesis of the collected works of Rand and Lenny? Maybe there isn’t enough there to expound on. Or maybe it’s not worth anyone’s time. Or maybe you aren’t worth anyone’s time.
Larry D. says
Re: Canada – The church established tuition-free boarding schools at a time when the global child mortality rate was astronomical, a period that predated antibiotics and included the Spanish flu pandemic. Though GPR (radar) images were not inconsistent with burials, subsequent excavations have, so far, found nothing.
danknight says
Well, communists-leftists never let facts get in the way of a blood libel.
Recently heard a Canadian indigenous “expert” claim that a native dying of Tuberculosis is genocide.
I think I saw it on matt walsh’s podcast, but I’m not sure.
Just to point how deranged they are. And stupid.
Billy Bones says
Not surprising the Pope would ignore this slaughter, after all the entire mainstream media won’t touch it either. Especially what’s happening in Africa. Black Muslims killing black Christians literally by the busload. Front Page Magazine and Jihad Watch are the only two media outlets on the planet that cover this horror.
Alkflaeda says
There’s also the Raymond Ibrahim website, and PJ Media.
Justin Swingle says
REALILTY: CATHOLICISM is one of the great of evils, if not the greatest, of west civilizations. The history of the instutition speaks glaringly of its crimes all over europe and the americas.
I put CATHOLICISM on par with communism and fascism as a destructive force on mankind.
Ultimately, the Catholic Church as little to do with Christianity period beyond the plaster saints it displays to paint another false picture. It’s ALL a display and Jesus Christ, in my opinion, would be appalled at what the Catholics have perpetrated throughout history in His name.
anyway….. no one gives a muck what francis says about anything. he is entirely inconsequential and that is his only path for survival.
Justin Swingle says
Wall Street Journal Slams Pope Francis for Abetting ‘Anti-Israel Forces’
“According to some experts, what is happening in Gaza has the characteristics of a genocide,” the pontiff stated in the book, excerpts of which were published last Sunday.
Pope Francis had already described Israel’s military incursions in Gaza as “terrorism” and a “massacre,” but significantly escalated his rhetoric by suggesting that Israel’s actions may constitute genocide.
“There is something disturbing about a pope accusing Jews — the victims of genocide themselves — of genocide while they are fighting for survival on several fronts against enemies aiming to destroy them,” the journal’s op-ed asserts.
“Especially after the barbarous Oct. 7 massacre of unarmed Israeli civilians that started the war, and the follow-up Hamas strategy of using innocent Palestinian civilians as human shields,” it adds.
Justin Swingle says
MARY I (Tudor Dynasty) burned to death at the stake more than 300 ‘heretics’. Their crimes were not that they did not embrace Christ or Christianity but that they did not embrace the CATHOLIC view as to what that meant. They refused Catholicism and paid the ultimate price.
Put a match to your finger to see what these Christians endured in the name of Mary’s CATHOLICISM.
Here at home we could look at the crimes Spaniards perpetrated against indigenous Indians in the name of CATHOLICISM. The Catholic Mission system of California is an example.
and then, how many billions $$$$ has the CATHOLIC church paid out in settlements to ped CATHOLIC priests, which remains an on going issue???
These are only fragments of the crimes CATHOLICISM has perpetrated against humanity as they hide behind the name of JESUS CHRIST!
Beto says
You skipped the parts where Protestants did the same to Catholics
danknight says
Hatred only works one way.
He should try reading the Sermon on the Mount.
Beto says
Said like a good Communist
poop francis is the worst that the sad 3rd world hellhole that is Argentina has to offer.
He had for most of his life sympathies for the worst argentinean fascist mafia that passes for a political party and has had an almost uninterrupted hold on power for more than 80 years.
No decent person in Argentina has anything good to say about these fascists that started with an individual that had sympathies for Benito Mussolini and brought his fascism to latin-america around the 1940s and basically destroyed anything good that could be found in Argentina.
The current President Milei, the very opposite of those fascist clowns, is the result of the tiredness of the Argentinean people for those 80 years of decadence.
That fascist artentinean party decided long ago that a turn to the left was the fashion of the day and today you have people like poop francis that have a worldview born from Mussolini and turned pink and then red.
Do not expect decency or love for Western civilization from him nor any sympathy for Jews unless they are leftoxenomorph-un-Jews.
poop francis is the argentinean equivalent of an AINO-Venezuerican d卐m☭nrat so you can know what to expect from . . . that . . .
BTW, Argentina has rejected the Jew-hating recent decision of the pro-pisslam ʹinternational criminal courtʹ on the subject of arrest warrants.
Milei and all decent Argentineans are on the side of Israel.
Edward Amos Brandwein says
MuggsSpongedice says
Religion gives many comfort and there have been many of all the religions of Christendom and the Hebrews anointed by YHVH.
Religion gives many comfort and strength.
But religion will not be in the 3rd and Final Heaven-Earth Age – aka – eternal life
Religion will whore after the antichrist and pretty much is deadheaded to the same now.
I believe in YHVH and Yeshua Messiah – but not through any religion but calling on THEM on my own.
Phew – I escaped that morass of the swamp.
Gordon says
There is a movement, or an idea, within the Catholic Church that Catholicism will become the religion of the New World Order. They believe for some reason that Islam, and others, will somehow merge or become disciples of Catholicism. This is why the Catholic Church is so heavily involved in UN migration agenda. They are infected with the madness of the globalist elites.
Alkflaeda says
It would not surprise me if Islam itself had seeded that idea – as taqiyya, not because they have any intention of becoming Catholic.
Beto says
Stop 🚬 cheap stuff
Kit_Jefferson says
The College of Cardinals has chosen very poorly.
Steve Chavez says
“ISN’T IT IRONIC that Godless Leftist Vampires, who always cringe at the sight of a Crucifix… LOVE THIS pOPE?” SC
LionelMandrake says
I was hoping Mr Greenfield was talking about the real Genocide via the Big Three: Bioweapons/Cures, Net Zero and of course, WW3. . The one targeting the entire human race that makes anything this Pope does a walk in the park.
On the WW3 part, maybe you can help stop this most efficient method:
Alkflaeda says
It is to be hoped that Mr Trump will have more sense that Mr Biden on this one.
Anthony F says
Seems like the feet washing story has rewritten by fans of John Lennon? To make it all about in-groups/out-groups, immigrants/natives, sinners/righteous etc, is to make that motif too much a “respecter of persons” in a temporal sense. Isn’t it more about how authority, in imitation of the absolute highest authority, does for what’s under it because we, and literally everything, are first and foremost under His authority (who does what sometimes to human eyes seems to be far beneath that highest level of glory).
Steven Brizel says
This pope is guided by so called liberation theology which is Marxist and woke
Sword of The Spirit says
I was in prison 40 years ago so I know what I am talking about when I mention the word punk. People who have never been in prison use the work jokingly and the best example of that being; “hey ya little punk”. Or “awe he’s just a little punk”. But in prison, being called a punk is a VERY serious matter. Being a punk is a devistating thing. I won’t go into the details as they are too disgusting. But you can use your imagination.
The “Holy Roman Poop” is a punk.
Andrew Blackadder says
The Polish Pope was not shot by a Jew or a Christian nor a Hindu, nor a Buddhist..
The silence of this Argentinian Pope about the brutal slaughter of his flock in Nigeria TODAY is deafening to my ears.
Sure glad I wasn’t brought up as a Catholic..
Fk the Pope.. he is evil through and through.
One day his muslim buddies are going to attack that massive wall built around the Vatican that was created to keep the islamic warriors out centuries ago..
Atikva says
It’s not cowardise, the Pope is a politician playing the role assigned to him by the islamo-leftist clique to eviscerate christianity.
Matt says
200+ times in the Bible (KJB) it says God is the God of Israel. Catholicism knows this. For decades the Vatican did not recognize the state of Israel, nor did the Vatican in that time send an ambassador to Israel. And Catholicism is in denial, or just ignores the fact, about who the apostle Peter was and will be when Peter is resurrected. Peter indeed had the keys of the kingdom, but it was, will be, a kingdom vested in Israel, not Rome or the Vatican. And Peter was not in Rome, nor will he be. When he is resurrected he will sit on a throne in Jerusalem, not Rome, judging his particular Jewish tribe. The saying, “robbing Peter to pay Paul” is wrong. Paul is the one being robbed to the detriment of the understanding of many Christian’s.
Beto says
Nonsense . The new (and improved) testament shoes that the old covenant with Israel is null and void
Matt says
Has Jeremiah 31:31-34, the New Covenant, come to pass yet?
jboo7 says
Historically, this God came from Egypt.
God is NOT the God of Israel
And a primitive one, as such a “God” could only exist in that tribal land.
BU NO TRUE BELIEVER, whether Judaic, Christian or Moslem.
Matt says
“God is NOT the God of Israel.”
“He trusted in the LORD God of Israel…”
2 Kings 18:5.
What were you saying, now?
john blackman says
the catholic church is the bibles babylon the harlot . israel was condemned for baking cakes to the queen of heaven . the catholic church will be the antichrists right hand man during the 7 year tribulation and will be party to getting rid of the jewish problem . prepare for the worst .
Beto says
called Rohingya” in reference to an invasive Muslim group of migrants who had been expelled from Burma after engaging in systematic violence against Buddhists.”
That’s dishonest, Daniel. The Rohinya have been oppressed to the point of, yes, genocide, by Myanmar ‘s (not Burma) military regime. In fact, the Buddhist leaders have cheered on the genocide which resulted in one mily fleeing to Bangladesh.
jboo7 says
Netanyahu is acting in the way of a SUPERIOR RACE “CLEANSING” OUT AN INFERIOR ONE
Let us be clear about one thing:
danknight says
Nonsense. There are no mass killings in Gaza. No one is targeting women and children. No one is killing Gazans to eliminate a race.
All of the blood in Gaza is on the hands of Islam. That’s because it is okay to slaughter women and children according to Islam. So Hamas uses them as human shields…
All of the deaths in Gaza can be attributed to Hamas.
There is no genocide – and never can be a genocide – when the so-called victims can stop the war at any time.
Hamas just has to surrender. And the war will stop.
When the so-called victims can stop a war by surrendering. It is not a genocide.
A genocide happens when the victims are slaughtered after they surrender. Nothing like that has happened. Not even in the alleged cases of prisoner abuse. Because the enemy has not surrendered.
The Vatican famously took this stance during World War 2, was having tea with the Grand Mufti. What else is new?