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In the annals of campus presumption, this latest news takes some kind of cake. Various student groups at Harvard who are united in their hatred of Israel, and in their solidarity with those who wish to destroy the Jewish state and replace it with a twenty-third Arab state, have just issued an ultimatum to President Claudine Gay. She has until Monday, November 27 to respond. More on this absurdity can be found here: “‘Your Move’: Anti-Israel Harvard University Students Issue Demands to School President, Give Monday Deadline,” by Dion J. Pierre, Algemeiner, November 24, 2023:
Dozens of anti-Israel student groups at Harvard University, along with several allied campus groups across the US, have issued a set of demands to Harvard President Claudine Gay and given her until Monday to respond, adding further fuel to what’s become an explosive situation at one of the world’s most elite universities over the Israel-Hamas war.
Earlier this week, students protested on campus and issued the list of demands, which included the reinstatement of a student proctor who three weeks ago participated in mobbing a Jewish student and screaming “Shame!” into his ears.
That proctor was part of a group that ganged up on a Jewish student, surrounding him and screaming “Shame! Shame!” — while he tried to get away. You can see the disturbing scene here.
According to The Harvard Crimson, the campus newspaper, the university had suspended indefinitely Elom Tettey-Tamaklo, a second year student at the Harvard Divinity School, from his role as a proctor over his involvement in the incident, video of which went viral earlier this month. Tettey-Tamaklo reportedly has been ordered to vacate free housing he received as compensation for holding the position, which gives graduates the opportunity to mentor freshmen.
What kind of a “mentor” to freshmen can this Elom Tettey-Tamaklo possibly be, if he thinks ganging up on a lone Jewish student, surrounding him and preventing him from leaving is an acceptable way to behave? And he’s a student the Divinity School? His spirituality takes strange forms.
This week, the students also demanded that Gay commit to pursue no disciplinary or punitive actions against “pro-Palestinian students and workers engaging in non-violent protest.” The letter came as, according to The Harvard Crimson, eight undergraduate students had been summoned to hearings as part of disciplinary proceedings against students who last week occupied University Hall on campus for 24-hours.
So they also want Claudine Gay to take no action against students who unlawfully interfered with the university’s business by occupying University Hall? That won’t happen. Claudine Gay, who is black and won’t like having a non-negotiable demand thrown in her face, will get her back up at the peremptory tone of this letter by these spoiled Harvard brats who, to judge by the photographs of their demonstrations, are almost entirely white.
The third demand in the letter to Gay was for Harvard to “disclose [its] investments in the internationally recognized illegal settlements in Palestine and divest from those holdings” — an apparent nod to the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. The BDS campaign seeks to isolate Israel from the international community as a step toward the Jewish state’s eventual elimination.
Harvard University continues to attempt to silence the voices of those who refuse to watch [sic]idly by as crimes against humanity are committed against the Palestinian people,” said the letter containing the demands. “The university continually wants to ‘affirm their commitment to protecting all members of our community from harassment and marginalization.’ However, they are currently attempting to fire a black first year proctor, Elom, for standing on the side of justice.”
The “crimes against humanity” are not those committed against, but rather by a subset of the Palestinians in Gaza, that is, the sadistic torturers, rapists, and murderers who belong to Hamas. Israel does not commit “crimes against humanity.” The IDF makes colossal efforts to minimize civilian casualties. It has done this in the war against Hamas in two ways. First, the IDF dropped 1.5 million leaflets over northern Gaza to urge its residents to move to the south, in order to get out of the way of the airstrikes that the IDF knew it would soon be unleashing against Hamas operatives and their weapons in the north. Second, the IDF warned people living inside or near buildings it was about to target to leave those buildings at once. It did — and does — this by messaging, telephoning, leafletting, and by use of the “knock on the roof” technique. Of course, Hamas operatives also profit from these warnings. But that is a price the IDF is prepared to pay in order to limit civilian lives. The IDF is the only army that warns its enemy in advance of sites it is about to target. It is this practice that led British Colonel Richard Kemp to describe the IDF as “the most moral army in the world.”
The letter additionally chastised Gay for earlier this month condemning the popular anti-Israel chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” — a slogan that has been widely interpreted as a call for the destruction of Israel, which is located between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
Gay is being attacked for stating the obvious: “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” can mean only one thing, that the single Jewish state must disappear, to be replaced by a twenty-third Arab one.
“We request a response by the end of Thanksgiving break on Monday, November 27th,” the letter concluded. “The whole of Boston and the broader movement is behind us — your move.”
So “the whole of Boston” is “behind” those self-righteous Harvard swells? How do you know this? I suspect that of the 650,000 inhabitants of Boston, a city I know very well, about 640,000 are either opposed to your ghastly views, or have never heard of you. What surquidry from these jejune revolutionaries, what self-importance, what comical swank.
By the time you read this, the ultimatum to Claudine Gay by these self-regarding haters of Israel, and admirers of Hamas, will have come and gone. She will either have ignored their demand for a response, or rejected it, without further discussion. Either will do just fine.
I hope she kicks out the rest of these supporters of the savages. If ever in the position to hire, I would never hire an Ivy League graduate. They are spoiled, uninformed, idiots.
I would give all who embrace Hamas and support them the following ultimatum. You support terrorism, that makes you a terrorist, and as such you will be treated as a terrorist.
The trouble is that they will not be be released from their mortal coils.
These Jewish students were in FEAR, some for their lives while being surrounded, physically attacked and pushed, barricaded and held hostage, and could have gone bad real quick.
Now the mobs will use INTIMIDATION to silence all dissenters and many will run into The Closet, joining MAGAS, pro-lifers, that Gays used to hide in for FEAR of being outed by their own fellow students and professors.
RETALIATION with threats and even DEATH THREATS that should be vigorously investigated by the FBI and the DOJ. This RETALIATION has been used by professors who give bad grades therefore ruining a future career and advancement. Then giving good grades to incompetents, and to radical activists who would use future positions to promote their agenda who do become teachers, professors, Hollywood, Big Tech, The Media, city/state/national leaders, join Congress, and even The White House. That President appointing them to head departments, take them over by only hiring their own, which do include LGBTQwxyz activists, Jihadists, and even based on the Color of their Skin and not the content of Their Qualifications and even leading to SEGREGATION with up to FORTY-FIVE COLLEGES now allowing “BLACK’S ONLY” GRADUATIONS. Many more allowing BLACK’S ONLY dorms, Student Unions, and safe spaces. WHAT WOULD ROSA PARKS SAY? Why do I think she would join them? Where is A Rosa Parks today willing to sit at a Black’s Only lunch counter in the Black Student Union and to crash a graduation? That’s how you end this madness!
NOTICE the silence by the always vocal professors who rant against Trump and everything he stands for. Why are they hiding? THEIR SILENCE PROVES THEY ARE HAMAS SUPPORTERS while a very small percentage are hiding in the closet with the Jews and MAGAS.
THE WORLD IS CHOOSING SIDES! The media is choosing sides and enough that Hamas is gaining sympathy and winning the propaganda.
IMAGINE WHIRLED PEAS WITH NO MULLAHS IN IRAN! Go to the root of the World’s main problem. What do they, China, and Russia, have on The Big Guy? Sounds like all of them are BLACKMAILING HIM!
Winter break is just around the corner and all the kiddies will go home and go shopping. President Gay knows this.
Expulsion and a criminal complaint make sense.
Expel them from the university. Place a comment in their academic record as to why – exposing hatred and support of the butchery the Hamas performed on innocent people who had done nothing, NOTHING, to merit such behavior. Take the prorated tuition they paid and use it to send them to Gaza to introduce them to the savages. Give them a lesson in life that far surpasses anything an ivy league college offers these days.
A small point, but in leftist thought President Gay is not black, and the Hamas agents are not white. These are political categories to the left and not determined by skin color or genetics. Hence Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder, et al. are not black but white: they suffer from “whiteness.” I think the left really is serious about this, even though it is obviously insane.
I shudder, to think, of Elmo the divinity student.
How much do you think these petulant tantrums have already cost the institution Gay is hired to protect and prosper? Her ultimatum back to them should be : “If you don’t like it here, there’s the door.”
Looks like Harvard will take anyone
According to VDH, it’s the same at Yale, Princeton, others. It’s a contagion that destroyed education here.
and that includes people applying for the Harvard President job – I would like to see a factual, true resume on Claudine – without gov’t affirmative action BS, she would probably be working at Walmart.
Note how, once again, masks facilitate criminal anonymity.
So, it’s now past 11/27. What did Gay do? Anyone know. Knowing the powerlessness of most university administrators, I’d be willing to bet she cratered but does anyone know?
Looks like at the moment she’s busy trying to dodge probing questions from Congress about what she’s doing to stop the Jew-hate frenzy on Harvard campus.
Excerpts from one transcript:
Congresswoman Stefanik: Dr. Gay, a Harvard student calling for the mass murder of African Americans is not protected free speech at Harvard, correct?
President Gay: Our commitment to free speech –
Stefanik: It’s a yes or no question. Is that correct? Is that okay for students to call for the mass murder of African Americans at Harvard? Is that protected free speech?
Gay: Our commitment to free speech –
Stefanik: It’s a yes or no question.
[snip –]
Stefanik: Isn’t it true that Harvard previously rescinded multiple offers of admissions for applicants… for sharing offensive memes, racist statements, sometimes as young as 16 years old? Did Harvard not rescind those offers of admission?
Gay: That long predates my time as president so I can’t speak –
Stefanik: But you understand that Harvard made that decision to rescind those offers of admission.
Gay: I have no reason to contradict the facts as you present them to me.
Stefanik: Well let me ask you this: Will admission offers be rescinded or any disciplinary action be taken against students or applicants who say, “from the river to the sea” or “intifada” advocating for the murder of Jews?
Gay: As I’ve said, that type of hateful, reckless, offensive speech is personally abhorrent to me.
Stefanik: No action will be taken? What action will be taken?
Gay: When speech crosses into conduct that violates our policies, including policies against bullying, harassment and intimidation, we take action. We have robust disciplinary processes that allow us to hold individuals accountable.
Stefanik: What action has been taken against students who are harassing and calling for the genocide of Jews on Harvard’s campus?
Gay: I can assure you, we have robust disciplinary actions.
Stefanik: What actions have been taken? I’m not asking – I’m asking what actions have been taken against those students.
Gay: Given students’ rights to privacy and our obligations under FERPA. I will not say more about any specific cases other than to reiterate that processes are ongoing.
So she didn’t even have the fortitude to crater — she just slipped and slimed her way through, So much for the Harvard motto VERITAS.
Expel them totally tell hen to Go Pound Sand tell them their not Welcome send them to the middle east to stay