(A brief side note. In its commitment to fighting ‘fake news’ by pushing ‘fact check’ spam from Snopes, the top Google result for Gerald and Sharon David, the Reno couple murdered by an illegal alien is Snopes spam which falsely casts doubt on the story. This is another example of Google distorting search results for political reasons while spreading fake news in the name of fighting fake news.)
President Trump’s invited guests to the State of the Union include Debra Bissell, Heather Armstrong, and Madison Armstrong.
These three strong women are the daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter of the victims of a horrifying illegal alien murder.
Gerald and Sharon David of Reno, Nevada, were tragically murdered in their home in Nevada by an illegal immigrant in January 2019. The terrible loss has devastated both their community and three generations of their family who will be represented at the State of the Union: the Davids’ daughter Debra, granddaughter Heather, and great-granddaughter Madison.
Those were not the only murders that the Salvadoran illegal alien committed, but they were particularly shocking.
Cates said Gerald David used his time as the Reno Rodeo Association president in 2006 to promote a breast cancer awareness campaign by getting the group’s cowboys to show they were “tough enough to wear pink shirts.”
“You walk into a room and his presence will just command attention. He was a true leader,” Cates said.
Sharon David was “exuberant” and “bubbly” and “loved animals to the hills,” he said. She was a former director of the rodeo.
Renken belonged to an antique automobile club and was known as the friendly driver of a Ford Model A who was always volunteering to help.
Robin Reedy, who was also in the Carson-Tahoe Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America, said she was surprised to learn Renken’s age.
“I would never have known she was 74 by the way she acted,” she said.
Koontz, who worked at a Walmart and as a manicurist at a local salon, was remembered by co-workers Tuesday as a positive woman who loved wearing bright colors. Her Walmart colleagues wore memorial buttons with her picture.
She was “the only person I know that could come to work wearing lime green glasses and lime green crocs and rock it,” said Teri Bower, who works at the store.
Koontz and her daughter were best friends, Bower said, and the mother had saved up money and surprised her daughter with a trip to Las Vegas for her 21st birthday in December.
Bower said the killings had shaken the quiet community where everyone knows everyone and big news is a pending storm “or a bear running down Main Street.”
“This does not happen around here,” Bower said. “It’s crazy.”
It will happen everywhere until a wall and the will to put an end to it rise.
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