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Biden and the EU says that Vladimir Putin is nothing like them, but in at least one area, he’s very much like them.
After the Islamic terror attack in Moscow by Muslim migrants, Putin, the Russian regime and its online ‘IRA’ influencers are choosing to blame everyone, from Ukraine to America and Israel, rather than Islam.
Putin claimed that the Islamic terrorists were headed for Ukraine. Why go to Ukraine when there are plenty of Islamic enclaves in and around Russia?
After having hosted a terror summit that included Hamas and Islamic Jihad in order to fight Israel, he offered a generic ‘Bush’ style statement that, “we will stand united against this common enemy international terrorism no matter where it shows its ugly head.”
It’s Islamic terrorism, but Vlad can’t say the word. Why? Because like our leaders, he’s a coward and an appeaser, who needs Islamic aid and relies on Muslims to help do his fighting for him against other Christians in Ukraine. (Not that Ukraine isn’t guilty of allying with Islam, albeit on a lesser scale.)
Moscow has mosques everywhere and Russians who have been vocally critical of Islam were told it was a bad idea. At least one priest was murdered under suspicious circumstances.
Putin claims that Islam and Russian Orthodoxy are natural allies.
Putin contends that, “we have Eastern Christianity and certain theoreticians say that it is much closer to Islam than Catholicism is.”.
And that leads to bizarre scenes like this.
After the Iraq War, Russia’s Supreme Mufti called for a “joint ‘Orthodox-Islamic’ Jihad” against the United States and an election song by a Muslim singer set to traditional rhythms mixed with pop music praised Putin as “God’s Messenger”.
Like our leaders, Putin makes common cause with the enemy, and lets his people die to cover up the truth about Islam.
Kasandra says
“Putin claims that Islam and Russian Orthodoxy are natural allies.”. That’s rich. Doesn’t Putin realize that Islam doesn’t take allies, natural or otherwise. Maybe short marriages of convenience but Islam’s state goal is world domination and allow Muslims to have nonbelievers as friends only for the purpose of converting them.
NYgal says
Putin knows that, but like the leftists everywhere he believes that he can ride that tiger and survive.
The lessons of Iranian leftists destroyed after they helped to bring the Shah down are lost on him and the international left.
Algorithmic Analyst says
He’s trying to blame it on Ukraine to justify his war there.
Jeff Bargholz says
Reportedly, the terrorists were apprehended near the border with the Ukraine – and beaten mercilessly by Russian soldiers – on video! I watched it. But they were obviously heading for what they thought was a safe haven. It’s not like they could’ve fled to Siberia or crossed the mountains that separate the Stans from the fatherland. None of them are Ukranian. They’re all swarthy Middle Easterners from what I’ve seen.
Reportedly they’re all Tajiks, although they don’t look like it to me.
Vlad Puto is going to have to work harder on his propaganda.
commonsense says
I read or heard (source forgotten) that they were Chechen. That would be very plausible.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, they’re reportedly Tajiks from what I’ve seen reported on Newsmax and Real America’s Voice but my first suspicion was that they’re Chechen and claimed to be ISIS just to be dicks. I used to know a Tajik guy and those jihadis don’t look like him but I don’t know. Most of the Chechens I’ve seen on TV and video look like the Slavs I assume they are, and these terrorists look like they’re from one of the Stans. Swarthy and ugly. Stupid too, but it’s hard to be a moslem and not be stupid.
You should watch some videos of the Russian soldiers beating the shit out of them and cussing at them, if you can get past Google’s evil efforts to suppress that stuff. They’re funny as fuck. I have no sympathy for those cowardly weaklings, who whimpered and wailed as they were beaten. I’m not a tough guy but I sure wouldn’t make the noises they did if I were in their position. Real men don’t piss and moan.
Mickows says
We should find some Russian soldiers to beat your ass up so we can test your claims under real-world conditions.
Banastre Tarleton says
Read between the lines ; they were heading for safe haven in Ukraine because it was the Ukies that paid them to do it ..they weren’t die hard Jihadists, just 4 low grade muslim morons who did it for the filthy lucre
Jeff Bargholz says
My step father lashed me regularly when I was a boy so I became inured to pain long ago, Dickcows. Besides, I’m not a jihadi terrorist who murders unarmed and innocent people in a Moscow exurb, so Russian soldiers wouldn’t have a reason to beat me. They’d probably beat you, though. But then, who wouldn’t want to beat YOU? Even your jihadi butt buddies would do it.
internalexile says
From what I have read, Putin and the Russians wiped out entire Chechen towns after the terrorist events in the 90s (the school shooting and the movie theater massacre). Yet Chechens are fighting for Russia in Ukraine, apparently?
danknight says
Oops … you’re not supposed to notice those facts. 😉
Sword of The Spirit says
Hey where can we watch that video please?
Glenn Jerry says
Russia surges in the international Islamopandering derby.
Domenic Pepe says
Stabbing Israel in the Back is a big moneymaker for the woke leftist depraved psychopathic democrat party and their supporters.
The wealthy Islamic OPEC scum Royal Families will be providing big donations and sinecures to those democrats
(and Republicans) and Russians and Ukrainians and Chinese who fall in line with the “Get Israel and Get Jews” line of thinking and action.
NAVY ET1 says
Biden, the EU and Putin are also alike in the sense that they never let a good crisis go to waste. And Putin would never blame any group to which he sells the Kalashnikov. Armaments are a lucrative business.
Jeff Bargholz says
Vlad Puto may fellate islamopithecines but Russian soldiers sure don’t. They caught every one of those jihadis and beat and tortured them to within inches of their worthless lives. On Video! You should hear them cussing in Russian. It’s funny as F. Reportedly the jihadis are all from Tajikistan although they don’t look like Tajiks to me. They cut one jihadi’s ear off on video while they were stomping and bitch slapping him half into a coma. I laughed so hard when I saw that I almost tossed my lunch. He has a big turd shaped nose but it was so swollen after he was beaten it looked like a shit colored grapefruit. And the soldiers kept calling him a bitch and whatnot in Russian while they were slapping him around. According to the translations, anyway, which I have no reason to doubt. You should hear how he wailed and begged like the moslem bitch he is. It’s great family viewing, in my opinion.
I wish our military guys were allowed to go off on jihadis the way those Russians did. F, it was funny.
NYgal says
Just imagine the international outcry, especially Russian, if an Israeli soldiers were to act that way. The recipient of such a treatment would have been automatically declared ‘an innocent Palestinian civilian.’
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, and am I the only one who notices that every single member of Hamas is a civilian? And most of them have pot bellies and man boobs? Oh, but they’re poor suffering civilians who need international aid and a “ceasefire.” Leftists are scum.
danknight says
Organized in Tajikistan (allegedly as of this writing-I’m still holding out for confirmation of the SBU connections) …
… but they were recruited from Tajik and Turkey and no doubt other areas.
TruthLaser says
Putin wanted the terrorists alive for trial. Not so much n prison.
p38ace says
I have been warning people that Putin is the best friend the islamic world has today. He is an enemy of western civilization.
danknight says
No. Western Leftists are the enemy of Western Civilization.
Pootler does not even count.
The best thing he could do to destroy Western Civilization would be to stand down and let our own Leftists finish the job.
Anyone wo thinks Islam is the Religion of Peace must have been smoking wacky weed once in their lifetime its made their Brain into Walnut size
Domenic Pepe says
Depraved corrupt greedy American politicians and the elite corporate oligarchs are stabbing American citizens in
the back to protect the Saudi Royal Family and the Iranian mullahs,
and all the other Islamic OPEC scum, regardless what harm and damage they do to America and US citizens.
Why is it so difficult to recognize that depraved psychopathic murderous Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years ?
Money and Power talk … in Russia as well as in the USA.
America, Europe, Russia, and China should have united together long ago to crush the depraved psychopathic
murderous Islamic scum, and rid humanity of the Islamic scourge.
danknight says
Daniel has nailed it.
Pootler cannot stand up to his Muslim allies and risk losing his ability to skirt sanctions and ship oil.
Pootler is allied with Iran, Syria, the PLA, and their proxies Hamas and Hezebollah. And what can he do about this? He has 40+MM Muslims in the Federation, and his oil and gas shipments depend on his loony allies to continue shipping. China and India also buy his oil. How do you think it gets there? Unicorns and fairy dust?
Pootler also depends on terrorist organizations to maintain and protect Russian oil and gas shipments. … After what happened in the Baltic to the Nordstream pipelines … it should be obvious why.
So … Not to go off the rails and ignore right from wrong …
But … when my British colleagues worked in Columbia … who protected them? What about the ones who worked in Libya? Algeria? Egypt? Nigeria? …
The men who provided security on our oil rigs, pipelines, compressor stations, loading stations, tank yards, and especially … exploratory geology and drilling …
… were literally the scum of the Earth …
You fill your tank with gas … or charge your child-slave battery car …
… and you never give a ‘bleep’ … about who makes that possible to move product.
Should the world be a better place? Yes. But it’s not, and when our Leftist leaders refuse to do even whiz on the victims while giving terrorists billions of dollars …
… criticizing moves made by an opponent with limited options is … ah … failing to understand what motivates your enemy, and how to defeat him with the least expenditure of lives and risks.
Meanwhile – our leaders want to have the biggest, bloodiest war they can get with Russia.
Just sayin’
Nicolas Carras says
The great phantasmagoria of the reconciliation of the church with Islam which continues. The hundreds and hundreds of thousands of deaths in the name of Islam in the 20th century are not enough.
Total Islamic genocides in the 20th century: low estimate / 7,622,000 deaths. High estimate / 11,022,000 deaths.
Just for the 20th century.
underzog says
Premier Putin supports Islamic terror against Israel, but how is that working for him? This is Greek irony.
Puting is much akin to Stalin in his desperate hope for an alliance with Hitler; however, Hitler went with his inclination with Leibesbrum and attacked Russia at the cost of 7 million Russian deaths.
Way to go Stalin! Way to go Putin!
Onzeur Trante says
The truth is no one knows or likely will ever know who is responsible, just look at all the speculative comments above. One cannot trust what Putin says anymore than one can trust what Biden and his team say. What every thinking intelligent person does know is that the world is edging closer and closer to a major global war yet world leaders seem not to GAF.