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President Trump had previously proposed the resettlement of the Arab Muslim colonists in Gaza, dubbed by some as the ‘Palestinians’, but this time in a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, he laid out more of a proposal in which the United States would take control of Gaza and the population would be resettled.
While Gaza does have various advantages, it was used as a port in Roman times, and might be usable as a naval base, and in the right hands would make for some nice beachfront property, this is likely to be more of an attempt to reboot negotiations by starting from the strongest possible American position.
After negotiations stalemated by escalating Arab Muslim demands, President Trump’s proposal certainly reboots them from a whole new perspective. The assertion that America would take Gaza and might sign off on Israeli declarations of sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria, confronts the Arab Muslim states with a whole new paradigm, and one that would potentially force them to actually make some concessions.
Or President Trump could actually be serious.
Still much like the talk of annexing Canada and reclaiming the Panama Canal, he’s starting with the toughest possible position, and that’s not a bad place to be when conducting negotiations.
I don’t think President Trump really wants America to be responsible for some type of Gaza mandate but sometimes it’s hard to figure out what that guy is going to do. I have no doubt he won’t commit America to perpetual responsibility over a foreign land full of terrorist scum.
It’s obvious that he’s serious about wanting to relocate the Psuedostinians, though. He may say nice things about doing it to help them but that’s just to placate the Jew hating Hamas lovers so he’ll have a better chance of getting the job done. He’s obviously telling the truth about wanting the Psuedostinians to have nice, peaceful lives but that doesn’t mean he believes that’s possible. He isn’t stupid at all. He’s canny. I notice that he keeps mentioning that Gaza is a pile of unsafe and unsanitary rubble, and the Psuedostinians would be happier in a nice place provided for them (do those “people” ever pay for anything?) But he always goes on to say Gaza could be developed into a valuable property, which is a contradictory clue. This last time he answered an idiot reporter who asked who would live there and he said it could be “international,” and Psuedostinians could live there too, which is not a commitment. “Could” does not mean “will.” They “could” live in Martha’s Vineyard but they aren’t going to. If Gaza can be developed into valuable property after the Psuedostinians are gone, he could suggest they stay there while it’s developed for them.
But he doesn’t and won’t. He wants them out of Israel and doubtlessly as far from its borders as possible. And “International” doesn’t necessarily mean an international population which would be impossible. It could become an international tourism and diplomatic area, sure, but it couldn’t have international residents. That would be a nonsensical notion.Again, obviously, he’s just preventing the Minitrue Media and the usual suspects from making accusations of ethnic cleansing and a Jewish “occupation” and blah, blah, blah.
As far as Israeli declarations of Israeli sovereignty over “parts” of Judea and Samaria, that would end the interminable squabbles over who the land belongs to and end international pressure on Israel to reward terrorism and give the Psuedostinians a terror state on its eastern borde
I agree that the Gazans should be disbursed among the Arab nations, and return full control of the Gaza Strip to Israel.
I am in complete disagreement that US taxpayers should fund the restoration and rebuilding of that pile of rubble.
If Gaza is rebuilt, Israel alone should decide who is allowed to live there. I CAN”T IMAGINE spending hundreds of billions to make a beautiful seaside resort, and then letting potential terrorists back in.
Does Trump think he can end thousands of years of enmity between the Arabs and the Jews? Good luck with that!
President Trump said on two occasions that the wealthy Islamic countries in the region could and should pay to resettle the Psuedostinians and he didn’t offer to have America pay to redevelop Gaza. He said America could run Gaza but that wasn’t a commitment and he would never send ground troops to that shithole. He’ll back Israel most any other way, though. No way does he really want America to govern that city. He wants the Psuedostinians out so Israel can make it a valuable part of the country.
Oh, and the Prime Minister of Norway wants to talk to President Trump about his proposal to have America buy Greenland. I suspect he would like to stop wasting so many krones maintaining a huge, mostly barren and sparsely settled island that Norway doesn’t need. Why else offer to talk to President Trump about it?
Making Canada the 51st state is just typical Trump bombast but he did get Trudeau to back off his bluff about a tariff war that would’ve crushed Canada and he felt compelled to put 10,000 soldiers or Mounties or whatever on the border and declared or will declare the cartels as terrorist organizations.
And Panama took control of the canal back from the Chinese because its President is convinced that President Trump would take it if he hadn’t.
Starting with the toughest possible position, indeed. Make that three positions.
Greenland belongs to Denmark, not Norway. Schmuck.
Who gives shit, putz? Only trolls and retards criticize typos and memory glitches.
And just to let you know something new, krones are the currency of Denmark. I had a brain fart and typo’d “Norway.” That happens to intelligent people sometimes. You wouldn’t know because you’re stupid all the time.
And soon to belong to America. It’s ours for the taking if we want it. What is Denmark going to do about it, run crying to the UN? Yeah, right. Like we’re suppose to be scared of those UN sissies.
Exactly. I’m convinced the Prime Minister of Norway, Mette Frederikson, who’s a chick, wants to sell Greenland to Trump. Err, America. Yeah, that’s the ticket. It’s a drain on Denmark, which has to support it and doesn’t need it, and she knows President Trump could seize it if he wanted to. Trump wants to deal from the strongest position possible as Danny Boy wrote and she wants money and to be rid of a burden, I reckon.
We’ll see but I predict we’re soon to have a 51’st state. Trump isn’t stupid enough to make it a parasitic territory like Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the various other islands, atolls, reefs, and a bank in Micronesia. All a drain on America’s wealth and all filled with parasites who pay no taxes but can emigrate to America at will.
I truly hope dumps all of them, particularly Puerto Rico , that “floating island of garbage,” which is far and away the worst of the lot. President Trump said it’s “one of the most corrupt places on Earth” during his first term and he’;s right. It’s not only a huge leech but its leaders are usually hostile to America, particularly when a Republican is President. Not with Big Don, though. There hasn’t been a peep from its Governor against President Trump. And I understated before. President Trump didn’t start with g the strongest position possible with three leaders and movements, it was NINE. Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela (Maduro has been international pronouncements that he wants to welcome back all his Venezuelan trash who are Biden regime imported illegal aliens in America,) China (the 10% tariff still stands,) the Hamas Psuedostinians, Norway and the European Union and Russia, which are both threatened with tariffs that their leaders KNOW Trump will inflict on them if they play games.
AMERICA IS BACK. Trump makes McKinley look like a midget. He admires the expansionist McKinley, you know. He officially gave Mt McKinley its name back after Bareback HASBEEN Obama was able to temporarily (buh bye!) rename it as the anti-American “Mt Denali.”
Don’t forget that Trump is a highly skilled negotiator. By saying this, he is getting inside everyone’s head and shaping their thoughts and subtly cajoling them into agreeing with him. Even if nothing comes of this proposal, bravo president Trump, a masterful play!
This is what happens when you elect an alpha male for president with guts, a spine and nerves of. steel and knows how to move the needle and get things done. America is back baby! Large and in charge! This is truly the golden age of America.
“When we play golf together if I’m not on his team, he’ll try to get inside of my head and he’s always surprised that I don’t let him get to me. But I have to remind him, I’m a Trump, too.” — Trump’s granddaughter Kai.
(Incidentally, how much would an 1.,100 sq. foot waterfront condo run…?)
We Built the Panama Canal and and that pathetic little Pipsqueak Cater gave in Back we need to Keep the Canal and Keep China Out
You mean it’s time we play hard ball with China and the rest of our adversaries. No more being a chump and allowing them to punk us.
The 10% tariffs on China still stand and Xi Ping Pong hasn’t made a peep because he knows he would be crushed in a trade war and wants to save face. As always, he lets his henchmen shoot their Liliputian mouths off for the benefit of the psychotically nationalistic Chinese public and the psychotically anti-Trump and anti-American Minitrue Media here in the USA.
Now that Trump is President Hing’s are turning around. It’s the rest of the world getting punked instead of us.
Does anybody even remember Alzheimer Joe Beijing Biden or Brokeback Hasbeen Obama? Hell, not even Alzheimer Joe remembers who Joe is. That Tard gets lost in his own bathroom.
Trump’s Gaza talk skids the 60 year Palestinian hoax off its tracks. Gaza is a condemned property, and, as such, requires eviction of its current residents for ‘humanitarian’ reasons. Trump avoids defining Gaza as anybody’s land. He’s defining Gaza as an investment opportunity. But ultimately for whom? I hope that the US will give its share of the ‘business’ to Israel. Because Trump should be investing in righteousness.
But the current arrangement of slow motion releasing of hostages in exchange for a mass of terrorists is incomprehensible.
And then, what about all the little Gazas dotting Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem? And Hamas’ cousin Hezbollah in South Lebanon? And another in Yemen? Will the US Doctrine for Investment in Gaza pertain to those areas as well?
President Trump is aware of the little Gazas in Judea and Samaria and we can bet that he has plans to deal with them. Trump is capable of doing many things one after the other, as he’s demonstrated so dramatically in the last 17 days, but Gaza and the little Gazas are going to take more time than cowing foreign leaders. He’s already cowed eight and Hamas is a dead terrorist walking but of course, too stupid to know it. Psuedostinians are beyond a doubt the most stupid people on the planet but they’re going to take it up the ass this time.