Last week a reporter asked President Trump about QAnon, according to a New York Post report, a “movement of the loosely gathered and evolving theories claiming a conspiracy of Democrats and pedophiles.” The president replied, “Well, I didn’t know much about the movement, other than that I understand they like me very, which I appreciate, but I don’t know much about the movement.” It was the president’s first comment on QAnon, which has also come up in regard to pending legislation in California.
Last week the Assembly Appropriations Committee voted 6-2 to pass Senate Bill 145, by Scott Weiner, San Francisco Democrat. The measure, first introduced last year, “would exempt from mandatory registration under the act a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring the person to register.” Readers might wonder about the “certain offenses.”
As Katy Grimes of the California Globe notes, citing analysis of SB-145, “This bill states non-forcible sodomy, oral copulation, and sexual penetration with a minor do not require mandatory sex offender registration unless there is a ten-year gap between the minor and the other person.” And as Grimes reported last year, “SB 145 would allow a sex offender who lures a minor with the intent to commit a felony (i.e. a sex act) the ability to escape registering as a sex offender as long as the offender is within 10 years of age of the minor. No specification is made as to whether the sexual offender is straight or LGBT.”
Weiner claims SB-145 is about protecting young LGTBQ people from being treated unfairly based on the fact that they typically don’t engage in vaginal sex. According to the senator, the measure has “no application to anyone under the age of 14” and “we’re going to treat all forms of intercourse the same.” Weiner claims his measure is not about “protecting pedophiles,” and as Newsweek put it, the senator had only introduced legislation “to reform the state’s sex offender registry.”
As California parents have noted, nothing in the measure enhances protections for underage victims. Californians will also search hard to find a law that mandates leniency based on the age gap between adult criminals and their underage victims.
For example, Tanner Wood of Rocklin, California, was only 14 when he killed his sister Ashley, who was 13. The narrow age gap and family relation did not reduce Wood’s sentence of 16 years to life. Robert Alton Harris was only ten years older than the two 16-year-olds he murdered in San Diego in 1979. The age difference was not a mitigating factor and nobody argued that it should be. The double murderer Harris was executed in 1992.
Weiner’s bill is unchanged from last year but the author now claims to have been harassed by “a particular person who is part of the QAnon network, this cult-like pro-Trump network.” With Weiner casting himself as a victim of dark pro-Trump forces, that boosts the odds that SB-145 will pass. By California standards, the measure already has a lot going for it.
San Francisco hero Harvey Milk was supposedly tossed out of the Navy for being homosexual and gunned down in 1978 for the same reason. As Daniel Flynn shows in Cult City: Jim Jones, Harvey Milk, and 10 Days that Shook San Francisco, those claims are untrue. On the other hand, “Milk’s taste in men veered toward boys,” including Jack Galen, who was only 16 to Milk’s 33. Milk outed others as homosexuals but they did not out Milk “as a pederast.”
San Francisco named an airport terminal for Harvey Milk, so state legislators may well approve a measure that allows pederasts, pedophiles and predators to escape registration as sex offenders. In California, it doesn’t matter who anybody loves. Gov. Gavin Newsom, a former San Francisco mayor, will likely sign the measure, despite the obvious double standard.
California law requires registry of firearm purchases, even by people who have committed no crime, and seek only to access their Second Amendment rights. On the other hand, nobody has a constitutional right to engage in any kind of sex with minors, whatever the age difference. In effect, SB-145 is the Pedophile Protection Act of 2020, and the measure is not about QAnon, whatever that is.
For the left and their media allies, “conspiracy theory” is boilerplate for anything they don’t like, especially anything rumored to favor President Trump. As the BBC explains, “it’s quite likely that a QAnon supporter – or someone sympathetic to the conspiracy theory – will sit in the next US Congress,” and “dozens of QAnon supporters are running for Congress in November.”
If Democrats hold the House and flip the Senate, they might use SB-145 as the model for a federal Jeffery Epstein – Harvey Weinstein Act. As President Trump says, we’ll have to see what happens.
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