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On September 22, after Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the Canadian Parliament, Speaker Anthony Rota praised Yaroslav Hunka, 98, “who fought [for] the Ukrainian independence against the Russians and continues to support the troops today.” The Speaker, a member of the Liberal Party, was a big fan.
“I’m proud to say that he [Hunka] is from North Bay and from my riding of Nipissing-Timiskaming” and according to Rota, Hunka “is a Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero, and we thank him for all his service.”
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and New Democratic Party (NDP) boss Jagmeet Singh joined Rota and their respective parties in honoring Hunka with two standing ovations. As Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and other Jewish groups pointed, Yaroslav Hunka was a strange sort of hero.
Hunka served under Nazi command with the Waffen-SS Galicia Division, a voluntary unit also known as the SS 14th Waffen Division or the First Ukrainian Division. During World War II, Hunka’s unit committed atrocities against the Polish resistance and in the village of Huta Pieniacka massacred adults and children alike. The International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg declared Hunka’s unit a criminal organization.
Canadians had a right to wonder what this Nazi was doing in Canada and how his murderous past remained hidden for so long. As the people might recall, key historical issues are in play.
On August 23, 1939, Stalin and Hitler signed their Pact and the next month both totalitarian powers invaded Poland, effectively starting World War II. Canada was involved from the start and gained great experience fighting Nazis. The able bodied who declined to fight were known as “zombies,” and future Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was one of them.
During Canada’s Covid crackdown, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused Conservative politicians who supported the protesting truckers of standing with “people who wave swastikas.” Trudeau fils was not alone.
Liberal member of Parliament Ya’ara Saks claimed that the truckers’ “honk honk” meant “heil Hitler.” Saks, who serves as “Mental Health and Addictions Minister,” was among those cheering Hunka. His case recalls Kurt Waldheim, fourth Secretary General of the United Nations.
Waldheim had been a member of the Nationalsozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, the National Socialist German Workers Party. During World War II, Waldheim served in the Sturmabteilung or SA, also known as Sturmtruppen, storm troopers, or Braunhemden, brownshirts, for the color of their uniform.
Waldheim also served in an intelligence unit known for transport of civilians to slave labor camps, deportation of Jews to death camps, reprisal execution of hostages, and massacres of partisans and civilians in the Balkans.
This record escaped revelation when Waldheim was tapped to head the United Nations, where he served from 1972-1981. The truth only emerged in the mid-1980s, when the Nazi veteran ran for president of Austria. The U.S. Department of Justice put Waldheim’s name on a watchlist, which barred him from entering the United States.
Comics quipped that the former UN boss suffered from “Waldheimer’s Disease,” which made him forget he was a Nazi. A Waldheimer’s Variant is now spreading on both sides of the border where, as Saul Bellow said, the need for illusion is deep.
The Variant fosters ignorance of National Socialism, the most-documented totalitarian and anti-Semitic movement of modern times. Those stricken with the Variant are unable to conduct research on Nazi war criminals, and can even wind up applauding them in public. The Waldheimer variant also causes people to brand their political opponents as Nazis, but there’s more to it.
The children, grandchildren, friends and relatives of Canadian WWII veterans joined in the “freedom convoy” to protest Trudeau’s Covid lockdowns that harmed their ability to make a living. Trudeau, Saks et al called them Nazis. That is about as bad as it gets – except for applauding an actual Nazi, as Speaker Rota said, as a “Canadian hero.”
If you want a Canadian hero, find a member of Canada’s Eighth Reconnaissance Regiment, known for being “first in, last out.” On April 12, 1945, the regiment’s C company liberated the Westerbork transit camp, which had sent thousands of Dutch Jews to Auschwitz and Sobibor. The 876 who remained were glad to see the Canadians.
If you want a Canadian hero, find a member of the First Special Services Force (FSSF). In their first combat assignment, these Canadian and American commandos scaled Monte la Difensa at night, in the rain. In fierce fighting, the FSSF took down a heavily armed Nazi force.
The FSSF also defeated Nazi forces at Monte Majo, Hill 720, Monte Rementana, Radicosa, the Anzio beachhead, Artena, Colleferro and Rome. They cleared the way for the Allies to move north through Italy. As of last year, four Canadian and 17 American FSSF members remained.
Instead of honoring authentic Canadian heroes, Trudeau’s Liberal-NDP axis cheers Nazi veteran Yaroslav Hunka. Rota has apologized and stepped down, but the rot goes right to the top.
As Edward Gibbon noted, hereditary rule is always the most risible, and apart from the family connection, Canadians would be hard pressed to find any merit in Justin Trudeau. The former blackface performer, an admirer of China’s “basic dictatorship,” should resign and call an election. To paraphrase French Resistance fighter Charles de Gaulle, vive le Canada libre!
Problem was that it wasn’t just the Liberals and NDP. Everyone in attendance participated in the standing ovation. Everyone was duped.
I don’t think this was an intentional action to praise a Nazi. What this highlights is the continued incompetence of this government. Scandals, spending like drunken sailors, radical environmental policies that are driving people into poverty, out of control legal immigration, worldwide embarrassment of the country, dividing the people by race and enshrining racism in the country, basic hatred of the country and the people who created it ( if any of this sounds familiar to Americans think 2008-2016), and of course failure to doing the most simple job of vetting people. They also invited a murderer on a government visit to India, the country of the murder. So this isn’t the first time.
Obama North as I call him needs to go and both his party and the NDP completely routed. But just as in the USA where too many people vote for the Democrats that are destroying the country on purpose we get too many people in downtown Toronto that keep idiots like JT in power.
Like his spiritual brother, fraudulently sitting in our white house, justin needs to be hanged by the neck just like any traitor to their nation!
Yes but not the drop and neck break type, the swing and jig type.
Is this a Jay Leno moment for Canadians? Uncovering mass blissful ignorance?
Anyone capable of simple math knows that a man nearly a hundred years old, who was praised for fighting
against Russia in the nineteen-forties* was a comrade-in-arms of Hitler’s forces.
This was long before our present electronic age, when news races around the world and the least sophisticated
African farmer may well be aware of Ole Joe Biden’s physical stumbles and Madame Sniperfire’s unintended
flatulence ..
Yaroslav Hunka was young in 1941 and swept up in great events he cannot have fully comprehended.
Unless there is clear evidence that Hunka, personally, committed war crimes, the whole issue ought to
be discreetly forgotten
He was old enough to fight he was old enough to understand murdering women and children was wrong.
Try peddling that nonsense to the unthinking
He fought with the SS. Stop making excuses
* The anti-Bolshevik forces in Ukraine fought on doggedly even after all hope of victory was unimaginable.
It is believed that Soviet power destroyed the very last of the armed resisters in 1960.
That late? I didn’t know that.
The same was true for the Polish anti-communist insurrection fought between 1944 and 1953 by WiN/ ZWZ/ NSZ fighters.
What was a 98 year old man, Nazi or otherwise, doing in the Canadian parliament gallery? Did somebody bring him to the gallery and tell Trudeau and Rota there was a “hero” there, just to make fools of them?
It’s a shame “Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In” isn’t still around. Trudeai and Rota deserve the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate
The man fought beside the grandfather of Crystia Freeland, our minister of finance. Zevelensky himself counted on the Ukrainian Nazis to get into power and keep it. They knew exactly what they were doing. They were pulling a fast one on parliament as a smug little insider joke for Freeland and Zevlensky to enjoy.
So why? Or did I miss something here?
If you displease the tyrant at the top then you’re called “ Nazi” -I got that. If you were an actual WWII era Nazi, then you’re a hero. Okey Dokey. .
Is this like the infamous unmentionable “ N-word” Some people can say it. Some can’t.
Jojo Cabbage Brain Biden is best known for saying it TWICE on the floor of the Senate……So…….he’s one of the ones that “can”.
TIL that the folk living in Fidel’s boy Justin’s country don’t have access to Google.
In the 1930s when Jews were attempting to flea the Nazis the Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King was asked how many Jews would Canada accept, his answer was “One is too many”.
After the war Canada imported tens of thousands of Nazi soldiers – that is real history.
Canada admitted fewer than 5,000 Jews between 1933 and 1945, despite all its wealth and vastness. That is at least four times fewer than the impoverished and fantastically overcrowded city of Shanghai. And Canada was led by the Justin Castreau’s Liberal Party throughout that period. There were no “Refugees Welcome!” lawn signs for Jews fleeing Hitler.
I literally laughed out loud, on Monday morning, when Poland called Canada, and said ‘Hey Canada we want your war criminal back.’ (I wish Norm Macdonald were still with us) Then I found out that an ugly fat black woman fast food manager tried to pop a cap in the ass of a poor Jacket-in-the-Box costumer, who merely wanted his curly fries.
The one thing that makes this incident stand out for me is that Freeland would have known exactly who and what this person was and therefore could have stopped this in the pre meet photo op.
Trudeau met with the nazi prior to the clapping. He had to of known and Freeland for sure knew.
So let’s get this straight…
Canada’s Parliament… praises a Nazi who fought against the Russians during WWII… in order to make Nazi infested Ukraine’s Zelensky feel supported…
No comment on Putin’s Russian Separatist Nazi’s DShRG “Rusich” in eastern Ukraine? No comment about Putin’s support of Wagner cofounded by Nazi-tattooed Dmitry Utkin along with Yevgeny Prigozhin… now deceased after their aircraft was blown out of the sky by their former paymaster?. LOL.
That is all new information to me, are we sure it isn’t CIA/FBI propaganda, they learned a lot from the Soviets?
It should not be, but not a single Putinist propagandist dares acknowledge these Russian-supported Nazis in eastern Ukraine for fear that Putin’s denazification of Ukraine narrative disintegrates if they do.
What??? No comment on why Russia has attacked Ukraine otherwise?
So… you’re saying… Russia/Putin supports Neo-Nazi Germany, even though Ukraine supported Hitler against Russia during WWII against Russia???
I don’t think so…
You must love the MSM fake news… aye?
Tell me… when has Canada’s Parliament taken a so called Russian Nazi and praised him? When that happens… you’ll have my attention!
You’re turn…
1) Mitch McConnell claims the “number one priority” of “most Republicans” is aid to Ukraine.
2) Elon Musk asked on X: “Why do so many American politicians from both parties care 100 times more about the Ukraine border than the USA border?”
A: They support Nazi’s… muslim loving Nazi’s…
A question that nobody seems to have asked or answered y et….how did Hunka get into Canada in the first place? I, like most Canadians, believed that Nazi war criminals were not acceptable as immigrants? Many of us used to vacillate between thinkng Trudeau was stupid…or totally incompetent or so blindly committed to his agenda to destroy Canada as we know and love it–with all its warts…..but this show that all three are true. .He knows there will never be any real consequence for any of his corruption so he plows ahead.
Seems to me, this incident reveals the depth of Justin Trudeau’s fantasy world mind. He lives on another planet in his head. It’s as if he knows absolutely nothing about 20th century history, or he’s completely incompetent and well in over his head.
Of all the deals they have sone Canada ends up with the worse of it all and very short straw
Trudeau does pal around with that WEF founder, and that one’s dad was an party member…
These people are birds of a feather around the orb of national socialism – now global socialism, But, are there so many that you fill a national government? It would seem to be the case with Canada’s giving applause with that old killer.
And that – there is a large number of people today who do not have an good level of knowledge of history that even allows you to get from one side of the street to the other side… And then – you must remember those who know and understand – and carry water for the Nazi thug movement.
I thought Pierre Trudeau was a fighter pilot in WW2. Is the author sure he was a “zombie?”
Pierre Trudeau took his motorcycle with his nazi helmet and rode through downtown Montreal.
Maybe in Wikipedia but not in actual life. Maybe he had a xhiden like remembrance of things?
As far back as 1968, during his writing of what would later be published as The Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenisten wrote of his fears of future conflict between Russia and Ukraine: “It pains me to write this as Ukraine and Russia are merged in my blood, in my heart, and in my thoughts. But extensive experience of friendly contacts with Ukrainians in the camps has shown me how much of a painful grudge they hold. Our generation will not escape from paying for the mistakes of our fathers.”
“To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?”
– Cicero
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
~ George Orwell
While real Canadian heroes were losing limbs and lives fighting the nazis in WWII, PET was riding his motorcycle wearing a nazi helmet around Quebec shtupping shiksas. So naturally his son is no better, actually a lot worse.
I wrote the following letter about this to the National Post:
He actually wore a Nazi helmet. It had great appeal to kids just like other forms of socialism and communism did, Maybe that’ where he started on the political spectrum.
early on putin told the world the nazi is embedded in ukraine. russia concerns of ukrainian nato membership and nazi leadership in ukraine are well founded. this bit of news just solidifies what russia has been saying all along. i do not sympathize for either country, im just stating the facts. i have not heard the u.s. or the canadian leadership expressing concerns of nazi corruption in ukraine, quite the contrary, a glorification of the nazi power in the region by the nato allies. sum ting wong. its intentional, they just failed to keep quiet about it. thats why you hear nothing from groups like the adl anit=defamation league. ukraine is a ruse to support nazis in the area to undermine a contrary world power in the region (russia) and starting a war on the innocents for the wealth transfer.
Ukrainians are celebrating legacy of the Ukrainian Waffen SS division. They erected many monuments in their memory.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy cheered for Waffen SS soldier. Zelensky is cornered. Before, he just ignored all Banderovci celebrations. Now he is on record supporting Waffen SS. He cannot declare that he had been fooled without denouncing his Banderovci constituency.
Canadian politicians are apologizing. Zelensky had been silent. While many Canadians couldn’t understand the introduction of this “hero,” Zelensky could recognize that immediately.
Canadians used to hunt down these old Nazis to send them to trials in Israel. But now they seek them out to laud them.
Canadians are historically illiterate. It is just basic history to know who resisted the Russians in WWII. Even as Trudeau is creating a fascist network out of Canadian society, they think they are liberals.
Illiterate or not, the people that Canadians are lauding are the same people that Canadians are becoming.