Between the topless vegans protesting Bernie Sanders for not opposing milk and Queers Against Pete jeering Buttigieg for not creating an “alternative to police”, this new Paris Commune being created by the Left is going to be seriously awesome.
The Overton Window is opening and the other side is full of sheer crazy.
Queers Against Pete activists shouted down Pete Buttigieg at an event at an LGBT+ centre, while he was taking about his husband.
The left-wing activist group launched a protest while the gay Democratic Presidential hopeful was speaking at San Francisco’s National LGBTQ Center for the Arts on Friday.
Celi Tamayo-Lee, one of the activists who was escorted out of the event, told The Guardian that “it’s hard to enjoy or appreciate” Buttigieg’s status as a gay candidate because he speaks “to a predominantly white, upper class audience”.
The QAP site has a letter attacking Buttigieg over basically Black Lives Matter issues, including refusing to create an alternative to the police.
We cannot in good conscience allow Mayor Pete to become the nominee without demanding that he address the needs and concerns of the broader Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQIA) communities.
What does the asexual community need besides asexual rompers?
Mayor Pete opposes free universal free public college and does not support cancelling student loan debt;
Apparently student loan debt is big asexual issue.
Mayor Pete has no plan to restore the right to vote for all formerly and currently incarcerated people, create an alternative to police, or end cash bail;
What alternative to police? Appointing angry leftist activists to scream incomprehensible slogans at criminals?
This seems like a win-win scenario.
Mayor Pete does not support boycotting for political reasons;
How dare you not support our boycott, we’re boycotting you!
Mayor Pete has no plan to cap credit card interest rates or guarantee a job to everyone who needs one
Or force everyone to worship camels and nationalize electricity. And let the Boston Marathon bomber vote from prison.
The Sanders campaign is getting really creative here.
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