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The ‘Palestinians’ were a made-up people invented by Soviet propagandists during the Cold War. In reality, they’re Arab Muslim settlers, many of whom moved to Israel not that long ago. For example, the al-Husayni clan, who gave us Hitler’s Mufti and much of the ‘Palestinian’ Jihadist elite, moved to Israel in the 18th century. Yasser Arafat, the godfather of ‘Palestinianism’, came out of Egypt.
A Hamas leader even admitted that they’re mostly Egyptians.
Is Trump right that Egypt should resettle Gazans?
Here’s a top Hamas leader admitting that they’re Egyptians
Egypt used to control Gaza. It can take its Gazans back. pic.twitter.com/anICxhIx7z
— Daniel Greenfield – “Hang Together or Separately” (@Sultanknish) January 26, 2025
Why not have them move back to Egypt?
Questioned about his earlier Saturday call with Jordan’s Abdullah II, Trump said he had asked the king to take additional Palestinians into his country.
“I said to him that I’d love you to take on more, because I’m looking at the whole Gaza Strip right now and it’s a mess, it’s a real mess,” he told reporters aboard Air Force One.
Trump said he would like both Jordan and Egypt to house people and that he would speak to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi about the matter on Sunday.
“You’re talking about a million and a half people, and we just clean out that whole thing,” Trump said, adding that there have been centuries-long conflicts in the region.
He continued, “I don’t know, something has to happen, but it’s literally a demolition site right now. Almost everything’s demolished and people are dying there, so I’d rather get involved with some of the Arab nations and build housing in a different location where I think they could maybe live in peace for a change.”
This is the common sense guy people love.
President Trump has good instincts. Unfortunately, he keeps being surrounded by bad advisers who try to get him to embrace the same old failed policies of past administrations. And it’s happening all over again.
Hopefully, that common sense prevails again over the new era of the swamp now clambering into the Department of Defense and the State Department.
The Egyptians spent 20 years creating the sociopathic shithole that is Gaza when they controlled it between the establishment of Israel and the 6 Day War.
When the Israelis offered to give it back along with Sinai the Egyptians didn’t want a bar of it because they knew how bad it was and didn’t want the psychos there trying to pull what they’d done in Jordan and were in the process of doing in Lebanon.
They have one goal, one purpose and that’s to destroys Jews. They need to be eliminated.
It seems to be nearly thirty years from 1948-1967.
Nineteen is the new thirty?
Who are those in the state department etc adjusting Trump poorly to do the same old thing?
All I can tell is Rubio Hegseth Stefanik say positive things ( for Israel) in video clips. Walz seems to vary.
Trump’s pick of Witcoff was so awful and we feared it reflected Trump’s ignorance and worse. So, thanks for this report of common sense on his part.
If Witless is Trump’s only mistake, we will be very lucky.
As far as I’m concerned, Trump has already made many errors.
And … so what?
Having a team on the field on “my” side
instead of a team doing Nastie stuff to me and mine
while gaslighting and blaming us for having Nastie skin
is so unusual,
I’m going to root for “my” team.
Even though I know they’re going to screw up, foul up, and fumble the ball before every touchdown.
Nobody wants them. They were in Kuwait for awhile, but after Saddam Hussein invaded they took his side against Kuwait. So Kuwait kicked them out after the war.
Both the Zionists and Islamists mix politics with religion, the latter used as a veneer of self-righteousness. They should convert and follow Jesus instead, who separated “God and Caesar”. True, Christians depended on both Pontus Pilate and Constantine at pivotal moments in church formation, but that was a necessity to spread the Gospel to “all nations” as commanded since the Old Testament prophets, too, not just Jesus.
And Atheists, Jeffk?
We wouldn’t be here – if it were not for the Atheists of the French Revolution demanding that we burn Western Civilization (Christendom) to the ground in the name of “Reason.”
As for Jesus separating ‘God and Caesar’ – try reading the Bible sometime.
The French Revolution spawned Marxism and all the wars we’ve had in the name of Marx.
Uh, didn’t Jesus say “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s?”
Bad things happen to countries that take in Palestinians, just ask Jordan and Lebanon.
lol … good one Greg 🙂
And Israel. I forget how many Psuedostinians live there but it’s a lot.
If he bribes them enough….possible?
Why not move the Jews to Jordan and or Egypt? I would think relocating the renters of land versus the true owners would make more sense.
Because the Jews aren’t from Jordan and Egypt, like the “Palestinians” are from Egypt and Jordan.
Besides, without the Jews, Israel would become a shite hole like Gaza.
That will only make Jordan or Egypt a great, WESTERN, modern, country of technological innovation, of individual rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and gay people will also be protected. The Muslims will hate that.
No doubt the Palestinians (Muslims) will start invading this new safe haven for the Jews and then claim to be the original natives.
Just like the Muslims from Bangladesh have been invading Buddhist Myanmar and now they call themselves the “native” Rohingyas. Just another Muslim lie.
Yes, I was just thinking about the scumbag Rohingyas. The third worst people on Earth after Somalis and Psuedostinians, who are the absolute worst. The Rohingyas are so bad that even a Buddhist Monk helped burn one alive on video.
you drink too much
He probably drinks fermented camel piss. I heard that’s popular in the Islamic lands.
Jews stay npnecause the Jews are Israel’s founders, builders, and protectors with a 3000 plus-year “dibs” on the territory. The very name, Israel, is the name of the father of the Jews (Jacob renamed Israel, son of Isaac, son of Sarah and Abraham). Thus the true owners are evident in the very ancestral name, moron.
Palistinians were never a people group, because Palistine was NEVER a nation, just a temporary name given by Britain (1920 to 1948). It’s like pretending everybody living in Texas are a nation of people called Texans. Geez Louise! For thousands of years before 1920, the land was called the Territory of ISRAEL. And even when it was called Palestine, JEWs lived there as well., therefore by your ignorant logic, Jews are as much “Palistinian” as the Arab grifter who wants to claim ownership by reason of a short-term name change. Puh-lease.
The name was given by the Romans as a form of propaganda and generalized insult meant to infer that Jews had never existed nor their history. Pretty much the same reason for referring to it as Palestine now.
Shouldn’t you be on a plane back to Mexico Juan?
Definitely, some of the Jews will eventually move to those places during the millennium. And a lot of other places besides. And everyone the world over who does not go up to Jerusalem to worship the Lord each year will receive no rain.
You must be a prophet..
Zechariah 14:17
Israel is surrounded by several muslim countries; why is it that the majority of these states will not accept a Jewish state the size of NJ…..anti semitism anyone? why will they not accept the “palestinians” in their state
The Jews have been there for thousands of years – there was never a group called Palestinians- this was made up
Israel negotiated with people who wanted all Jews dead and offered land for “peace” numerous times since 1948- this was never accepted as the negotiating partner could never accept a Jewish state- unless this ideology changes – the problem will always remain
your ignorance is appalling, beat it juannie
It would make more sense to move all Arabs back to Arabia and out of lands they conquered from Iberia to Pakistan. However, we are in 2025 and the world does not work that way. Jews are indigenous to their homeland for 4,000 years and always lived there as well as elsewhere, which everyone does. Nobody has a better claim to that land.
Wow. I didn’t know FPM readers could get that upset
I wonder if that’s a record?
In all the years I’ve been posting here, I have never seen such a reaction.
You’re post is as odious as it gets, but I’m really impressed.
You may or may not be the most truly ignorant and stupid bigot that’s ever posted here.
But you can revel in stirring us up.
We’re too calm and intellectual anyway.
The only way I can make sense of your suggestion is to employ a supposition that is very leftist progressive: that people are endlessly fungible and assimilable.
We are now so multi-culti in the U.S. we just mix peoples and cultures willy nilly thinking we are all the same in the name of “equality.” We falsely believe assimilating into one giant people without distinction will create a new Babel that God will bless this time.
All those middle eastern countries are much more culturally and ethnically monolithic than we are, but Israel, like us, tends to be more liberal and western much to her hurt.
Trump is suggesting a very reasonable course, grounded in reality – the peoples who have moved to Israel who are culturally, ethnically, linguistically Egyptian or Arab should return to their homelands.
Nonsense doesn’t make sense, Mohammad.
Then maybe you should go back to san JUAN, Juan….hopefully not all the people there are as ill informed, ignorant, and just down right stupid and uninformed as you. BTW are you living in America?
Not a good argument. Study done a few years ago showed nine out of ten people in Israel have bloodline that trace’s to Eastern Europe. Of course logic is the least consideration when it comes to all things Middle East. Maybe Trump will just buy the region and turn it into a golf course
You are confused.
Being a Jew has nothing to do with bloodline.
A Jew has a level of spiritual soul called a neshama bestowed automatically by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to the offspring of a Jewish woman, or to those who convert through the Halachic process.
That is why there are Jews of Eastern European, German, Spanish, Asian, Chinese, South American, Russian, African, and Arabic “origin” . . . and true converts from everywhere on earth.
We are different from the Gentiles.
Thank you for that comment. I am a Christian (reformed Protestant) and notice that your concepts are very Christian. That doesn’t surprise me,
1. Being a Christian has nothing to do with bloodline.
2. A Christian soul is dramatically and irrevocably changed when the LORD bestows upon it His Holy Spirit. We call this by various names, but it describes the “new birth” of the soul in Christ by which we receive new life – a second birth.
3. This why there are Christians in every tribe and nation upon the earth, speaking every language, yet each and every one worshiping the LORD in the Spirit of Holiness and Truth. We are both gentiles and Jews. We are then nations promised to Abraham, who believed God and was accounted righteous.
Oh, there’s no blood lineage of Jews you say? It’s all passed down through the woman? Well then why don’t we have a seed of Sarah then instead of the seed of Abraham?
That is an excellent question!
The answer MUST deal with the promises made to the Serpent in Genesis 3: 15. The prophecy deals with the seed of the woman specifically, and foretells the advent of the Messiah.
Uh, isn’t “seed” a synonym for sperm?
And according to Judaism, female lineage is what determines if a person is a Jew. Pops was a Jew but mom wasn’t? Not a Jew according to Judaism. The reverse? You’re a member of the tribe.
From what I’ve read, anyway.
The female lineage thing is true.
“Seed” in Hebrew is a lot like “seed” in English. It expresses singular and plural in much the same way. It can mean sperm, offspring, or the seed of plants and trees, etc.
A woman’s barrenness was a shameful thing in ancient times. Maybe this was due to the idea of homunculus sperm, in which the woman was a merely the soil / incubator?
I don’t know where you got that information, but that’s completely false.
How do we know? Fifty percent of the Jews living in israel come from Arab lands, who were forced out 1948.
European jews do have DNA that can trace them to the Levant.
Jordan is a made up country as well.
The Arabs have no history in this land. All the archaeology comes back to the Jews.
Yes, Jordan is a made up country. There British managed to do a lot of damage before they gave up the mandate. Despite Disraeli, they’ve always been Jew haters by and large.
Not a bad idea, Lebanon used to be called “Th Riviera of the Middle East”.
Beirut, Lebanon used to be called the Paris of the Middle East. Now, Paris is the Beirut of Europe.
Ouch. That’s a ‘good’ way to characterize a real problem.
Good one. I’ll have to steal it.
Since we are discussing confusion and nationality here, I suppose it would be appropriate to rehash the old joke about the Texas Aggie who asked a girl out on a date. She said yes, but I’ve got to tell you up front, I’m a lesbian, to which the Aggie replied, “oh really? So how are things in Beirut?”
Hizb’allah made short work of that. Islamopithecines despoil whatever they touch and wherever they invade.
By your same illogic, the people who call themselves Palistinians are actually Saudis and Egyptians, so they don’t belong in Israel either. In truth, there has never been a people group called Palistinians, just a common territory under a temporary name given to the Territory of Israel lasting only from 1920-1948. During that time, Jews, Saudis, Egyptians, and Europeans lived there, with Jews having lived there for thousands of year.
Therefore, by your logic, Jews and Europeans are as much “Palistinian” as the Egyptians and Saudi bloodlines. Thus Jews and Europeans minimally have the same right to the territory as the Egyptians and Saudis who falsely claim to be a nationality. It’s like America taking over Juarez Mexico where Blacks, Whites, and mostly Mexicans lived, changing the name to Texas for 28 years, then giving it back to Mexicans and watching whites and blacks claim it is theirs because it was Texas for 28 years and they are Texans…when during the same 28 years, Mexicans (who are the native nati9nals) were also Texans. Yes,.. Your argument is that absurd,
It could be added that the Egyptian Arabs call those they conquered in the 7th century Egyptians. Their word is Qibt which in English is Copt. Those letters equate to the gypt in Egypt. The Coptic Church is the church of the conquered Egyptians.
8 billion plus people in the world have genetic heritage from the rest of the world. That is not just from the current species. Your claim is misleading and omits all areas but one. That is a big agenda red light. Not to mention that “bloodlines” involve conquest and involuntary mixing. That could be Hittites in the Middle East and Huns in France.
Nope, the new DNA tests show the Jews in Europe came from the Middle east.
Syria is the perfect answer. There is no real government to upset right now. They need to replace a lost population. The rebels have shown their solidarity with Hamas. They would have access to the sea and plenty of room. In addition they would have their dream, a land with no Jews.
Syria is on Israel’s border. Bad idea. The Sinai desert separates populated Egypt from Israel.
The British didn’t do the world any favors when they dumped them there.
You don’t know your history.
They’re not all European Jews. You have 50% of the population that came from Arab countries.
Do you people ever read history.? Jews weren’t “dumped there.” Jews ALWAYS lived there, and when the British gave a huge territory to Jordan, they gave a little strip of land to Israel so the Jews scattered throughout Europe and persecuted would have a place to return to. Funny nobody whines about what was given to Jordan but what was given back to a people with a 4000-year history of occupation. Their lack of “pure” bloodline is irrelevant and silly. If that is your argument, then people claiming to be “Palistinian” are mostly Egyptian bloodline, so they belong in their ancient homeland of Egypt.
There are two anti-Semitic standards used against Israel. One is the purity of DNA. The other is the fact that many Jews have lived elsewhere as well as in their homeland. Those do not seem to be considerations when viewing other nations. Numerous nations have many of their nationals living elsewhere. In some cases, more of them live outside their original nation than in it.
As I understood it, the British poisoned the minds of the Arabs against the Israelis for fear they would learn from them that they had been screwed in what they had been paid for the oil as if they owned it. They were just nomadic tribes in an area where the British found the oil and the sheiks were given what they thought were untold riches They even furnished guns to the Arabs with which to fight the
It was Satan who poisoned Arab minds, given that the Jews are God’s chosen people,
The British also participated with troops in 1948 until being defeated. They continued logistical and intel support. The plan was for the King of Jordan to be King of Palestine and host British bases.
The Arabs were already persecuting the Jews, had been doing so since the foundation of islam.
The Hagganah was formed as a militia to defend the Jewish settlements in the area prior to World War I when it was still a part of the Ottoman Empire.
This land has been torn by strife for time immemorial – more so than most. ANY solution would be difficult. If the solution contemplates dividing according to nation, then much intermarriage blurs that line. If we prioritize religion, the passions of the people are aroused to even greater conflict and secularism is unsustainable. If we choose a long occupancy time, then many of the same multiples of people and religions, including Jews who never left and Christians who have lived there for thousands of years remain.
It is a sticky wicket! But that does not mean a radical solution should not be attempted. I believe only the return of the LORD Jesus Christ will bring peace to that land and demonstrate fulfillment of the promise to Abraham — that his seed would be a light to and bless all nations. The Jews must have a homeland. The phrase “final solution” was first used by a Jew to envision a homeland in ancient Israel. If the LORD is with Israel, then she will have no need of other allies.
Too much common sense. I can’t take it anymore. What’s happening?
The Trump Effect or is it Affect is more powerful and real than TDS
I prefer effect as the noun and affect as the verb.
Strat sending back all those violent migrants since we don’t want violent crinimal’s in America and t hat also means Mexico as well
The solution is to scatter them among all the Arab Muslim nations so the collective cannot take root and the peaceful cultural impact of better values of the masses will be pressed on the children. Together they formate generation after generation of troublemakers, no country should take them as “a people.” They should take them as individuals and never allow them to congregate or form troubling groups.
You Jew haters are out in force. Besides Jews, who else do you hate? Anyone and everyone who is not from your particular tribe? That’s the bailiwick of primitive savages which you knuckle dragging Jew haters are.
schizophrenic, limey wanker says what?
The problem is no other country wants trouble makers. Jordan almost had a civil war because of “Palestinians”.
Well, since Jimmy Carter and his nuts arenow roasting in the Infernal Reaches, he can fire up “Habitat for SUB-humanity!!!!
That was beneath you – which is the point! Jiminy Cricket Carter reaping what he has sown should be a tapestry.
By that logic why not move the Israelis back to eastern Europe and Russia and the USA where they came from, mostly after the 20th century?
Where do Saccos come from? Should they all be there and stay there forever or until the jihadis come for them? Your history is false. Your morality is evil.
never mind where their ancestors came from
Fakestinians are Muslims.
They belong to the other Muslim nations because they are all Muslims.
Do not rejoice all Palestina that the rod that struck thee is broken.
For out of the serpent’s clan shall come forth a more poisonous snake,
and his fruit shall be a fiery, flying serpent. (F-16s, F-35s 2000lb bombs, phosphorous shells, etc)
Isaiah 14:29
Amazing to watch the antichrists carrying out this prophecy (for decades now)
Deepseek says you’re kind of misrepresenting the situation here. I’m just a dumb human though, so I buy every thing you said
The problem here is that outsiders do not understand what is truly going on in Gaza and Israel. This is a spiritual war! The Lord GOD/Jesus says that Satan has an army on Earth. You will know who they are, they wear all black. They will suffer a set back but will come back even stronger! This is the war between Satan and Jesus Christ. The name of Satan army is called ISIS or IS or the Lavant army. Their trade mark is black with a head band that’s green proclaims their Moto. They did suffer a blow by Trump but Trump lied when he said he destroyed them! ISIS had gone to their fellow terrorist brothers and gathered them to grow ISIS army. This is who attacked israel on October 7th, 2023. This IS Satan’s Army on Earth says the Lord GOD Jesus. That’s why Trump forced Israel to have to accept the cease fire with Hamas/ISIS if they wanted him to help them. Everyone who has read the Koran to see what the enemies of GOD are up to. They are allowed to deceive the infidels! The last time I checked Israelites are still considered that by ISIS. Israel have been fighting an out in the open war with Satan. Pray for Israels peace and protection and blessings. This is the time of Jacobs trouble!
While you are honeymooning alone, you know what you can do.
Generally agree with our regular combox ‘staff’ – and I notice that our regular trolls are pretty tame.
But we have a few trolls getting us stirred up by the ‘argument.’
There is/was no ‘argument.’
Trump has offered a diplomatic solution in a diplomatic way to cut a pragmatic deal.
In no way – positive or negative – was Trump suggesting that anyone’s DNA or racial background was dictating anyone’s destination.
What Trump suggested is: Muslim nations could take some Muslim troublemakers because that might be a way to keep the peace during Trump’s term in office.
AND – regardless of our TDS or Trump-bot status – THAT IS TRUMP’S JOB! He’s supposed to keep the peace.
If a regular, hello, and I’m just saying don’t get sucked in by being too brainy. This is pure pragmatism:
Got a rock in the way, get some dynamite.
It’s not a faculty lounge discussion.
Give them a nice portion of the Sinai Peninsula and end the insanity.
When someone is cheering and waving their flags shouting death to Israel..death to US .. Me,am smart enough to know they hate me ..you think?
Greenfield may be woefully ignorant on the pile,of drivel known as the WARREN COMMISSION REPORT, but at least he got this right!
Our Jewish people are the indigenous people of ancient Israel. Our ancestry originates there! Being dispersed by G-d Almighty due to our acceptance and idolatrous practices of foreign cultures, we moved throughout the diaspora. That in NO WAY changes our collective origins.
Whether humanity likes that the Jewish people were set aside, by G-d Almighty, as we stood at the foot of Mt. Sinai being given the Ten Commandments, and subsequently via Moses ascending the mountain to receive the remaining 603, He called us to be a “light unto the nations” and to do so meant us practicing our adherence to G-d via these commandments.
That we were long in various countries throughout the diaspora, most often persecuted by either the governments or other faiths, that truth remains.
Attempting to use picayune reasons in an attempt to delegitimize us via our genetic, ancestral heritage carried through our people is but another form of antisemitism and one has to wonder why?
Do those of you writing disparaging comments about us here ever ask that of yourselves? We are by all accounts of history the most persecuted people on the face of the earth and after the Holocaust (yes this genocide REALLY happened) were unwelcome by any country to come there.
The Mandate for Palestine,
A Mandate granted to the UK by the League of Nations to ensure the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, recognizing the historical connection between the Jewish people and its historic homeland.
Somehow the truth of our homeland became the thorn in the side of the Arab territories known for their vehement hatred of us.
In truth, Arab territories were parceled by the British becoming separate nations, many of which had generations of Jewish people living among their Arab neighbors. At the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Arab nations immediately rejected their Jewish populations allowing them only what they could carry; instantly confiscated were their homes, businesses, bank accounts, and all other possessions.
More than 500,000 were displaced yet the world, in its arrogance NEVER acknowledges that this happened.
Send all Arabs back to their people. We came home, it’s long overdue for ALL OF THEM to go home!!