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Polls suggest Republicans fared poorly during the 2022 midterms over the issue of abortion. The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, putting the matter back to the states where it belongs and where it was through all of America’s history until 1973.
This infuriates many female and young voters who consider “access to abortion a right.” Republicans have not figured out a way of dealing with this political disadvantage. If the minds of pro-abortion believers cannot be changed, they can perhaps be convinced that those who disagree come to this debate in good faith and not as “anti-women.”
Dr. Martin Luther King’s view of abortion is hotly debated. His niece, Rev. Alveda King, says: “You know, my uncle said, ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere…’ So that led me to say a woman has a right to choose what she does with her body. It’s always dicey to conclude how someone dead would think or feel today.”
But about King’s successor as head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Dr. Ralph Abernathy, there is no doubt. Abernathy co-founded and became vice president of the American Freedom Coalition. About abortion, the AFC wrote in its 1987 pamphlet: “Among the values promoted by AFC are a strong national defense, opposition to abortion and pornography…”
In 1966, King received the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood. His wife, Coretta Scott King, accepted the award and read a speech written by her husband: “Like all poor, Negro and white, they have many unwanted children… There is scarcely anything more tragic in human life than a child who is not wanted. That which should be a blessing becomes a curse for parent and child.”
Two things about this. First, it is unlikely that the Kings knew that Sanger was a eugenicist who spoke at a women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan at Silver Lake, New Jersey. Sanger thought certain people unfit to live: “The mass of Negroes, particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among Whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit.”
Second, Planned Parenthood at this time was publicly opposed to abortion, given that states considered it a crime.
An article on the website of the Organization of American Historians writes: “By 1900, every state had a law forbidding abortion at any stage, whether through the use of drugs or procedures. Almost all the laws passed during this time included a therapeutic exception, where licensed physicians could provide abortions at their own discretion as long as the abortion preserved the life of the mother. While this loophole allowed many women to obtain abortions, it also made doctors the ultimate arbiters of the morality and legality of abortions.”
Civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer, arrested in Mississippi for attempting to register blacks to vote, was pro-life: “I believe that legal abortion is legal murder.”
In 1977, Rev. Jesse Jackson spoke at the Pro-Life in Washington D.C, where he said: “There are those who argue that the right to privacy is of (a) higher order than the right to life…You could not protest the existence or treatment of slaves on the plantation because that was private and therefore outside your right to be concerned. What happens to the mind of a person, and the moral fabric of a nation, that accepts the aborting of the life of a baby without a pang of conscience?”
If, while taking a walk, you heard your neighbor brutally whipping his pet dog, would you call 911? Most people would. And, if one considers abortion deeply wrong, why expect him or her to stay out of the argument?
Ask a “pro-choice” advocate, at what point has a pregnancy gone so far that to terminate constitutes murder? A minute before birth? Five minutes? Dr. Kermit Gosnell is the Philadelphia abortion doctor in prison for performing late-term abortions. Is Gosnell a victim of an unfair prosecution, if not persecution, and should he be released from jail?
Mahatma Gandhi, whom MLK called “a guiding light,” wrote: “It is a sin to bring forth unwanted children, but I think it is a greater sin to avoid the consequences of one’s own action. It simply unmans man.”
“It is a sin to bring forth unwanted children, but I think it is a greater sin to avoid the consequences of one’s own action. It simply unmans man.”
Hey, so if you spent too much time getting a tan at the beach and get skin cancer, smoking cigarettes and get lung cancer, or you got infected with an STD, man-up, be a real man, take the consequences, and don’t get get any medical treatment.
Hey, Indian peasant, hey Ethiopian peasant, have those 12 children even if 4 die of malnutrition, it’s the manly thing to do. The more, the merrier.
You will never be a real man because you don’t take responsibility for the harm you cause on a daily basis. You trash religion almost every day. You trash the believers in those religions. So I am not surprised that you would blithely go about telling people to kill their unborn. I also am not surprised you subscribe to the most self-centered religion on the planet, invented by the most self-centered woman on the planet.
It’s really none of your business how many kids other cultures have per family.
Now, I know you have no use for a soul because you are basically dead inside. I only wish that what passes for your mother had seen fit to mercifully abort you, basically to spare us from your irritating insufferable presence.
Why are you so obsessed with this guy. You’re almost like those TDS sufferers. It doesn’t matter what the guy says, there you are to put him down.
“Intrepid” has some kind of emotional-mental issues. Some kind of obsessive-compulsive and anger disorder.
He follows me to other websites and insults me there too. He saves and archives my comments and re-posts them. He threatens lawsuits against me and others. He googles my moniker to try and find comments I post on other websites to see if he can use them against me. He has vowed to get me banned from FPM.
He has personal obsessive-compulsive and anger issues. I no longer take his attacks seriously, it’s just his knee-jerk emotional-mental issues kicking in every time he sees a comment he doesn’t approve of by by anyone that he doesn’t like. He is actually a LEFTIST at heart.
Thank for proving all of my points about you. So you are a thin skinned psychiatrist as well as a mental case with narcissistic personality disorder. Perfect
I don’t follow you around to other sites because you aren’t at other sites. Just this one where you can’t be blocked. you are too chicken to step outside of your safe space.
I do like saving your posts and throwing your verbal gibberish back in your face. Although you are so repetitive now I don’t have to save your posts anymore.
Oh, here’s an oldie but goodie: *I don’t recognize any such absurdity as service to my country. I recognize a moral responsibility to my freedom and liberty and the freedom and liberty of those I love.* Your definition of “rational” selfishness. You are simply a selfish little man.
I noticed you stopped the pedo garbage when I threatened to sue you. That one must have really gotten to you so much that you still talk about it.
I don’t use Google so I can’t find anything else about you.
Your big problem is you don’t like to be challenged except on your moronic Objectivist religion.
Your emotional and mental issues come into play every day with your obsessive compulsive attacks on Christianity, especially during Holy Week.
I am not a leftist at heart. Nice projection though. I am a capitalist….something you know nothing about.
You will always be a fraud.
Yes I am. Watcha gonna do about it?
THX spends his time trashing Christians and Jews on this site, almost on a daily basis. And then gets upset when he is called out on it.
THX also is extremely pro-choice to the point where he, again, demonstrates his hatred for people of faith who believe in family. He seems to have no problem with pro-abortion groups who attack pro-life centers.
I have no problem trashing him and his fake religion of Objectivism.
If you have a problem with that…….too bad.
Abortion is violent and barbaric and results in the loss of at least one human life. Any society that accepts abortion cannot be said to be civilized. To be pro-abortion is to be pro-violence, pro-barbarism, and pro-the taking of innocent human life.
Abortion meets the qualifications of First Degree Murder.
So the death before birth for another human being is equivalent to curing a bodily disease by killing its generative pathogen? Need one be reminded that the fetus is not an organ of the body of the mother nor is it a pathogen? There is no equivalence.
Taking action which intentionally ends the life of another unless in self-defense of ones own life has always been recognized to be murder in Western culture. Hence only honest medical determination of that danger to the mother releases her from the commission of murder when visiting death before birth upon the fetus she carries.
One encouraging a specific individual to abort the child they are carrying are accomplice-before-the-fact in the commission of murder once the abortion is performed and should be recognized as such before the law.
Good ideas and perhaps some civilization, more advanced than ours currently has degenerated to, will implement them. Once, in our early days of such minds as John Adams, we would have seen such arguments succeed in legislation. But I have little hope that we will see such laws passed in our dying and decaying Republic today. But little hope does not mean no hope, and miracles can happen.
No. Reports of significant impact to 2022 election are patently unreliable, first of all…
By far the greater ‘political disadvantage’ would be allowing females and their emasculated subordinates to establish baby-murder as the socially sanctioned norm in the USA… As Alan Keyes famously said, “Your inalieable rights come from God, not your mother”…
The scales will have to tip fully and permanently in the other direction, that is all… The abortion battle will be won by the pro-life side at the Federal level, and the issue will finally pass from the Federal election scene… The battle will be State by State, and will be less volatile in most of them….
It seems as if every state that passes some reasonable pro-life legislation is very quickly dragged through the courts, both of law and of public opinion. The left has been very organized in its hysterical opposition to Dobbs v. Jackson “Women’s Health” Organization, reasonable though it is.
Planned Parenthood once opposed abortion? Yep.
“An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun…Abortion is dangerous to your life and health. It may make you sterile, so that when you want a child you cannot have it … Birth control merely postpones the beginning of life.”
_____Plan Your Children (Planned Parenthood, 1963
How far they have all fallen.
Now that they have overturned Roe vs Wade its now time to totally defund planned parenthood and close the Abortion Clinics
Los Angeles County alone hands anchor baby breeders $1.5 BILLION yearly.
Pelosi on Good Friday: Defends ‘Abortion Medication;’ On Easter: Commends ‘the Many Blessings of Our Faith’
Biden is the most amoral President in US history
By Patricia McCarthy
The President pretends to be Catholic but clearly does not live by Catholic tenets. He supports abortion up until the moment of birth. This past week, he sent a cease-and-desist letter to the priests who have been ministering to Catholic patients at Walter Reed Hospital. He intends to contract outside persons to provide Catholic ministry. While VP, he supported the persecution of the Little Sisters of the Poor for refusing to provide abortion services to their employees. In short, he is about as Catholic and Christian as Nancy Pelosi, another faux Catholic, a classic elitist who has nothing but contempt for actual Catholics, actual Christians.
After they have their Abortion they either go to the store and pour out the Milk over this so called Animal Abuse or they cry their little eyes out over chopped down Trees
Jesus didn’t say we should go into all the world stop murder. He didn’t tell us to reform the world. He commanded us to present the gospel that hearts would be changed. Without a change of heart there will be no permanent change in direction. The best way to stop murder is for Christians to learn the preserved Word of God and make it our final authority in faith and practice. Lot of scripture here but one word from God is more powerful than every word of every book ever printed that was written by humans.
“Mark 16:15 KJV And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. & Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen.”
Is it not strange that Mrs King mentions Negro and white, rather than black and Caucasian.
Abortion wouldn’t even be a thing if women learned the MANY freely available methods of avoiding pregnancy.
Planned Parenthood was a ”Women’s Heath Center” that has now been converted into an Abortion Clinic and that does not sounds like a Health Clinic to me.
Confucius says.. In order to avoid problems, do not be in situations where problems arise.