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We used to trust the mainstream media. They reported the facts and let us make our own decisions about the issues of the day. But that’s no longer the case. What changed and why? Investigative Journalist Ashley Rindsberg has the disturbing answers.
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Kasandra says
Our “news media” are garbage. They’ve allowed themselves to become propagandists for the Left and the Dem Party and forfeited any right to be taken seriously. At least the “journalists” at Pravda and Izvestia had to be shills for the Party or end up in the Gulag or on the floor in the basement of the Lubyanka with a Makarov pistol pressed to their necks. Ours do it willingly, even gladly, and get lavishly rewarded for their duplicity.
Mo de Profit says
BBC, ABC, CBC and just about every legacy media is now nothing more than government propaganda, all thanks to the UN owned World pHarma Organisation’s convid.
Cleanse The Temple says
The Chinese Communists are very proud of their collaborators in the American media and government.
Leslie says
I’m ashamed to say that prior to Donald Trump’s candidacy for President, I accepted the mainstream media reporting as truth. When Trump began speaking of “fake news,” I scoffed. Surely, the vast American populace couldn’t be uniformly scammed by legacy media without being caught out by millions of people? Just to bolster my argument, I began doing basic research. I made phone calls where possible, looked up government statistics and requested information via FOIA request and made a startling discovery. President Trump was correct. 95% of the time, published articles negative of the President, contained remarks, statistics, anonymous sources and/or entire narratives which were made up of whole cloth, i.e. complete lies. I was floored. I then began wondering, not what else they were lying about which is a lot, but *how long have they been lying to us prior to Donald Trump’s appearance on the political scene*? I still have no answer to that question and I believe it’s important to find out, so Americans know exactly what propaganda has driven our actions and/or speech on the global stage.
Larry A. Singleton says
The Press Versus The President, Part One by Jeff Gerth – Columbia Journalism Review.
Çâşëğ says
American free press died, when commie FDR created FCC and handed over the keys of American airwaves to his Marxist cronies..