The entire Khashoggi case is another reminder of just how thoroughly the media has mainstreamed not only Islamic terrorism, but anti-Semitism. The two beasts tend to go together. Where you’ll find Islamist activism, you’ll usually find anti-Semitism. Legitimizing one requires also legitimizing the other.
At the Jerusalem Post, Seth Franzman dug into Jamal Khashoggi’s Twitter history to find explicit anti-Semitic sentiments.
The late Saudi Arabian journalist, editor and kingdom-insider Jamal Khashoggi, writing on Twitter from 2011 until 2018, said Jews had no roots in historical Palestine, that one must know how to speak to Jews when meeting them, and that Jews were conspiring to divide al-Aqsa Mosque. The tweets, still online as of April 14, show a pattern of anti-Jewish views that even hinted at references to the antisemitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and complained that the West had laws preventing Holocaust denial.
Khashoggi also showed some genuine interest in the makeup of Israel, tweeting in June 2011 about the role of Iranian Jews in the country. In a tweet that same month, he wrote about the “desperation of the Jews to deny the Protocols.”
On September 13, 2012, he tweeted, “If this was skeptical of the Holocaust, America would not allow it to be published, because the Jews succeeded in obtaining a law that would prevent it in America and Europe.” There is no such law in the US preventing Holocaust denial, but Khashoggi used the false claim to attack Jews.
In a November 2012 tweet, he compared Hamas fighting Israel to the Syrian rebels, comparing Assad’s power to Israel and implying that “everything can be ended by the rule of Assad and the rule of the Jews.” In each discussion of Israel, Khashoggi does not see Jews in the US or other places as separate individuals; they are simply “the Jews,” in his worldview.
This is generic Middle Eastern anti-Semitism. It’s widely shared.
It should also come as no surprise that Khashoggi, a Qatari asset, serving the interests of a terror regime that backs Hamas, among other terror groups, who cut his teeth defending the Saudi role in 9/11 after glamorizing Osama bin Laden, should be anti-Semitic.
It would have been more remarkable if he hadn’t been.
When I first began digging into Khashoggi’s history, I came under attack from the Washington Post. If the Post chooses to respond to Franzman’s piece, it will be with more double talk, likely by Fred Hiatt, that will castigate the Jerusalem Post for tarring the sacred memory of the media martyr by mentioning his ugly hateful views and habits.
Islamist Anti-Semitism, whether that of Rep. Ilhan Omar or Jamal Khashoggi, is one of those attitudes that truly enlightened people are expected to excuse or overlook.
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