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In this new Prager U video, Fatema Al Harbi shares how she grew up in Bahrain and was taught that Jews hated her because she’s Muslim – how she should hate Jews in return. But she ended up changed her mind. In this video, she tells us why.
Don’t miss it!
C’mon man, this won’t help my friends in the military industrial complex.
This inspiring video reminded me of Golda Meir:
“We can forgive [the Arabs] for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with [the Arabs] when they love their children more than they hate us…”
This woman is way to naive, a Palestinian homeland will not happen, they have been offered their own land already on several occasions and if you look at The Balfour Declaration- which was followed by the Sykes-Picot agreement the so called had their own land it is called Trans-Jordan – The prefix trans- is Latin and means “across” or beyond, and so “Transjordan” refers to the land on the other side of the Jordan River
how convenient that she has had a rethink , there is no common ground . its a fiction just like the 2 state solution and the fakestinians . when she denounces the death cult commonly known as islam , we might just listen a teeny bit . but alas i believe in taqiyya . any woman that believes what she believes has lost any credibility as demonstrated by her subjugation of having her head covered .
This women is not only naive she’s also ignorant about her religion.. First of all Islamists are interested in two state or three state or four state solution. Like USSR, CHINA want to dominate the world. . She also needs to look into her Shia majority country. Ruled by Sunni royal family.
She wants a Palestinian state. Didn’t we just have an experiment in Moslems living side by side with Israel? It was called Gaza, and it didn’t work.