How can we celebrate America when Planned Parenthood is unable to harvest and resell baby parts in a small number of states?
We’ve seen these tactics before used by Black Lives Matter, but most lefty protests and activism consist of the same movement-shifting leaders and participants so now we’ve got pro-abortion protesters blocking a July 4th celebration while waving a banner, “No celebration with forced procreation”.
The 4th of July parade in Downtown Lansing ended shortly after it started when pro-choice protesters blocked the parade from continuing.
News 10 was on the scene when the parade began at 11 Monday morning. Protesters were there a half hour before at 10:30 a.m. The parade started at the left of the State Capitol building but was stopped by protesters as soon as they turned to the front of the building.
The organizer of the protest said that she did not intend for protesters to block the parade in today’s rally.
Sure, that’s why they stood in the way with a large banner reading, “No celebration with forced procreation”.
Lansing Mayor Andy Schor was there and told News 10 that supports the protest but was disappointed the parade was ended.
Protesters took over the original parade route and looped back around to the Capitol building where they continued protesting.
That’s what happens when you enable and support leftists.
Had this been the Proud Boys, police would have cleared them away, but as usual there’s a different standard for lefties and that means they get to shut down anything they want with zero consequences.
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