The Los Angeles Zoo recently hosted an “All Ages” drag show in partnership with LA Pride, with tickets available for children and even infants. Aldo Buttazzoni attended the event for Prager University to ask parents, zoo administrators, and drag participants why children should be invited to participate in the sexually-charged event.
Check out the short video below to see how they respond:
Stephen Triesch says
Why is the LA Zoo hosting a drag show in the first place? How does that fall anywhere within their mission?
Lightbringer says
Where else would you show animals other than zoos?
Ben Doverr says
Put the drag queens in cages and feed them bananas
:Trans-gender and trans-species activists” really should be locked and confined, so they font pose a danger to our kids!
James Stagg says
Sodomists cannot reproduce. The only way for gheys and transvestites to increase their numbers is to convert “straights” to their perversion. Where better to do this than a public theatre? Who better to convince than children and mindless youth?
May God have mercy on this country; it is actively losing its moral compass.
John Wood says
There is a special place in Hell for these people including the parents. for exposing children to these abominations
Tionico says
WHY is a pubiclly funded entity like the LA Zoo even staging such perversions for public consumption? Maybe they are implying that the pervert “performers” should be behind bars, as are the monkeys in their zoo. Maybe put the decision-makers on the zoo’s board of directors in the same cages with them.
Tershia says
The answer to your question lies in Romans 1 v 18-32
Ron Grant says
While I would vote against these performances in Zoos or Libraries, (It is part of the LGBT agenda, but can’t see the harm in it, just object to having it shoved down my throat,24/7), parents can choose whether allow their children to attend or not. I suspect the animals in the Zoo would have no objection. Speaks more to us than the animals. Just sayin’.