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President Joe Biden has done more to promote transgender ideology than any president, ever. A scroll through the White House archives shows statement after statement, proclamation after proclamation, speech after speech, in which the president praises what he calls the “extraordinary courage and contributions” of transgender Americans.
Last year, the White House, as part of its observation of Transgender Day of Visibility — an event that included the White House Roundtable on Affirming Transgender Kids — the Biden administration released a list of 42 actions and policy initiative it has undertaken to support transgender Americans. The list included Justice Department civil rights enforcement actions, “intervening legally when states violate the rights of transgender youth and their families,” signing a “historic executive order to advance equality for LGBTQI+ people,” expanding access to “gender-affirming care,” and much, much more. On that last subject, the Biden White House has gone all-out even at a time when doctors in Europe have expressed growing concern about the lasting damage caused by the irreversible medical treatments known in some circles as “gender-affirming care.”
So there is no doubt that Biden has put the power of the presidency behind transgender ideology. And yet now there is new evidence that Americans are increasingly rejecting the fundamental tenet of transgenderism: that a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man.
The data is in a new poll by the Pew Research Center. For seven years now, Pew has been asking American voters this question: “Which statement comes closer to your views, even if neither is exactly right? A) Whether someone is a man or a woman is determined by the sex they were assigned at birth, or B) Someone can be a man or a woman even if that is different from the sex they were assigned at birth.”
Put aside the use of the loaded term “assigned at birth,” which suggests a baby’s sex is an arbitrary assignment rather than a biological reality. When the question was asked in 2017, 54% of those surveyed said that whether someone is a man at woman is determined at birth, while 44% said it can be different. In 2021, the number saying sex is determined at birth ticked upward to 56%. In 2022, it grew to 60%. And this year, 65% of those surveyed said whether someone is a man or woman is determined at birth, while 33% said it can be different.
That is a serious change. Seven years ago, just over half of those surveyed said sex is determined at birth. Now, that number is nearly two-thirds. After all the White House proclamations, all the media talk, all the change in language to “gender neutral” pronouns — after it all, the number of Americans rejecting the foundation of transgenderism has increased.
Pew found huge political differences in opinion on the subject. Among Republicans, 91% said sex is determined at birth, with just 8% saying it can be different from birth. Among Democrats, just 39% said sex is determined at birth, while 59% said it can be different. But even among Democrats, the number who say sex is determined at birth has grown over the last seven years, while the number who say it can be different has shrunk.
The differences stand apart from some of the conventional divides in recent politics. For example, among people with college degrees, 92% of Trump supporters said sex is determined at birth, while just 30% of college-educated Biden supporters said the same thing. Among voters 18 to 34 years old, 83% of Trump supporters said sex is determined at birth, while 29% of Biden supporters said the same thing.
The contrast is extraordinary. And so is the change. For a time, the number of Americans who said that a person’s sex can be changed, that it can be different from birth, approached a majority. Now, it is receding. If that trend continues, the ideology which the Biden administration has so energetically promoted might no longer be the political benefit the president thinks it is.
Get back to what America is all about and that’s not becoming involved in the affairs of other Nations and end this Transgender load of Poppycock/Balderdash Get The USA out of t he UN and get the UN out of the USA
Beez says
Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US. <- 60's bumper sticker.
Visualize Whirled Peas <- 90's bumper sticker.
Mo de Profit says
It’s a step towards Agenda 2030 which is the UN plan to implement THEIR 17 sustainable development goals and one of them wants to reduce the population (of the western world)
Steve says
There is a delicious irony in people who have lawn signs reading “In this house we believe in science” who also think that a castrated male who takes estrogen and had an open wound created between his legs is indistinguishable from a biological, genetic and anatomical woman. Of course, the same people think that that the status of “woman” can now be achieved merely by “identifying” as a woman, or that a toddler (or his Munchhausen by proxy mother) can embark on irreversible “gender affirming care”.
This lunacy (along with “Climate Change” ideology- do they suppose climate would remain static if nature took its course?) is a modern version of Lysenkoism or the fad for lobotomies in the 1940s and 50s.
Mike says
I have often thought the same thing when I see those signs. They say, “Science is real.”
The last time I checked, biology was considered a science.
Beez says
“Gender affirming care.” = Gender denying care.
Orwellian, n’est-ce pas?
foxhound says
This group can handle this info, so pay attention. There is a portion of the brain called the amygdala. It controls the fear flight reaction. It also handles emotional response in other areas. It controls male/female activities and responses as well.
Like other glands and organs it may be genetically mutated. This is the source of our 2% homosexual groups. They do not change over time with chemical treatments.
This group is given publicity to give the dems something to scream about. There is no group left to parade for. We have reached the bottom. They are now using the illegal aliens to flesh out their electoral requirements. A shield of purity must lead the masses away from evil conservatism.
Beez says
What shield? Evil conservatism?
kat gray says
to think that half of the popustion is “evil” is irrational and is rooted in a decades long successful effort on the part of Progressives to brainwash he masses. can we get back to a more rational POV? How about this: You have an opinion on what is best for society and I have a different opinion.
Frank Gerace says
A person’s sex is, and always has been, a biological reality determined even before birth, while a baby develops inside its mother. How anybody could ever believe it to be a bureaucratic “assignment” is beyond me and anybody else with common sense.
Mike says
If a man wants to put on a dress and claim he is a woman let him.
Just don’t expect me to believe it, celebrate him, admire him for his courage or give him a parade. He is just a guy in a dress.
Putting on a dress is not a heroic act worthy of admiration or a standing ovation. Save the ovations and admiration for people who actually do something other than pretend their genitals have disappeared.
Cat says
Also if I can’t sell tacos without it bring “ cultural appropriation” then why can a male wear a dress and mock women as painted swishing flouncy and wiggly. Isn’t that appropriation? I feel it’s as offense as black face.
A female human being may be a range of different characteristics. But to dress up as one can easily be insulting and denigrating. & Maybe that’s their actual point.
Toni says
This is awesome!! I agree 1000%!
internalexile says
I asked my vintage “Magic 8 Ball” whether or not I was truly a man. It replied, “outlook good.” Phew!
CowboyUp says
Some of it’s that the left pushed it so hard and so much that even some leftists got sick of it. Some of the left just don’t like their lowered peg on the intersectional victimhood ladder, and are jealous of the attention and money the trans movement is getting.
And that aside, some of the gay people of both sexes know that surgery and hormones won’t make a person of the opposite sex, their sex. And they like their own sex.
But there’s no getting around the biological reality, and the fact that it’s fundamentally unfair to the women who compete physically with men, and leaves them no safe spaces from men. The ‘feminists’ on the left aren’t going to just bend over and take it from the men forever, either, whatever they have to call them.
The left overplayed their hand again, but once again they’ve gotten people to go along with someone else’s delusion to the absurd point of law.
It would be poetic if it triggered an interest among people in where their rights end and another’s begins. That’s up there on the list of things the left doesn’t want people thinking about.