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A lifelong lover of earth sciences, Judith Curry has advocated for integrity and scientific truth since she was a child. Despite facing discrimination and bullying in a male-dominated field, Judith spoke out against the lies and manipulation of climate scientists attempting to enforce a political narrative. After being marginalized by the universities, Judith left academia. She now fights for truth and offers important advice.
Check out the short video below:
Judith Curry is great! She might just be the only real climate scientist in the world, and if not the only real one, then the only honest one.
Hollywood screwball Leonardo DiCaprio has claimed that rejecting Global Warming/Climate Change is Rejecting the Truth(Coming from someone whose career is playing big game of Lets Pretend for Cash)other Climate Radicals’ want Skeptics Hunted Down(Steve Zwick)They want all Skeptics silenced since were keeping them out of the Money Bin
I’m old enough to remember when fossil fuels were a good thing, and I still think so. Sure, do all you can to eliminate pollutants, but don’t get carried away to the extent that the cure is more harmful than the disease.
Many years ago there was the big freeze coming. Global cooling was going to put us all in a new ice age. Somehow after several years the big threat became Global warming. Well, good! It looked like Global cooling was going to run headlong with Global warming and cancel each other out. It looked like we escaped a catastrophe, but before we got a chance to celebrate our luck, the whole thing morphed into Climate Change.
Now, how were we suppose to fight this? How could we fight something that was constantly changing, neither hot nor cold, just changing.
Suddenly we were given the magic bullet, CO2, Carbon Dioxide. But what was CO2 doing? Then we were told it was warming the planet. Ah Ha! Climate Change was just another name for Global Warming, and eliminating CO2 was the vaccine, but at what cost. That was answered by, among others, Joe Biden by way of higher gasoline costs accompanied by fuel oil, propane, natural gas, food, lumber, clothing, electricity, and everything else, including his ban on fossil fuel production in the US. But the rest of the world had to go along also. Some did, some didn’t, and the climate kept changing. I won’t mention that climate has been changing for thousands of years.
But, what could we do, after all the science was settled. You know, science, that thing that is never settled and always advancing (changing).
It’s so good to hear this learned scientist bring out her warnings about taking the “settled science” as absolute truth and open our minds to opposing views.
Hollywood Know-nothing Robert Redford claimed Fossil Fuels are Cooking the Earth never mind the fact he did ads for United Airlines(Its Time to Fly) Opposes People Building Homes near his Sundance Ranch while selling off patrials to developers Just watch Robert, Redford Hypocrite
When a real whistle-blower aired the e-mails exposing Michael Mann for the fraud (and low-life weasel) that he is, Nancy Pelosi suddenly decided whistle-blowers were bad.
(Sleazy Joe’s gonna give the insider-trading bitch the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Not for accomplishing anything of value; just a prize for being the scheming grifter she is.)
The greatest weapon that the Climate Alarmists have is SHORT MEMORY SPANS of the inhabitants of Earth. Unfortunately for the Alarmists, the internet now exists as a constant rebuttal to their lies.
Also, do not underestimate the effect that the universality of mobile phones, and therefore the ubiquity of CAMERAS EVERYWHERE that can capture each and every single solitary weather event within eyeshot of an ever-expanding population over greater expanses of Earth. Every tornado, every flooded stream, every hurricane, every flash flood, every blizzard that people personally experience can now be captured and shared globally.
It can appear that the world is coming to an end with so many THINGS happening around us.
The ubiquitous camera phenomenon is a very recent development. It’s not that those same weather events weren’t happening before 2000—it’s just that every one of them wasn’t captured by those cameras and shared globally. This, I believe, is at least partially responsible for much of the hysteria surrounding the claims of Climate disaster—we all can see it from everywhere, instantly, all at once.
Any post like this should refer to Climate: the Movie