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Biden’s announcement that he’s going to run for a second term was really Kamala’s campaign.
The ancient politico, who was born a little over a year after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, would be 86 years old at the end of a hypothetical second term. It’s unlikely that Biden, who already seems confused during press conferences, has trouble walking up the stairs and spends much of his time away from the White House would be able to function throughout a second term.
“With regard to age, I can’t even say – I guess, how old I am – I can’t even say the number. It doesn’t register with me,” Biden recently blathered.
It registers with everyone else.
Before his campaign launch, Biden had the opportunity to pick a viable vice presidential candidate who might be ready to step into the job. Instead he doubled down on Kamala.
With approval ratings in the 30s, Kamala is even more unpopular than her boss. And that’s why he picked her. Biden may be failing but he cannily understood that his best defense against a 25th amendment scenario was a completely unacceptable vice president. Despite the expectations of many Republicans, Biden intends to cling to the office as long as possible.
But what happens when he can’t anymore?
Kamala isn’t just a face on the ticket the way that most vice presidential candidates are, she’s the presidential candidate. A second term for Biden is really a first term for Kamala.
That’s a problem not just for Republicans or Democrats, but for Americans.
Sent off to wave the bloody shirt on abortion, Kamala claimed that abortion pills had been legalized by the “federal drug administration”: a wholly imaginary agency. Prepping for a second term, she still doesn’t know what the FDA stands for or much of anything else about her job.
This is how all of Kamala’s public-facing appearances go.
The White House sends her out to take ownership of a core issue, immigration, international relations or abortion, she botches it with an unserious presentation and verbal flubs, and then her defenders blame racism and sexism.
Right on cue, Ron Klain, Biden’s ex-chief of staff, popped up to claim that “sexism and racism are part of the problem”.
They are, but not the way Klain meant. When Kamala wasted $36 million and dropped out without ever going through a single primary, she blamed racism and sexism.
“Is America ready for that? Are they ready for a woman of color to be President of the United States?” she demanded.
America may be ready, but Kamala isn’t. After a primary campaign in which she only gained traction by accusing her future boss of racism, she spent the election accusing Trump of racism and then spent her time in office accusing America of racism while her defenders blamed racism for her unpopularity. That’s not an original gimmick, but Kamala’s identity politics is defensive, not offensive. And that’s why not even the biggest wokes take her posturing seriously.
The most oppressed woman in America is running for president on the “poor me” platform.
All the whining about racism and sexism is pure deflection with nothing behind it. Kamala isn’t Obama. She’s not an activist and doesn’t have a vision. She’s a sorority girl and socialite from a wealthy family who’s well-connected, but not particularly bright and everyone in politics knows it. The only reason she got this far was California’s incestuous tangle of corrupt networks and identity politics which took her from being the girlfriend of one of the most crooked figures in San Francisco politics to being a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Along the way, Kamala has failed at every pre-presidential task, from running for office (her campaign dissolved into infighting between her sister and her staff before collapsing), running her vice presidential office (most of her key staffers have fled the sinking ship) and making her boss look good (she’s consistently had worse approval ratings making her a drag on the ticket.)
Despite constantly playing identity politics by reminding everyone that she’s sorta black, sorta Indian and probably a woman (assuming we can still define what that is), none of those groups like her. Biden performs better with black voters than Kamala does. That’s why he got the nomination and she didn’t. Despite Biden’s habit of sniffing and groping women, and accusations of sexual assault by a former Senate staffer, she performs only a little better with women than he does. Kamala still doesn’t have a base or anyone who really likes her.
Biden administration staffers spent years running her down anonymously to the media. Now they face the horrifying prospect that she might end up being their boss. That’s a problem she could have fixed. Hillary Clinton, who intended to be Obama’s successor, managed to build a relationship that took her to the nomination despite being a venomous and unlikable harridan. Kamala couldn’t manage to do it because she’s fundamentally inept at every basic political task.
All of this is fine for her current role as Biden’s human shield against the 25th Amendment. Like some medieval European monarchs, Biden has deliberately made such a hash of his succession that his staffers and the entire party will be forced to prop him up to avoid the horrifying disaster of a Kamala presidency. But does Biden envision having his presidency function like Feinstein or Fetterman’s hospitalizations? The Senate has allowed disabled Democrats to play this game, but the Constitution bars such presidential shenanigans.
And the commander in chief role is too important to be conducted from a hospital ward.
Biden’s decision to stick with Kamala is on par with the self-serving cynicism that governs all of his actions carried out for the sole goal of staying in power, but it’s spectacularly destructive in an non-ideological way. Biden has been slipping for a while and instead of gracefully stepping down, he’s clinging to power using every dirty trick only to hand that power over to someone he knows is unfit to serve because he chose her for that reason and kept her for that reason.
If Biden manages to get into office and survive a second term, Kamala’s career will be over. Her only shot will be for her boss to step down. Once a second term ends, there will be a long line of successors, beginning with Gov. Gavin Newsom and she won’t even have a shot at the job. The relationship between Kamala and the rest of the White House is bad now, imagine it in Year 6.
But what will she do if the most oppressed woman in the country becomes the most powerful?
The trouble with Kamala is her hollowness. And, unlike Biden, that hollowness isn’t just ideological, it extends throughout her entire being. Never has there been anyone this close to the presidency with no apparent skills, agenda or any purpose beyond checking boxes.
Given total power, Kamala will still botch everything, and then blame sexism and racism. But for the first time, her actions will have real consequences. And we may all end up paying the price.
That’s another sign of Dementia, not being able to remember one’s age.
The next Dominion POTUS.
born in the USA…so says Bruce Springsteen
but born of visa visiting parents
is this Ok , SCOTUS (roberts swore kamala in a vp)
us congress…crickets
10 – 20 years from Today, someone will show up and speak 7 languages…play the violin and piano as a maestro…and Run for POTUS after being Born here for 5 Days in Irvine California
You’re right—she does not meet the eligibility requirements of Article II of the U.S. Constitution for either the office she currently holds, or POTUS.
C’mon man don’t let the cat out of the bag like this, I didn’t fall asleep once when reading this, or twice.
She’s a fine woman.
Who’s a fine woman?
Hell I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.
We know. We know!
While America stands for separation of church and state, the founding fathers, as per the Declaration of Independence did not separate Godliness from the State. Godliness – being morally responsible and accountable to the Creator – is the foundation of their vision for these united (small u in the Declaration) States of America. “In God we trust” are words translated from the Hebrew of the prophet Jeremiah. They were chosen to appear on US money to sanctify the exchange of money and to make Godliness the integral part, the moral glue, of all the necessary transactions in the business of life between one person and another.
This moral glue is now drying out. There will be nothing Godly to hold America together. All issues are intensely divisive.
Unless a totally surprising, but absolutely credible and engaging presidential candidate from a new political entity appears on the scene, or an unforeseen
all-encompassing event causes a cataclysmic shift, I cannot see people who so thoroughly buy into this left stuff, along with luke warm democrats – not continuing to vote democrat, no matter who’s the candidate. Republicans are failing. Not being a democrat is not enough.
We’re looking towards 2024.
We see a horizon, and it is moving closer to us.
Is the world really round like the pictures from space show – or, is it mind-blowingly flat, and will we actually fall off?
If moral glue were enough, then the propositional nation theory would be a success and we would be basking in its glory right now. Instead, we are witnessing the final stages of empire.
We need a people with common language, history and culture. Nations usually have a common religion. In ancient Israel, some peoples were excluded forever. Deuteronomy 23:3 excluded Moabites and Ammonites were of that category. But Egyptians (no doubt part of the “mixed multitude”) were accepted into the congregation in their third generation. Deuteronomy 23:8
We cannot assimilate all the many millions of hostile hordes pouring into our intentionally open border.
And no presidential candidate can alone turn us away from the cliff. We need a people who love their nation and wish to protect and defend her. They must be westernkind, and, whatever color their skin or national origin, they must revere what was established here by Anglo-protestant Christian men who drew upon the sacred scriptures and the enlightenment principles that did not conflict with them.
Israel had it right and still does. The mixed multitude was NOT imposed upon her, but assimilated to her.
History is full of incompetent, undeserving and unaccomplished politicians. Harris is in a class by herself.
I’ve now heard the dumbbitch give at least FIVE speeches with syntax so disintegrated, that it’s non-existent. (One could print her speech & find it impossible to locate her point. We know because some have tried.)
People in the media, hear her meandering, incoherent platitudes, and ask “What is she smoking!?”
These speeches aren’t off the cuff.
They’re printed & vetted beforehand, and STILL, the 4th grade level idiocy finds it’s way to her teleprompter.
(If SNL wasn’t so fulla woke bullshit, they’d make full use of the comic gold material Kamala is giving them.)
At least with Dan Quale, they had to make up lies about his intelligence (he never said he “didn’t speak latin & was given a purposely misspelled Q-card.)
On top of that, Quayle’s spelling of potato with an “e” at least matched the writing of one of our founding fathers, can’t remember if it was Madison, Hamilton, or Jefferson..
It’s kind of like their intentionally confusing Tina Fay’s “I can see Russia from my house,” with Palin. And remember, they were doing it to make fun of her concern for Putin, and Russia. My how that ridicule didn’t age well for the dems, but they never have to worry about the msm calling them on what they said yesterday.
Like with Quayle, they did have to lie repeatedly to pull it off. It must eat them up that they now have to lie to keep joe and kamala from looking like the idiots they are, instead of running with that comedy gold.
Turns out Biden is a rapist lizard. Really had to see that. Please everyone be nice and when you know, suicide is a totally bad option, we’ll work everything out perfect.
She’s so dumb I believe that she believes her frequent word salads are actually profound.
She is very dumb and she laughs like a hyena
Wait a minute. I thought Michele Obama was the most oppressed woman in America.
Moochelle is showing signs of running.
The frightening fact is that Harris could actually be worse than Biden as president. Indeed, it is a terrifying thought: i.e., is she really that dumb, or is she stoned all the time?
I’m thinking both.
If Kamala Harris actually becomes the next President of the United States, “by hook or by crook, the result of that total catastrophic for America.
So much so that the damage and harm would be so severe that it would most probably be irreversible. As Abraham Lincoln had said “You can’t unscramble eggs.”
Question : What is even worse than having that evil Socialist Joe Biden sitting in the President’s Chair in Oval Office .of the White House.
Answer: : Having the wicked Communist, Kamala Harris : as a United States President.
For with Joe Biden things are definitely bad in America, but if Kamal Harris would become the Chief Executive of the US things in American would not go from “bad to worse” but completely skip the word “worse” and go straight to the words “the very worst ;possible…
That siltation would be such a terrible calamity for America that this nation would be come a third world country , never ,ever able to rise again..
Therefore, if VP Harris, by any means,” actually does become the next US President then I’m glad that I’m no longer a young man and I’m also very sorry for the children of this country.
The one and only negative thing about Joe Biden impeached and then removed from Office is that he would be replaced by that rude, obnoxiously abrasive, narcissistic, self-serving sinister and insidious Marxist, Kamala Harris, as President.
Joe Biden isn’t in control of anything, including his bowels, and the decisions that are being made in his name are not his decisions. It’s the people behind Biden who are pulling the strings. It’s diabolical. Have the old man be the crumbling face of this horrible presidency while the decision makers and string pullers evade all responsibility for the disasters that befall us. Kamala Harris will play along with all of this when it’s her turn because she’ll have to… and she is too stupid to put up any kind of fight.
Are you sure about the bowels?
Considering everything about that horrible Biden/Harris team the only semi-“good” thing about Joe Biden is that he might not be as horrendously dangerous as Kamala Harris.
The justified fear is that is this goes even further and Kamala Harris , in time, takes the place of Joe Biden in the Office of the United States President, things in America would not go from “Bad to worse” but entirely skip the word “worse” because things the US would then go from bad to the very worst possible. With Kamala Harris, sitting in the Office of the Presidency it would be a complete and total catastrophe for America.
To explain this in another way, as to compare Joe Biden with and to Vladimir Lenin and then compare Kamala Harris with and to Joseph Stalin.
Of course, Lenin was much more intelligent than Biden .Nevertheless it’s not as terrible to have the feeble-minded socialist, Lenin type character, Biden sitting in the powerful Office of Presidency in Washington DC than have that rude, obnoxious abrasive callous Communist, Stalin type character, Kamala Harris sitting in the powerful Office of the Presidency in Washington DC.
Still, it’s wise to remember that “The lesser of two evils is still evil.”
When people in the US can’t make the distinction between a man and a woman, and vote for two imbeciles at the highest levels such as Biden and Kamala, you know we are done as a country.
Kamala will be the focus. That’s why I expect Trump to pick Nikki Haley. Trump’s old, too, although he doesn’t show the wear. The side-by-side comparison between Kamala & Nikki will help Trump.
Yes, I know Nikki isn’t our ideal. Neither was George H W Bush in 1980. Reagan choose him to pick up a few moderates. Trump will do the same. He needed Pence in 2016 to motivate the religious conservatives. With his SCOTUS picks he’s got them. Now he needs Nikki.
Nil Haley is not the answer, for the same reason that pertains to Kamala Harris. Niki Haley, born of non-citizen parents, therefore does not meet the Article II eligibility requirements either.
All of this is, if we can be permitted to use Biden’s catchphrase, “malarkey.” Harris has already proven herself as a trusted servant of the interests of the rich and powerful at the expense of the working class. The Wall Street Journal wrote last week that Wall Street financers had breathed a “sigh of relief” at Biden’s pick of Harris. Industry publication American Banker noted that her steadiest stream of campaign funding has come from financial industry professionals and their most trusted law firms.
Kamala would be a disaster for the US if she will be a President. She must resign now
Kamala as President would be a disaster for the US and the whole world.
She must resign before Bidet
she’s otherwise unemployable so a resignation is unlikely
“Biden’s decision to stick with Kamala is on par with the self-serving cynicism that governs all of his actions carried out for the sole goal of staying in power.”
Right, Biden would do anything to stay in power, including lie about a stolen election, incite a riot to stop the peaceful transfer of power and commit treason.
Oh wait…
like claiming the 2016 election was stolen by Russian bots based on intel passed along by Russian operatives and then use it to criminalize political dissent?
It wasn’t used to criminalize political dissent. That’s a lie. Sober up and realize you’re living in a free country, whatever your paranoid delusions might be.
In any case, none of the Russia stuff even begins to reach the level of criminality committed by Trump and his treason monkeys. They literally tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power and murder elected officials. Stop pretending to be the poor persecuted dissident. You’re supporting treason. It’s appalling.
Good move derp. Insulting the main manager of the site. Hopefully he gets you booted.
That would be his only option.
Why don’t you just say what you really mean. Trump Trump Trump! You’ve been gone for so long no one really remembers just how insane you are, way over there in the U.K. Ironically you are actually right about Biden. He is congenital liar and plagiarizer. Maybe his face should be up on Mt Rushmore, along with your hero murderer.
Oh wait….there was an insurrection in Tennessee (when Republicans expelled three Democrats for disrupting a gun control debate in the senate. Two of the expelled were black of course, one with a rap sheet a mile long, and were let right back in, and one big ugly fat white woman. And the Montana insurrection (the stupid “Let her speak” trans crazies yelling out side of the chamber). You see, little Rep. Zooey Zephyr, who pretends to be a woman, has a history of disrupting proceedings. She is a trans nut case.
But it’s not an insurrection when Dementiacrats do it. Just Republicans.
Right, thousands of treason monkeys stormed the Tennessee legislature and tried to murder the elected officials inside and… Oh wait…
Seriously, Queen Toughy-Tough, you’ve got to let this go. It’s embarrassing.
Nobody tried to murder anybody, but nice try. Where are those attempted murder charges?
As always you are just making stuff up to satisfy your own unfulfilled desires to kill people.
Maybe you should let this go and give your fever dream brain, or what’s left of it, a rest. you’ve been pushing this nonsense for at least two years. What you don’t seem to realize is that the trials are fixed as long as they are held in uber lib enclaves like D.C.
If the corrupt fed judges knew they had a strong case they wouldn’t have any problem granting change of venue requests. But they don’t have strong cases, and the verdicts are guaranteed with the collection of prosecutors and liberal juries. More and more people are seeing through this leftist scam.
You have nothing so you resort to the old and plagiarized Queen Toughy-Tough name calling. Feel better now Mr. Toughy Tough?
They were armed and howling for the blood of Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi. I believe some of them brought a gallows. If the MAGAchimp treason monkey mob had gotten ahold of them, both would have been assassinated. Then you’d be claiming they deserved it and/or it was a false-flag operation by the FBI.
You still don’t seem to know what plagiarism is, Queen Toughy-Tough.
It really doesn’t matter what you think or believe. No one was armed and if there had been a gallows there it would have been photographed and the media would have been fawning all over it. Your Congressional “rape” fantasy just keeps getting more fantastic. I’m waiting for your M60 fantasy to be restored. And how about that FBI hail of bullets.
As far as plagiarism goes I know exactly what it means. You, apparently don’t care if you can’t come up with an original thought or insult so you steal mine and modify them. You simply aren’t that bright. That is what you are too afraid to move here and grace us directly with your idiocy.
The gallows was photographed. You can find it on Google in literally a nanosecond. Why you persist in this compulsive lying is frankly beyond me. You could just say, “I’m still a conservative and I still believe in conservative principles, but Trump and the rioters committed treason and I can’t support that.” It’s really not that hard. Yet you refuse to do it. Lack of the required courage, I suppose. Well, if you’re determined to beclown yourself, there’s not much I can do about it.
Kaptain Kackle (aka Kamala the Kook) will be waiting for Kaptain Kreepy to hand the presidency over to her when his handlers give the green light.
But do not despair, for Kaptain Kreepy’s handler Komrad Obama will “handle” her too..
She could be President all the way to 2032. Nancy could be Speaker of the House till 2032. All the old Democrats would still be in charge. What a wonderful third world country America would be.
A little humor for the evening. On second thought, it could happen.
WORRY MORE about Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett.
They’re plotting something!
Oh nooooooo!!!! It’s a CONSHPIRASEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are actually dumb enough to think that Rice and Jarrett aren’t working together to get Mike Obama on to the ticket with Jose Dementio, or to openly challenge him in the primaries.
So we will have two n**ro preezies in the WH….the ex guy and his husband as the new fake preezy. Susan, Barack and Michael hate America almost as much as you do. Maybe more.
I really need you to translate that into English.