What do you think of conservatives? Do you think their views are rooted in racism, ignorance, and intolerance? Or is it just possible that they have valid reasons for thinking the way they do? Former leftist activist and now PragerU personality Amala Ekpunobi breaks it down in PragerU’s 500th 5-Minute Video.
Check out the short video below:
Those who compare Conservatives to Neo-Nazis the Liberal crowd of mindless little pinheads
Amala, like Candace Owens is a shining beacon of hope for the future.
She’s pleasing to look at but it’s her beautiful voice that really hooks me, it’s a very pleasing, elegant, sounding voice. Crisp elocution.
But that tattooed arm? Tattoos on a beautiful young woman with beautiful skin? No thanks, you can keep the fashionable primitivism in the Museum of Primitive Art.
I agree THX. Tattoos on a beautiful woman are a turn off and unfeminine. Leave the tattoos for the sailors.
“Conservatism” is an umbrella term that covers a broad category of issues and individuals. There are many kinds of individuals with many different and contradictory beliefs and ideas under the very general umbrella term which is called conservatism (the same is true of “Liberalism”).
This makes both conservatism and liberalism, philosophically and intellectually, practically useless, terms. I refer to them as terms because they can hardly be called concepts.
I don’t hate conservatives. I find them confused, unintellectual, contradictory, exasperating, and intellectually and therefore politically IMPOTENT. Politically they undermine themselves at every step.
How can you hate the confused. contradictory, and impotent?
An embryo is really a baby, nothing more need be said.
“You must remember that conservatism is not clearly defined and therefore you will find people of all shades of opinion and my main objection to any movement of that kind is that it is futile and disastrous to one’s own cause to allow oneself to belong to a loosely defined group or to collaborate with other groups without any clear definition of basic principles or basic points of agreements. Therefore what I say about conservatives does not necessarily apply to each individual who may call himself a conservative. I’m speaking of the dominant trend or the general popular impression of what conservatism loosely means….
If the “conservatives” do not stand for capitalism, they stand for and are nothing; they have no goal, no direction, no political principles, no social ideals, no intellectual values, no leadership to offer anyone.” – Ayn Rand
An Embryo becomes a baby, what is so hard to understand?
But I’m being selfish so ignore me.
A potential is not an actual, what is so hard to understand?
“To sentence a woman to bear a child against her will is an unspeakable violation of her rights…Such a sentence represents the sacrifice of the actual to the potential, of a real human being to a piece of protoplasm, which has no life in the human sense of the term. It is sheer perversion of language for people who demand this sacrifice to call themselves ‘right-to-lifers.’ ” – Leonard peikoff
It’s a potential until it becomes viable? Would you agree with this?
As I wrote below, viability is not the crucial issue in the issue of the right to abortion. The crucial issue is what are rights, who has them, when do they have them, and why do they have them.
A fetus can not have rights that supersede and cancel the rights of the host so long as the fetus exists within the body of the host. THAT is the crucial issue that can not be evaded.
Only upon birth does the fetus become an independently existing human being with its own body and right of ownership over his body. Independently existing does not mean self-supporting, once the baby is born the mother has a moral obligation to raise the baby or permit someone else to raise that baby.
You were an embryo, so was I.
So, you don’t “hate” conservatives. You only find them “confused, unintellectual, contradictory, exasperating, and intellectually and therefore politically IMPOTENT.” These are a lot of adjectives by which to define conservatives — sort of creating the “very general umbrella” which you purport to dislike. By the way, can you give us some prime examples that would support your generous, absolutely hate-free description of what constitutes the conservative mind? You see, ascribing disdainful labels is the weapon used by the intellectually bankrupt — those who want to silence and intimidate without rational argumentation, a.k.a. the politics of personal destruction. So, try to do better next time, i.e. if you want to gain some credibility among us loathsome conservatives, which you might not care about. And, just so you know, at the end of the third month of pregnancy, the fetus has a fully formed nervous system, hands, fingers, arms, legs, internal organs — in short: it’s a baby. That’s a fact, not opinion. But then again, the Godless cabal of progressives is quite adapt at changing language to change reality: and so it is that the destruction of innocent human life has been renamed “reproductive care.” Finally, as to conservatives being politically IMPOTENT, let’s revisit that stereotype after the midterm election.
Remember the Reagan Revolution? Remember Obama’s midterm shellacking? Remember the Tea Party? Where did that get you conservatives? NOWHERE. Most, if not 98% of conservatives share the same fundamental moral code as the socialists — altruism and self-sacrifice as the highest noble virtue and duty of man. Until conservatives reject the moral code of altruism and self-sacrifice and discover and fight for Ayn Rand’s moral code of rational selfishness conservatives don’t stand a chance against collectivism and socialism.
You’re a medical doctor are you? Listen to this speech by Objectivist philosopher Leonard Peikoff and understand how the moral code of altruism and self-sacrifice is destroying your noble profession. You can also find it in written form online if you only want to read it.
“Medicine: The Death of a Profession” by Leonard Peikoff”
You might find this essay MORALLY enlightening too.
“So long as people believe that socialized medicine is a noble plan, there is no way to fight it. You cannot stop a noble plan–not if it really is noble. The only way you can defeat it is to unmask it–to show that it is the very opposite of noble. Then at least you have a fighting chance.
What is morality in this context?” – Health Care Is Not A Right by Leonard Peikoff
Viability is not the essential issue in the issue of the right to abortion. The crucial issue is what are rights, who has them, when do they have them, and why do they have them.
A fetus can not have rights that supersede and cancel the rights of the host so long as the fetus exists within the body of the host. THAT is the crucial issue that can not be evaded.
Only upon birth does the fetus become an independently existing human being with its own body and right of ownership over his body. Independently existing does not mean self-supporting, once the baby is born the mother has a moral obligation to raise the baby or permit someone else to raise that baby.
Follow the mathematics.
There is a special field of statistics that justifies the “umbrella” terms Conservative and Liberal (and others). The discipline is called Factor Analysis (search that on Wikipedia … it’s way too big a bite to try explain it here so be brave and read the article). With that computational tool you can take a population of people along with their opinions on a large number of issues and force that data to betray a smaller number of underlying (latent) “issues” that segment the population into groups. Yes, it’s noisy (your complaint about “different and contradictory beliefs and ideas”) but the benefit is that the mind doesn’t have to juggle dozens of issues because it can just deal with the few computed ones for predictive purposes. And it quantifies its own error, the “noisiness”). The (discovered) segmented groups can then be named. For instance, Liberal and Conservative (Green, Communist, Libertarian, etc. depending on how finely you want to segment your population).
Factor Analysis is a powerful and useful tool widely used to shake down large datasets and discover underlying structure.
The more the M.S. Media gutter dwellers trash someone like they did Trump the more we should vote for that person and ignore the Media Bottom Feeders