California’s Jewish communities warned that the push for ethnic studies was just educational antisemitism. And, indeed, the ethnic studies movement is full of Farrakhan allies, from BLM’s Melinda Abdullah to the dean of the College of Ethnic Studies at California State University.
Her name is Julianne Malveaux. She enjoys long walks on the beach and hating everyone. Especially Jews.
The incoming dean of the newly created College of Ethnic Studies at California State University, Los Angeles is an ally of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and has publicly expressed hope that Clarence Thomas dies an early death.
During a public television appearance in 1994, Malveaux said of Justice Clarence Thomas: “I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early, like many black men do, of heart disease.”
In a 2018 column for the Birmingham Times, she wrote, “White people’s hatred for Minister Farrakhan is irrational and, might I say, racist.”
A 2018 article in the Nation of Islam’s newspaper, the Final Call, quoted Malveaux as saying, “until these Jewish people who are running around asking Black people to buck dance, until they ask White people to buck dance, I ain’t having it! I’m just not having it!” The article also quoted her as saying, “Min. Farrakhan has never picked up a gun and shot anybody. These people need to just back off.”
Taxpayers are responsible for about half of CSU’s budget.
The CSU’s operating budget has two main funding sources: the state General Fund and student tuition and fees. State funding now covers slightly more than half of the CSU’s operating costs, with tuition and fees making up for the remainder.
While some academics get canceled over the slightest offense, Julianne Malveaux gets to serve as dean despite a long history of supporting a racist and anti-semitic hate group.
The president of Cal State LA, William A. Covino, in a press release announcing the appointment, said, “This is a significant appointment for the college, but also for the city and the nation.” The release paraphrases him as saying “Malveaux’s long and accomplished record in academia and her history of advocacy will serve her well in her new role as dean of the college.”
This is the racist “advocacy” that Democrats and their academic system support.
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