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As long as your heart is in the right place, who cares if you are a multiple arsonist who throws fire-bombs and endangers lives? And you have a well-placed heart as big as the Ritz if you hate Israel and want to see it disappear, to be replaced by a 23rd Arab state. More on the antisemitic and pro-Hamas supporters who have rallied round the pyromaniacal comically-named Casey Goonan, can be found here: “Anti-Israel serial arsonist receives support from Columbia encampment protest groups,” by Michael Starr, Jerusalem Post, June 21, 2024:
The Columbia University Apartheid Divest coalition that led the encampment at the academic institution issued a statement of support for an alleged anti-Israel serial arsonist on Thursday night.
Jewish Voice for Peace Columbia, Students for Justice in Palestine Columbia, and CUAD, a coalition of around 100 students groups, published on Instagram a statement of support for Casey Goonan, who was arrested on Monday for involvement in four firebombing and arson attacks at the University of California, Berkeley.
“CUAD stands in full support of Casey Goonan and all of our comrades who have bravely undertaken the call to escalate for Palestine,” said the coalition. “Even if Casey G[oonan] is innocent [and we sincerely hope he is found guilty], the entire Palestine solidarity movement must support them [all the casey goonans of this world] as if they truly did take bold and heroic actions to protect millions of lives.”
What could be more “bold and heroic” than to set fire to some brushwood next to a library? Or to firebomb a campus police car? Or to start a fire in the middle of a construction site? Casey Goonan answered the call “to escalate for Palestine,” but as there were no Jews around to beat up, he decided to set things on fire. The stout pro-Hamas yeomen at Columbia University have been quick to rally round Casey Goonan, their “comrade” out at Berkeley, a man whom they believe is not only “heroic,” but – they no doubt believe – is being persecuted by the sinister agents of Israel who control the world, or much of it.
Goonan’s alleged June 1 to June 8 arson spree of a UC Berkeley Police Department vehicle, a construction site, a brush area near a library, and a building were described by the coalition as “the rational action of targeting state infrastructure,” in response to US support for Israel’s military operation in Gaza.
Yes, nothing bespeaks “rational action” like setting fire to a campus police vehicle, a construction site, or starting a brushfire near a library. Apparently the construction site and the library are considered “state infrastructure” and because that “state” — that is, the Federal government that has nothing to do with UC/Berkeley — supports the pariah state of Israel in its vicious campaign to destroy Hamas as a military force, setting fires all over the Berkeley campus seems like a swell thing to do.
“The fires on UC campuses have been in direct response to the university’s violent police repression of their own students. The spark ignited on US campuses during the intifada of the last few months cannot be quelled, and further repression will only continue to transform these sparks into flames,” said CUAD….
The kid-glove treatment of campus pro-Hamas demonstrators hardly qualifies as “violent repression.” They had taken over a university building at Berkeley,, locked themselves in, and proceeded to set fires that damaged the inside of the structure. Exactly 12 of the many dozens involved in the trespassing and damage on the Berkeley campus were arrested by the police, who, despite being taunted and screamed at, kept their cool — there was no “violent repression” — and those twelve were soon released.
Escalate Network said on social media that it would organize a fundraiser for Goonan, who has a $1 million bail….
I hope the fundraiser for this sinister pyromaniac fails. But even if his supporters manage to raise enough to pay for a decent criminal defense lawyer, the evidence of Goonan’s repeated fire-bombings and setting of fires is undeniable, and the “heroic” Casey Goonan has no intention of denying any of it; he’s proud of his “principled heroism,” damaging buildings at the University of California, Berkeley as a way to punish the national government for continuing to supply weapons to our most loyal ally, for a war it has been forced to fight thousands of miles away. Go figure.
The “Goonan Squad” ? … now THAT’s funny! 😃
I wonder, does this pos have a family with any — ahem — flammable assets?
…..just sayin’ …
The DA has dismissed the state charges.. However, the minute order from the hearing says that there is a federal hold. Goonan is likely looking at many years behind bars, as is fitting if he did what he is accused of doing. Meanwhile, as a California taxpayer, my tax money goes to support folks like Dylan Rodriguez, an anti-US professor at UC Riverside. Dylan Rodriguez, to my knowledge, has broken no laws. However, he spreads a philosophy of racial hatred which justifies violence. The official UC Riverside webpage described his philosophy: “Most importantly, Dylan believes in the right—in fact, the obligation—of occupied, colonized, and incarcerated peoples to fight for their liberation against external oppressors as well as internal reactionaries, and the parallel responsibility of those who profess solidarity to take all necessary measures to protect, defend, and advance liberation struggle, whatever forms it may take.” As for Dylan racist, here is what his university bio says: “Dylan’s lifework focuses on liberationist, anticolonial, and abolitionist confrontations with the antiblack, colonial, and white supremacist violences that permeate the ongoing Civilization project. He is devoted to studying and teaching the historical, collective genius of rebellion, survival, and insurgent futurity that radically challenge dominant forms of authority, power, and institutionality.” In other words, Dylan believes all White people are racist and one needs to engage in anti-racism prefers for supposedly disadvantaged races.
It’s rather obvious that the lunatic has no place “educating” mindless youths! But then if that was a detriment to employment by these communist colleges, there would be a different administration and faculty and maybe – just maybe – some decent kids getting a REAL education! NO US TAXPAYERS’ FUNDS should support ANY organization that is ANTI-AMERCA!
Which is all to say that he has found his unique road to 15 minutes of fame. Idiot!
We watch the Ham-A** Lemings Running of the Cliff time and time again
“— and those twelve were soon released.”
Unlike the January 6th peaceful protests that resulted in democrats locking up innocent people in solitary confinement for years, WITHOUT TRIAL.
California jurors may be largely Democrat voters but they do NOT like firebugs. I don’t see the jury being very sympathetic.
Just put a noose around the neck of this Goonan cretin and creep, and then toss him off a roofrop. Problem of at least one cockroach solved.
Thanks Hugh !!!