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In this new video, former BLM activist Xaviaer DuRousseau – who marched in the George Floyd protests and preached the importance of being a “woke ally” – describes how he stumbled onto PragerU videos. He set out with a grand plan to create a series debunking them, but instead, he “accidentally red-pilled” himself and transformed from a lost, angry young man into a calm and confident voice for the conservative movement.
Don’t miss it!
Bravo. The Nation needs more people like you.
It’s amazing that free people standing on truth say very similar things, whereas mentally bondaged people enslaved by the narrative argue as if they are trying to convince themselves, and constantly look to the “group” for affirmation and talking points. I’ve never met this dude, but we are on the same page.
And Bravo for PragerU and all their hard work.
Dennis Prager has always been a voice of reason for me, since back in the days he enlightened me during endless drive time in LA commutes.
What Mr. DuRousseau has done is a westernkind thing. Westernkind think for themselves. We value truth above all else. It is a baseline for us – not an achievement. Giving Mr. DuRousseau too much praise for doing this basic necessity smacks of the racism of lower expectations. Nevertheless, his childhood training was steeped in racist falsehood and it is good that he overcame that additional hurdle.
I notice that he, like almost every black person, was taught to be racist against whites from his youth. He was taught to believe lies about the police, probably from “the Talk.” He was rejected by the black community for “acting white.” And yet, he still thinks of himself primarily in terms of his race.
Westernkind (largely but not entirely white) think of themselves as individuals. We do not think of ourselves and others primarily in terms of race. Westernkind are taught from youth that race is unrelated to character. We are taught to respect and even to revere the police, who are willing to die for our protection. We are praised by our families and communities for our achievements, which are seen as products of our individual hard work.
Until blacks can do these things, there is no hope for them to advance much beyond a custodial, dependent and wretched existence. As my country has become more racialized in my lifetime, I am forced to give my own children “the talk – non-black version.”
I do not see how, based on what he said here, you can conclude that “he still thinks of himself primarily in terms of his race.” In fact, he seemed to be trying to get away from defining people based on race.
I am impressed with his ability to break away from the narrative that he has been spoon fed, and wonder what it is about him- and other independent minds- that distinguishes him from the majority of people. Power on, dude!
Liatris Spicata,
If you read the comments above, you will see this:
“How strange and yet how comforting that we hear a young black American guy speak so precise and clearly without using ‘like’ in any sentence…”
and “Bravo. The Nation needs more people like you.”
These applaud DuRousseau for seeing obvious truth and speaking it clearly. This is expected of children in primary school. It is a foundational building block for civilization – not something to be applauded. But it is applauded because DuRousseau is black and the state of the “community” is awful.
When blackness is incidental and not primary, when blacks embrace the principles that made western civilization great, when blacks stop being victims of easily debunked false narratives, when blacks stop thinking of themselves as victims of whiteness and teaching their children to hate or be suspicious of whites, when blacks stop supporting violent and destructive culture, then all will be possible for them. Until then, I remain bound by the principles of “The Talk Non-black Version.”
G0d bless you. Regret not knowing you personally.
Racism has become part of the Progressives’ identity far more than of individuals who are “black” or “white”.
What an inspiring young man.
How strange and yet how comforting that we hear a young black American guy speak so precise and clearly without using ”like” in any sentence and the reason I say strange is just how often do we hear such a fine young man as this speak in such a manner.
His Mother must be very proud and rightly so.
So Im guessing Al Sharpton nor Jesse Jackson would want such a young man in their Team while telling black folks around the country just how oppressed they all are and who is to blame for it.
Black folks in America need to learn that success is the best revenge and stop blaming everybody else for the problems they themselves have created within their own communities.
” First we have to clean up the neighborhood”.. Malcolm X… and look what a black guy did it him..