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Are Americans living on stolen land acquired by nefarious means? Jeff Fynn-Paul, professor of economic and social history at Leiden University and author of Not Stolen: The Truth About European Colonialism in the New World, dispels this misleading and destructive myth in the latest short video from Prager U.
Check it out below:
Ditto for my country – Australia. The stone-age culture of the Aboriginals, like most primitive societies, would eventually die out. Sadly there are many who lament this loss, yet at the same time, they want all the benefits that European settlement brought.
John Ford made numerous movies about the Indians. How many movies about the Basqies did Luis Bunuel make? How many Ingmar Bergman movies memtion the Lapplamders? How many Akira Kurasawa movies memtion tje Ainus?
By the way. America is a rrpublic, not a democracy?
As far back as 1886, Louisa May Alcott, in Jo’s Boys, portrayed, sympathetically, a white man who sympathized with the Indians, Dan. I prefer her character to the Kevin Costner character in DANCES WITH WOLVES
There are no property rights and therefore no theft of property until individual rights and private property rights have been discovered and implemented into law by a society.
The prehistoric, tribal, savages that were living in America when the Europeans first arrived had no concept of individual rights or private property rights. What existed politically were primitive, tribal and tribal warfare, DICTATORSHIPS. Where the individual was crushed and sacrificed to the tribal overlords.
“This is not to say there were no injustices; there were. Andrew Jackson’s dispossession of the Cherokee comes to mind as one case. And the tale is not a mere morality play: European colonists knew how to act under property rights most often because this was simply part of the culture they grew up in. Native Americans did not have a cultural tradition that supported property rights, and then those who did master the new ways often faced racism and other tribalist injustices.” – Objectivist William Thomas
Nevertheless, even with the injustices committed on some of tribes by whites, there is no right to tribal dictatorships. There is no right to primitive or modern stagnation and there is no right to dictatorship, primitive or modern.
No mob, primitive or modern, white or any other color, has the right to claim, “We have the right not to have rights and remain a dictatorship destroying and sacrificing the individual for eternity”. The Nazis and the Soviets did not have that right, the Aztecs and the Incas did not have that right, and the Apaches and the Comanches did not have that right.
“The right of a nation to determine its own form of government does not include the right to establish a slave society (that is, to legalize the enslavement of some men by others). There is no such thing as “the right to enslave.” A nation can do it, just as a man can become a criminal—but neither can do it by right.
It does not matter, in this context, whether a nation was enslaved by force, like Soviet Russia, or by vote, like Nazi Germany. Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual). Whether a slave society was conquered or chose to be enslaved, it can claim no national rights and no recognition of such “rights” by civilized countries . . . .
Dictatorship nations are outlaws. Any free nation had the right to invade Nazi Germany and, today, has the right to invade Soviet Russia, Cuba or any other slave pen. Whether a free nation chooses to do so or not is a matter of its own self-interest, not of respect for the non-existent “rights” of gang rulers. It is not a free nation’s duty to liberate other nations at the price of self-sacrifice, but a free nation has the right to do it, when and if it so chooses.
This right, however, is conditional. Just as the suppression of crimes does not give a policeman the right to engage in criminal activities, so the invasion and destruction of a dictatorship does not give the invader the right to establish another variant of a slave society in the conquered country.” – Ayn Rand
Mao said something to the effect that peace comes only at the face of a gun.
Joe Biden said, ‘you wanna fight, be ready to fight against our f16s.
Same message; same mindset; same value.
Ben & Jerry really went and stuck their foot in their mouth with this stupid THIS IS STOLEN LAND now their paying the price I sure hope their enjoying the Foot in Mouth Ripple
They are saying we should give the land back to the people that took it from the people that took it from the people that took it from the people that took it from the people……………
Accusations of racism, colonialism and apartheid have become a popular political weapon. They are arbitrarily used to defeat political opponents and are not consistent or fair. Islam, China, communist countries are seldom singled out and attacked for any of these sins. It is hard to see how Israel can be condemned for evil, but not the Palestinians. It is also hard to idealize the Indians in America as though they were noble savages or heroes like the ones in James Fennimore Cooper novels. They were guilty in many cases of terrible crimes against humanity against neighboring tribes, as well as settlers. But somehow this is all swept under the rug and ignored. No tribe is called upon to make reparations to the tribe it drove out of its territory or to the descendants of enslaved Indians or the victims of native genocide. It would be hard to make a fair judgment given how much we still do not know about their history. Certainly. Likewise the charges of some writers that Jews controlled the slave trade or ran the brothels in Europe or exploit poor blacks are unfair and one-sided, but no one seems to throw the spotlight on this historical revisionism. The CRT courses in schools are unfair distortions of history, but many still promote them. It is basically a weaponization of history and ethics to advance leftist goals, or Muslim or Communist ones. Or any goals that are pursued unfairly.
All land is stolen. It goes to whomever has the backbone to take it and hang on to it.
Well, you see, Aborigines don’t own the land. They belong to it. It’s like their mother. See those rocks? Been standing there for 600 million years. Still be there when you and I are gone. So arguing over who owns them is like two fleas arguing over who owns the dog they live on. -Crocodile Dundee
American Indians did not owe land as they moved from place to place as the Nomads they were so how can anybody steal land from people who never own it…. Riddle me that one…
From current day Istanbul all the way across to Kabul there were Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhist and a few other ethnic religious groups living in peace and harmony until islamic warriors came along and changed all of that as many people dont know that Afghanistan was once a Buddhist country and Lebanon was a Christian country and now of course that entire area is full of islamic madmen except for tiny wee Israel.
This will happen to Europe.