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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
On city streets and on campuses across the country, posters of kidnapped Jewish families, women and children are being torn down by Hamas supporters. Why are they doing it?
Students for Justice in Palestine at Drew University issued a statement claiming that the posters of abducted children “use triggering and insensitive language” and “delegitimize the need for Palestinian resistance”.
Drew’s SJP chapter had responded to the Hamas massacres, rapes and kidnappings by hailing them as “an act of resistance” against the “Zionist Imperialist Territories” and defending the atrocities by arguing that “every Israeli civilian has served, is serving, or will serve in the Israeli Defense Forces” so that “all Israelis citizens are inherently complicit in the occupation of Palestine”. That presumably includes the Jewish babies and children murdered by Hamas: including Noya Dan, a 12-year-old autistic girl, killed along with her 80-year-old grandmother.
That’s nothing less than a defense for the extermination of the Jews by a campus organization.
The Students for Justice in Palestine chapter finds it “triggering” to actually see posters of its victims and complains that they “delegitimize” Hamas. It’s traumatic for Hamas supporters to see their terrorist organization cast in a bad light for kidnapping kids. Colleges are supposed to be safe spaces for terrorists and their supporters to celebrate their atrocities and cry when their victims fight back. It’s certainly not a place where terrorists should ever be made to feel bad.
Will no one feel any pity for the trauma of terrorist supporters traumatized by their victims?
The New York Times, which loves terrorists almost as much as SJP does, described tearing down the posters of kidnapped women, children and senior citizens as “its own form of protest” and a “release valve” which is no doubt as true of it as it is of Klansmen burning crosses on lawns.
Like most forms of pro-terrorist protest, which includes blocking roads and assaulting Jewish students, it’s destructive and malicious, and so properly represents the ‘Palestinian’ cause.
The cowardly ‘rippers’ when caught often try to hide their faces or play the victim.
Miles Grant, a leftist activist who tears down the posters, complained to the New York Times that they suffered from a “lack of context” of “why did this happen”. The problem with the posters was that they failed to explain why the hostages had it coming.
Grant then conspiratorially accused the Jews responsible of putting them up in order “to bait people to take them down”. And by taking them down, he wasn’t a perpetrator, he was a victim of a cunning plot to make him look like a monster.
“I think it’s disgusting how they’re trying to destroy people’s lives,” the man who is trying to cover up the plight of kidnapped children fumed.
Worse still, the Jews even put families within driving distance of Gaza to bait Hamas terrorists into torturing, raping and killing them, all just as an excuse to destroy Miles Grant’s life.
Rafael Shimunov, a veteran anti-Israel activist, claimed that the kidnapped posters were “being used to target Palestinians” and urged Jews “to understand why they’re taking them down.”
It’s not the terrorist supporters that are intolerant for tearing down the posters of the hostages, but the Jews who are intolerant for not understanding how the terrorists are the real victims.
The Left claims that even the lightest forms of memorializing Jewish victims of Islamic terrorism is a form of violence whereas the murder, rape and kidnapping of Jews is an act of resistance. And when war is peace and peace is war, then tearing down posters becomes an act of peace.
In Florida, Ahmed ElKoussa, who was caught ripping down posters, claimed that he was trying “to promote peace, it’s to deescalate the situation that we’re going through and make sure that our communities are safe.” Safety and peace, at least within Islam, come from attacking Jews.
After massacring over 1,000 Jews, Hamas in Gaza is the official victim now that Israel started fighting back. But even the most non-violent form of speech also makes terrorists into victims.
A poster of a kidnapped child is now an Islamophobic hate crime.
In the UK, the Met Police claimed that they were tearing down the posters as part of some “reasonable steps to stop issues escalating and to avoid any further increase in community tension.” Muslim rallies calling for jihad have not been shut down because they don’t escalate anything or lead to community tensions, but posters of kidnapped people escalate tensions.
Similar scenes of government action were seen in Germany and other parts of Europe.
What the story of the posters reveals is that any resistance to Islamic terrorism is unacceptable. A poster of kidnapped Israeli hostages is as bad as an Israeli air strike taking out a Hamas terrorist. To justify Hamas atrocities, their supporters, like Students for Justice in Palestine, must dehumanize Israelis as monsters, occupiers, soldiers and settlers, and any depiction of them as human, let alone images of kidnapped elderly women and children, must be suppressed.
In April 1945, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, along with General Patton and General Bradley, visited the first concentration camp liberated: Ohrdruf: a sub-camp of the infamous Buchenwald. The Nazis, who had been using prisoners to prepare an underground bunker for the regime, killed whom they could before fleeing, leaving behind emaciated corpses lying everywhere.
Patton threw up while Eisenhower wrote, “I never dreamed that such cruelty, bestiality, and savagery could really exist in this world!” Afterward Patton ordered the Nazi mayor and his wife to witness what was done. They came, they saw, and then went home and killed themselves.
So too the ‘rippers’ who don’t want to see the consequences of the crimes they support.
Eisenhower and Patton forced ordinary Nazis to come face to face with what they had supported. At Ohrdruf and other places, Nazi civilians were forced to bury the dead. After years of propaganda, they could no longer deny the atrocities that their movement had committed.
On college campuses, the new Nazis drink vegan lattes instead of schnapps, but like the townsfolk living near the camps, they don’t want to see what it is they support. Jews haven’t hung up posters of corpses, only those of the living, but even so it’s too much for them. Like the Nazis, their postmodern descendants play the victim when forced to witness the least of it.
They don’t want to see evidence of their crimes. That’s why it’s vital to make them see.
Hamas supporters, like Nazis, should be traumatized, they should be confronted with evidence of their crimes, and if that upsets them, if the “insensitive language” triggers those Hamas supporters who celebrated the mass murder of the innocent, so much the better.
Evil thrives in echo chambers and bubbles. On streets and campuses across America, Hamas supporters tearing down posters of kidnapped Israelis are being confronted with their evil.
There may be no way to make them bury the dead, but they can at least face the living.
Excellent work Daniel! I was going to mention something similar happening in Germany in 1945, but you nailed it.
The atrocities are now being denied–all over the internet–which I suppose makes it easy to call Jews murderers and ethnic cleansers for doing something about it.
War has a lot of murder – the intentional killing of another with malice aforethought. But “murder” is the right of governments in the defense of their land and people.
The problem with Hamas is it really wants neither land or even people. It wants the death of Jews. That is all it wants.
Not just Hamas, but the vast majority of “Palestinians”. They are indistinguishable from Arabs in neighboring countries in language, predominant Sunni Muslim religion and culture. Moreover, they don’t give a rat’s ass whether they’re ruled by Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah, King Abdullah or Assad of Syria. They just want Israel destroyed and its Jewish population annihilated. That’s the sum and substance of Palestinian national aspirations.
The barbarity of the Hamas pogrom- 1,400 Jews murdered in a single day, beheadings of infants in front of their parents, rapes, necrophilia and mutilation of corpses has also confirmed something I’ve long suspected: if given half a chance the Palestinians would perpetrated a Rwandan Genocide style massacre of Israeli Jews in which women, children and civilian men would also participate. Germans may have preferred to hide behind curtains while Jews were rounded up for deportation to death camps where genocide was reduced to an industrial process, but Palestinians would relish killing Jews with their bare hands in the bloodiest manner possible.
it’s not because they want a ‘state’ (which they would never deserve). They just don’t want Jews to have one.
They want the Jews’ property, though — even their land, which they cannot care for. They turn everything into a slum or a desert; it’s their way.
They won’t stop with Jews. They hate everyone, and when they run out of infidels to kill, they whack each other.
Of course. Hitler didn’t stop with the Jews. And if western “liberals” think their obsequiousness toward Muslims will save them, they’re all as addled as Joe Biden.
This is Holocaust denial on a massive level led by the newspaper that.whitewashed the rise of Communism and Nazism snd buried the Holocaust in its news coverage
Yes. A newspaper headed by frightened German Jews turned Episcopalians.
If The New York Times wrote about Muslims or transgender people the way ir writes about Jews and Israel, its offices would be a smoldering ruin and its “journalists” would be hunted war criminals.
It’s difficult to imagine a Muslim mayor and wife committing suicide over their crimes, yes?
Perhaps a more organized picture campaign is needed. With security and volunteers to repost and repost Or post pictures of scenes of the dead. Or terriers humiliated by capture.
The point of tearing down is to prevent ANY sympathy to Jews (whatever the bizarre verbal rationale) or any facts so as to continue demonization. Without hate they have nothing.
Thank you Daniel, for hitting it out of the parkw….again. I’d suggest everyone go to “X” and watch the helmet cam video of the IDF soldiers coming across dozens of bodies of young people lying slaughtered on the ground at the music festival. All un-pixilated. Show this to all the pro-Palestinian children. Make them watch. Do not look away.
“There may be no way to make them bury the dead, but they can at least face the living.”
Not everyone will cling to the cognitive dissonance of leftist propaganda. Miles Grant’s complaint of “lack of context” screams of the kind of citizen produced by leftist indoctrination. His feeling “triggered” might lead to a re-evaluation of all that he thought was real. So there is a little sliver of hope.
Unfortunately, world war is becoming much more likely largely because of leftist policies. Most of our soldiers have been nursed in the soft caresses of leftist lies and are sorely unprepared for the wrenching realities when the old world order is re-asserted.
God help us. He is and always has been our only hope.
“Afterward Patton ordered the Nazi mayor and his wife to witness what was done. They came, they saw, and then went home and killed themselves.
So too the ‘rippers’ who don’t want to see the consequences of the crimes they support.
Eisenhower and Patton forced ordinary Nazis to come face to face with what they had supported….
They don’t want to see evidence of their crimes. That’s why it’s vital to make them see.”
The crucial difference between Nazism and Islam is that Nazism was an embryonic, evolving, religion. The German Nazis were still half-way secular, semi-rational, one foot in reality and one foot in supernaturalism. What was crucially still missing in Nazism was the reward of an eternal afterlife in a supernatural utopian Paradise as a reward for all the misery, poverty, evil, and death in this life.
Islam suffers no such deficiency in its supernatural, theological, fantasy. So you can show the Muslims their evil but it will only fill them with pride and joy because torturing and killing infidels will reward them with eternal life in Paradise.
The more seriously you believe in a supernatural, vastly superior, afterlife as a reward for your religious devotion in this life, the more you will discount this life as insignificant. This was just as true for Christians and Jews in the Dark and Middle ages as it still is for Muslims today.
“Amalric’s own version of the siege, described in his letter to Pope Innocent in August 1209 (col.139), states:
Indeed, because there is no strength nor is there cunning against God, while discussions were still going on with the barons about the release of those in the city who were deemed to be Catholics, the servants and other persons of low rank and unarmed attacked the city without waiting for orders from their leaders. To our amazement, crying “to arms, to arms!”, within the space of two or three hours they crossed the ditches and the walls and Béziers was taken. Our men spared no one, irrespective of rank, sex or age, and put to the sword almost 20,000 people. After this great slaughter the whole city was despoiled and burnt, as divine vengeance miraculously raged against it.[citation needed]
About 20 years later, Caesarius of Heisterbach relates this story about the massacre:
When they discovered, from the admissions of some of them, that there were Catholics mingled with the heretics they said to the abbot “Sir, what shall we do, for we cannot distinguish between the faithful and the heretics.” The abbot, like the others, was afraid that many, in fear of death, would pretend to be Catholics, and after their departure, would return to their heresy, and is said to have replied “Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius – Kill them all for the Lord knoweth them that are His” (2 Tim. ii. 19) and so countless number in that town were slain.” – Massacre at Beziers
And this proves that Rand is correct? A story from the year 1221? Are you that desperate to denigrate Catholics?
This could be your most moronic post ever. In this case the history was OK yet poorly written. But then you go off into your usual bacchanalia of of Judeo-Christian hatred and try to compare it to Islam.
You just couldn’t help yourself, could you. Your philosophy and worldview is as addictive as heroin. And you need your fix everyday, don’t you.
If these are your words you are a terrible writer, less than average. If it’s someone else that you stole from, you have awful taste. Your obsession with Nazism is driving you crazy.
“The more seriously you believe in a supernatural, vastly superior, afterlife as a reward for your religious devotion in this life, the more you will discount this life as insignificant. ”
Complete nonsense. your pretending you know a person’s inner thoughts.
Here, I’ll fix it for you: “The more seriously one believes in a supernatural, vastly superior, afterlife as a reward for one’s religious devotion in this life, the more one will COUNT THIS LIFE as SIGNIFICANT.
I’m a Catholic. I know. You’re an atheist. You don’t know.
The MSM leads all newscasts now with bombings in Gaza showing thousands of men, some carrying the wounded and the dead, although some of it looks staged. Why don’t those men, “Not all Palestinians are Hamas.” TAKE UP ARMS AGAINST HAMAS since they live with them, know who they are and where they hide, since Hamas is using the population as HUMAN SHIELDS with Hamas blocking exits to the innocents?
The MSM has forgotten the Israeli carnage, the rapes, the decapitations, the cutting out a baby from the womb and shooting it, etc…. ? Who are the kidnapped and the family stories?
THE WORLD IS CHOOSING SIDES! Let the American supporters of terrorists come out of the closet for all to see! Let Obama come out with his fake support for Israel when he snubbed Netanyahu and then adds a “BUT” then has language that shows his support for HAMAS! PUT HIM UNDER A MICROSCOPE TO FIND HIS TREASONOUS ACTS!
You don’t have to put him under a microscope. The JCPOA would have given the self-declared anti-American terrorist regime Iran nuclear weapons. That’s treasonous right then and there.
“posters of abducted children “use triggering and insensitive language” and “delegitimize the need for Palestinian resistance”.
Yup! Palestinian resistance IS illegitimate.
Do these rippers really believe themselves what they say about trauma and triggers? Of course not.
But they certainly expect everyone else to swallow what they say.
They expect millions, billions around the woke world to swallow the lie.
That is the purpose of all wokeism up until now. All of it has been a calculated preparation and building up to this world-encompassing moment, to let loose a woke Holocaust with the world’s assent, any last vestige of struggling morality, now obsolete.
They are complicit and comfortable with evil. It excites them.
These rippers are not enraged because they are forced to confront evil.
They are enraged because the posters are of captive Israelis who are still alive and not yet dead.
That makes more sense to me.
The universities should be expelling the rippers.
Donors and states should be defunding these schools.
But better than that, members of the boards of trustees should be exposed for who they are (they’re the ones who hire the presidents). These universities should be closed down. Classes suspended.
These universities are, like universities in 1930’s Germany, squeezing out the Jewish students.
Part of the plan.
Networks should stop interviewing Jewish students and asking them, “How does it feel?” Really? You know how the Jewish student feels.
Don’t be a detached observer. Ask the other, non-Jewish kids in the class. Involve them. Ask them, “What do you think? What do you feel? What do you see? What do you care
about? Do you think there should be a ‘humanitarian pause’ imposed on social networks? For whom are you voting in tomorrow’s election and why?”
Why are the terrorist supporters not expelled and jailed?
I’m not worried about poster rippers as much as I am about throat rippers, which is what these vile people will be doing with virtual impunity if their percentage of the population increases. Limiting their numbers here in the U. S. Is of paramount importance.
The posters “use triggering and insensitive language” to describe atrocites; y’know, beheaded babies etc etc etc. Well, I suppose that might be true. Does it “delegitimize the need for Palestinian resistance”? Yep. “Delegitimize” is the exact word. The entire “Palestinian” program has been delegitimized by the actions of Hamas. And if you’re disturbed by seeing pictures of it, you shouldn’t be supporting it.
Actually Patton’s response of making the local townsfolk come and take a good look at what had happened under their own noses is what the Israelis should do. They local mayor and his wife did kill themselves. They left a note. It read
“We didn’t know … But we knew.”
These Nazis had more shame than so called “Palestinians”.
Maybe if Israel had forced their “Palestinian” neighbors to help clean up the ruins of the music festival Hamas had destroyed in their name …
Oh never mind.
How about sending these triggered snowflakes over to help the Hamas fighters they support? Only then will they understand what getting traumatized means.
When are we going to have the courage to start telling these protesters to f&&k off and grow up? The posters are “insensitive and triggering?” But beheading babies, raping women and killing mercilessly is not insensitive and triggering? These clueless, brain-dead idiots really didn’t win any prizes in the brain cell lottery…
What a bunch of indecent soulless losers.
Time to de-program these monsters-in-the-making. If this were the 1930’s, these same “protestors” would be ranting with rage against Jews, cheering on the daily genocidal programs against the Jews, and portraying the Jews as the perpetrators and themselves as victims. In hindsight, people now wonder why these despicable thugs were not eliminated befire they became card-carrying members if the NAZl party – and actual barbarious murderers.
Better than schadenfreude
I was going to comment on that, lol. Florida, right? Razors on the back of the posters. Instant karma for tearing them down. Jihadis love having blood on their hands and like to show it off, just not their own blood.
I’m glad they have the victimhood/therapeutic language thing down pat. Isn’t that a Western thing? I call cultural appropriation. Now they’re really in trouble.
Not to make light of the atrocities or Mr. Greenfield’s article but, with a few changes here and there this could read like a Babylon Bee story. It points out the absolute absurdity of these ignoramuses need to give meaning to their shallow lives. As mj stated above, it excites them and that’s all that matters to a stupid reactionary or a psychopath.
They call themselves Students for Justice but we call them Snowflakes
The “triggering and insensitive language” on the posters:
[photo: name, age]
Kidnapped from his home by Hamas
On October 7, nearly 200 innocent Israelis were abducted from Israel into the Gaza Strip. Their whereabouts remain unknown.
More than 3000 women, men and children, ranging in age from 3 months to 85 years old, were wounded, murdered, beaten, raped and brutally separated from loved ones by Hamas.
Take a photo of this poster and share it.
Please help bring them home alive.
That doesn’t even come CLOSE to making them see what they are supporting.
But never mind… they know.
And that’s why they are ripping the posters. The “triggering language” is their own guilty conscience filling in the details that aren’t spelled out on the posters.
They will carry that inner tormentor around with them for the rest of their lives.