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Howdy folks, well, she had to go there, and I am speaking of one coronated Democrat “presidential nominee” Kamala Harris. Amazingly, she has become a presumptive presidential nominee for whom there has never been a single vote cast. Last week, in a campaign stop in Wisconsin following a resoundingly successful RNC convention, she spoke of her time as a prosecutor and how she had dealt with individuals like Donald Trump…so much for tamping down the temperature, huh? I figured we could do the same since VP Harris took it upon herself to speak about prosecuting cases.
I wonder what would be her defense against a case prosecuting her as a failed so-called Border Czarina? Of course, her leftist media allies are trying to tell us that she was never placed in the said position. Good try on that. We all remember Lester Holt asking her about not being to the border and her insidious response, “I have not been to Europe either.” Yeah, expect more half-wit responses like that in the coming months.
But what about prosecuting the tens of millions who have poured into this country illegally, in violation of our Constitution, in which Harris took an oath to uphold the laws of this Country? Would Harris prosecute those illegal immigrants who have murdered American women? Speaking of rape, Harris was recently in Texas for a sorority gathering but found little time to visit the family of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old Texas girl brutally raped and killed by illegal immigrants. Would she take the case and prosecute the killer of Laken Riley? Heck, I have never even heard Kamala Harris say her name.
Would Kamala Harris prosecute the case of granting illegal immigrants driver’s licenses, which, under the 1996 Motor Voter Law signed by Bill Clinton, would allow them to register to vote? I think she spoke out against the SAVE Act, which would have specifically addressed this issue of preventing illegals from voting in American elections, talking about a threat to our representative democracy. Or would Harris prosecute the case of sanctuary cities and states that dismiss our rule of law and provide taxpayer-funded benefits to those who disavowed and broke our most basic law, the law of national sovereignty? Funny, we give free healthcare to illegals while our Veterans struggle.
Would Kamala Harris prosecute the case of District Attorneys like Alvin Bragg, releasing violent criminals back onto our streets? Who was not touched by the address of the woman from NYC who lost her son, a US combat veteran, to a murderous criminal released back onto the streets? Matter of fact, I think we know how Harris feels about this issue since it was this self-proclaimed prosecutor who aided and abetted domestic terrorists by raising bail funds for violent Antifa members and others to be released from jail. Now, ain’t that a daisy, as Doc Holliday would say, a prosecutor raising funds to release violent individuals from jail?
Would Kamala Harris prosecute her boss, Joe Biden, for violating the Constitution and a Supreme Court decision on college student loan debt? I mean, c’mon, Man, even Nancy Pelosi admitted that Biden did not have the enumerated power to do so, yet he did, does, and probably will continue to. It’s all about buying those votes. Well, Kamala, would you prosecute Joe for violating the Constitution and dismissing a ruling by the highest Court in the land? Nah, I did not think so because we all know of your animus towards this SCOTUS. You clearly showed that by not prosecuting one Senator Chuck Schumer, your former senatorial colleague, for his open threat toward two SCOTUS Justices, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh, when he shouted that they would reap the wind and would not know what hit them. Later, of course, there was a thwarted assassination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh.
However, the greatest prosecution of Kamala Harris should be her defrauding the American people by incessantly lying to us about the health and state of mind of Joe Biden. I mean, y’all ain’t had a doggone cabinet meeting since October of 2023! What in the Sam Hill have y’all been doing, Ma’am? And I am sure that you would not bring about prosecution of one Merrick Garland for his abject refusal to release the Robert Hur interview tapes of Joe Biden, again showing utter disdain for the separation of powers, checks, and balances, and the ideals of coequal branches of government…seems like you and your kind are the real threats to our Constitutional Republic and its fundamentals.
In closing, yes, Kamala, we have also seen your type before…ascension by identity politics. In prosecuting the case against you, the American people can ill afford another empty suit, or pantsuit, wearing person in the White House. We will not be coerced, intimidated, threatened, or fear mongered into voting for you just to check leftist cultural Marxist boxes. We will be very astute and truthful in prosecuting the case against you, regardless of the media, entertainment, and political elites’ attempts to gloss over your evident failures. We will talk about your policies, like eliminating private healthcare insurance, a national universal basic income, and other delusional progressive socialist ideological positions that you embrace.
We do not want you to be the person in the room with Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Ayatollah Khamenei, Islamic jihadists, or transnational narco-criminal terrorists. We all recognize that there is a contingent of individuals who are superficial and shallow in their thinking. Lenin called them useful idiots; you have their vote, all 35-40% of them.
But the case against you is strong, and we shall commit judiciously to prosecuting it. And this prosecution shall not ever rest.
Steadfast and Loyal.
Coupmala Harris has robbed Paul to pay the Peter Principle. Many of her followers would consider it an insult to label her “Border Czarina,” not knowing it is the feminine of Border Czar. They would take it for mockery, which is not necessary, as the facts take care of that.
Any soft on Crime Ban and Confiscate guns disarm the American People Open the Borders allow Illegal Aliens(Future Democrat Voters and Supporters)to set up and live on your Private Property don’t deserve to live in America or just sent to Prison for Treason Hair-A** will be worse then Biden Clinton(Bill)and Obama
Just try prosecuting me see how you wind up committing suicide. I learned a lot from Hilary.
‘ ,👃 •
You also learned a lot from Monica. ~
nice beautiful greayt
Harris’ admirers will believe any revision of her abysmal leftist history, because the alternative is unthinkable. Voting for a stronger America under Donald Trump is worse than a root canal job on rotten teeth to that naive, ignorant, and immoral constituency. Permanent government dependency and affirmation of alphabet perversions are compelling reasons to vote for Harris..
Thank you Col. West.
I to shutter to think of Harris meeting with Putin, Xi or any other world leader, friend or foe, and come out with something as profound as “I haven’t visited OZ either”, followed by a long chicken cackle.
The world, for the last 3 ½ years has had a good chuckle watching and listening to Joe Biden’s gaffs, lies and attempts to shake hands with floating Cheshire Cats.
I, for one, don’t want to see them rolling on the floor, laughing their collective a** off at our President.
If you ever wondered what it would look like to put an 8 year old behind the wheel of a Masserati, just keep yer eyes on “Chuckles’ Harris.
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus…………(This year please)…<
Rev. Roy………<
Kamala Harris may be an idiot but he’s a very subversive dangerous treasonous idiot that is terribly harming the United States and will continue to do so even more terribly worse if she becomes the next US President.
That Communist, Kamala Harris really likes the Marxist terrorist organization that has the title of Black Lives Matter., which is linked to Hamas in the Red / Green alliance. For she does everything that she possibly can to get those violent and vicious arsonist hooligans of BLM released from jail with complete impunity after that had horrific committed crimes that were much worse violations of the law that many American patriotic at the January 6th 2021 Washington DC rally had been accused on committing . Unlike, those violent and malice –filed BLM thugs , the American patriots from 1/6.21 are still languishing in an Federal prison in horrendously cruel conditions and brutally treated by the leftist appointed guards of that “Biden gulag.”
You won’t be able to prosecute for treason as her reason would be she was too dumb to understand what she was doing, sound familiar?
That Communist, Kamala Harris really likes the Marxist terrorist organization that has the title of Black Lives Matter., which is linked to Hamas in the Red / Green alliance. For she does everything that she possibly can to get those violent and vicious arsonist hooligans of BLM released from jail with complete impunity after that had horrific committed crimes that were much worse violations of the law that many American patriotic at the January 6th 2021 Washington DC rally had been accused on committing . Unlike, those violent and malice –filed BLM thugs , the American patriots from 1/6.21 are still languishing in an Federal prison in horrendously cruel conditions and brutally treated by the leftist appointed guards of that “Biden gulag.”
Indeed, all the accusations against Ms. Harris brought here are valid. However, the case against her is even stronger than Col. West has described.
Ms. Harris is not US Natural born: not born to citizen parents on the soil! She is constitutionally illegible to be a Vice President or a President, as Obama/Soetoro was not, and as four GOP 2016 candidates (prior to Trump) were not!
Now let’s recall, that Col. West was elected by his constituents (during the Obama imposture) as a representative specifically with the goal to raise in Congress the issue of constitutional ineligibility of Obama. However, while being a Congressman, Col. West reneged from his promise (mocking his constituents).
Let’s also recall, that three other (only three) active military persons did raise the issue of ineligibility of Obama/Soetoro! They raised it not having any congressional immunity, like Col. West! One of them, brave Lt. Col. Lakin, was prosecuted and convicted by a kangaroo court for that! Yet Col. West betrayed his duty and oath to protect the Constitution then, as he keeps doing now.
For those who down finger my comment:
EVERYONE KNOWS that the Kamala is a NOTHING! She’s never accomplished anything good so if you base her career as a typical DEMOcrat then yeah, she’s “accomplished”! This shows how incredibly ignorant a LARGE portion of Our Nation seems to be! What more would it take for people to STOP putting DEMOcrats in positions of POWER when all they do is make lives MORE miserable?
As far as those UNCONSTITUTIONAL and ILLEGAL “loan forgivings”?? They should be REINSTATED! And everyone who has TEMPORARILY been deluded given a LETTER explaining that their LOANS are NOT FORGIVEN and that they will be required to begin REPAYING THEIR LOANS. The letter should contain “We regret that you have been misinformed by the previous President, but his actions were ILLEGAL and cannot stand”! Most of those won’t vote R anyway and MAYBE they’ll just be so miffed that they will blame the DEMOcrats – as they should!