Ukrainians, and many Europeans and Americans, are defining an envisioned Ukrainian victory as the complete expulsion of all Russians from its 2013 borders. Or, as a Ukrainian national security chief put it, the war ends with Ukrainian tanks in Red Square.
But mysteries remain about such ambitious agendas.
What would that goal entail?
Giving Ukraine American F-16s to strike bases and depots in Mother Russia? The gifting of 1,000 M1 Abrams tanks? Using American Harpoon missiles to sink the Russian Black Sea fleet?
A huge arsenal that would guarantee total victory rather than not losing?
Russia’s cruel strategy is to grind down Ukraine and turn its eastern regions into a Verdun-like deathscape.
So is a brave Ukraine really winning the war when it loses about 0.6 soldiers for every Russian it kills?
Russia plans to leverage its extra 100 million people, its 10-times larger economy, and its 30-times larger territory to pulverize Ukraine and tire its Western patrons – whatever the costs to Russia.
Yet why were only a few in past administrations calling for a joint Western effort to expel Putin’s forces from the borderlands and Crimea captured in 2014?
Why are Putin’s 2014 invasions now seen as urgent rectifiable crimes of aggression in 2022, but were not regarded as reparable during the prior eight years?
Is the United States economically capable or politically unified or socially stable enough to wage a huge proxy war on the frontiers of a nuclear Russia?
During the last comparable multibillion-dollar military efforts – the First Gulf War in 1990-1991 and the 2003 invasion of Iraq – the ratio of American debt to GDP was respectively 40 and 50 percent.
Today it hovers at nearly three times that figure at 129%, given some $33 trillion in accumulated debt.
Currently, the American economy is entering a stagflationary crisis. Banking, real estate, and financial sectors seem on the brink of imploding, especially after the near-record multibillion-dollar collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX, and the meltdowns of the Silicon Valley and Signature banks.
Around 7 million illegal entries have occurred across the southern border since January 2021 alone. Millions of new impoverished foreign nationals tax social services, spike crime, and strain relations with an increasingly antagonistic Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.
An emboldened Lopez Obrador now brags that 40 million of his countrymen have cumulatively crossed the border, many illegally. He urges them to vote for Democratic candidates to ensure more open borders.
Last year, over 100,000 Americans died of opiate overdoses. Most of the deaths were attributable to Mexican cartels’ brazen export of fentanyl across an open border.
Nearly a million Americans have likely died of such overdoses since 2000 – more than double the number of fatalities in World War II.
Given its shell-shocked inner cities and toxic downtowns, America is beginning to resemble mid-19th-century England that sent forces all over its global empire while novelist Charles Dickens chronicled the misery and poverty at the imperial core in London.
Is the Ukrainian war also creating the most dangerous anti-American alliance since World War II?
China is buying cheap Russian oil, while stealthily supplying its weapons.
India, normally a rock-solid democratic ally, keeps buying both banned Russian oil and armaments.
Most of the major countries in South America have not joined the sanctions.
Clients like nuclear North Korea and soon to be nuclear Iran are empowered by overt help from Russia.
NATO member Turkey and once-allied Saudi Arabia appear now friendlier to Iran, friendlier to China, and friendlier to Russia, than they are to America.
In terms of combined oil reserves, nukes, population, area, and GDP, this new loose coalition of apparent anti-Americans seems more powerful than the U.S. and its squabbling friends in Europe.
Why were those now calling for a veritable blank check for Ukraine formerly quiet when the U.S. fled in humiliation from Afghanistan?
Why were they mostly silent when an appeasing President Joe Biden begged Russian President Vladimir Putin at least to spare some U.S. targets on his otherwise extensive anti-American cyberwar hit list?
Or why were they indifferent when Biden said he would have fewer objections if Putin’s anticipated attack on Ukraine would be “minor”?
Or why were they not so eager for confrontation when Putin earlier acquired the Eastern Ukrainian borderlands and Crimea in 2014 in the first place?
Or why so subdued when the U.S. in 2015-16 refused to sell Ukrainian offensive weapons?
Why does the U.S. discount the serial and ascending nuclear threats from Russia, but we remain careful not to antagonize China?
After all, China sent a spy balloon brazenly across the U.S. to surveille and spy on American strategic locations.
And why is the administration so quiet about a likely leak of an engineered deadly COVID-19 virus from a Chinese virology lab that killed 1 million Americans?
These are Ukrainian war-related questions that never seem to be answered – but should be as the carnage rises and the nuclear threshold falls.
The EU countries need to expand weapons production.
Short answer: Globalist warmongers in the west will continue to tax Americans to supply arms for a proxy war over a border dispute in central Europe to enrich themselves until the detonation of nuclear armament dispatched by the Russians on American soil. Until that time, the concentrated benefit and decentralized cost of their program of graft, kickbacks, and profiteering will induce them to persist in sacrificing American security and Ukrainian lives.
But not a word about the US and our persecution of country after country? No one ask the question, Will Zelenskyy. continue to slaughter the Donbas folks, even if Putin left. Who will protect them?
With the stupidity of the Biden administration in destroying the Nord Stream pipeline, next winter will be brutal for Europe. Add to this, dropping fertilizer manufacturing, food production, puppets such as Klaus Shwab and god like imbeciles such as Bill Gates. Our democrat run states are in shambles. From future lawyers to professors our universities are rubber stamping communist America hating drones. And if that weren’t bad enough, The imbecile who resides on Pennsylvania Avenue signs whatever his communist bosses put in front of him, ensuring the total damned destruction of America which has Obama’s fingerprints all over it. The CCP is setting up bases in South America and no doubt, the Russians have nuclear submarines on full alert as this fraud of a president stutters as he walks around like the old Frankenstein’s monster who can’t find the time o visit our missing borders or the Ohio train disaster. We are imploding as the democrats refuse to do anything about it with the exception that they are doing everything in their power to expedite our suicide..
Agenda 2030 needs to be pushed before the unelected president pushes up the daisies.
The combined resources as measured by GDP of the NATO nations standing against Russia give them a 25-to-1 advantage. GOT THAT ??? Let me repeat it … 25-to-1.
Let me draw you a picture just to be sure.
250 pounds and 6 foot 4 inches
10 pounds and 18 inches.
In 1991 when the US, the UK, Germany, and France persuaded Ukraine to give up its Nukes in return for a promise that Russia would never invade, it seemed like an easy promise at the time.
If Ukraine ever runs out of Conventional Weapons then they’ll fall back on the use of Dirty Bombs and Deleted Uranium … whatever it takes. Providing Ukraine with Contentionmal Weapons is the only way to avoid a wider War.
Russia needs to stop invading other countries, period
You don’t know what’s really going on, do you? Here, start with this:
No, at that link you will NOT understand what is going on, but what Putin’s propaganda wants you believe.
Russia only moved to protect her own borders and her own people living in what is now considered eastern Ukraine but was not that long ago Russia itself.
Try checking out some sources other than CNN and their crones at least weekly.
Funny Vic doesn’t mention the cruelty of indiscriminate Ukranian shelling of the Donbas since 2014 that killed thousands of ethnic Russian civilians. And, by the way, Ukraine has about 8 casualties for every one Russian casualty. The New World Order fighting to the last Ukranian.
Exactly. It was not an invasion. It was a rescue that when asked to come help years earlier, the fraudulent, unforgivable Minsk Agreement was forged…this time he came and they knew he was coming. Soros was set up in Ukraine. Reason enough!
Turkey invaded Cyprus for the same alleged reason, and the world did NOTHING.
> indiscriminate Ukranian shelling of the Donbas since 2014
There was NO indiscriminate Ukrainian shelling of the Donbas
VDH has clearly made this point elsewhere, just not in this piece.
Here’s a few more questions:
If we abandon Ukraine and Putin wins, will that be the last country he invades?
War crimes are being committed on a shocking scale. A Russian victory would mean the VAST majority of those crimes will go unpunished. Would that make it more, or less likely that future conflicts will see such brazen acts?
Albeit kinda late, Zelenskyy is taking action against the widespread corruption in that country. There are various reports about this is inspiring some Ukrainian generals to consider running for office. How would anti-corruption candidates fare in future Russian elections?
Never ending procession of never ending wars. Im sick of this shit.
Anyone that can not see this is a racket, is a fool.
It’s not a racket and Hunter’s payment by that Ukraine company is proof enough for me man.
Fkin white supremacist.
History and prehistory is full of wars. The “racket” is human nature. Try escaping from that. I am sure there are surgeons claiming they can treat every condition. The result would be transhumans, but would their nature be better?
Next to last question re: covid 19 lab exit (I don’t know if it leaked or was released, does anyone really know?) is that maybe parts of the US government were, um, in on it? Just a theory, given the relationship of some political families with Communist Chinese party and how mail-in voting would impact the presidential election in 2020. And who stood to gain.
Hunter didn’t make a dime out of this, stop talking freely.
The proxy war we are engaged in Is far too complex an issue for the administration’s incompetent State Department and woke military commanders to grasp. Given that, how can it possibly end well? Every passing day, we creep closer to the brink, and I am grateful each morning that the lights still come on and the water is running.
DU isn’t used in our bombs, and wasn’t used by us in Kosovo. Our bunker busting bombs use cut down 8in naval rifle barrels.
Not buying the 1000 to 2000 tons Iraqi Freedom stat. By then, Saddam only had 2000 tanks and 3700 APCs (which are usually serviced with HEAT rounds). Even counting the 30mm and 25mm DU rounds fired, and using DU on all the armor, your low estimate would have killed all his armor 20 times over..
> US-led military forces used between 1,100 and 2,200 tonnes of depleted uranium
And, therefore…?
F the Ukraine, it is a corrupt money laundering bank. Home to biolabs of our own making.
The war is another laser dot of many we are asked to follow concocted by our lying media. Does anybody here have a neck ache yet?
The loss of blood and treasure on both sides of this latest episode of the “industrial military complex” is on their hands. Whose hands you ask. Do you own a mirror?
We did this. Started it. Fueled it. And are now actively prolonging it.
> Ukraine… Home to biolabs
The Russian claim was that these biolabs produced bio-WEAPONS, but no proof was ever provided… same as with the other claims advanced by Russia as justification for Feb. 2022 invasion.
Hey Horowitz: if you actually believe Russia is suffering more losses than are untrained Ukraine conscripts … or that Russia’s intent is to lay waste to E. Ukraine simply because they are destroying the places where Ukraine conscripts are hiding … then you are not a journalist; hardly more than an AI ChatBot.
And if you don’t believe those things yet still spew them out, then you are nothing more than another propagandist. Either way — all who play that dishonest game blast holes in their own credibility. Including you.
We have driven Russia into China’s arms by doing everything we could to make them an enemy since the end of the cold war. Geography alone should make Russia and China enemies, with over a billion Chinese adjacent to sparsely populated, resource rich eastern Russia. China has historical claims on what they refer to as East Manchuria, where Vladivostok is located. This just shows the stupidity of our political and foreign policy establishment.
It should be remembered that Vladimir Putin using the Russian military to invade and destroy Ukraine didn’t happen when President Trump was in the White House he kept Putin under control. If Donald Trump would still of President this Putin disaster in Ukraine would not have occurred. Now with Joe Biden masquerading as a genuine US President Putin has become totally out of control, irrational and very dangerous.
A couple of days ago Putin said in a speech in Russia that he didn’t give the order to start the operation before February 2022 because the Russian armed forces were not ready for the mission! Not a word about Trump! Putin is not the kind of man that allows his decisions and actions be influenced by others. When you look at the dismal performance of Russia in Ukraine it is clear that the armed forces of Russia were not ready in 2022 either.
No, Trump could NOT end the war in one day, as he has boasted! Putin would not agree to stopping it! Trump start looking like a modern day Neville Chamberlain and seems to be ready to give parts of Ukraine to Russia, just like Chamberlain gave parts of Czechoslovakia to Hitler in order to avoid war. .
Even though Vladimir Putin is a terrible man, it’s important to keep thing in perspective when it comes to the heads of the different nations of this area of the world.
For Volodymyr Zelnskyy who is the President/dictator of Ukraine is also a terrible man.
As he as a tyrant had ordered government persecution of the Ukraine Orthodox Church and its monasteries.
Zelenskyy didn’t dare order government persecution of the mosques and madrasas’ along
with harassment of its imams.
Zelenskyy well understands what and who it’s safe to pick on, and what and who it’s not safe to pick on.
Are the mosques in Ukraine controlled by Russia?
Are you quite married to that “one million dead from COVID” factoid? I have seen the numbers run and, when deducting the comorbidities, such as a bullet through the brain, a truck hitting the patient’s motorcycle full-on, heart attacks, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and other issues, the actual deaths FROM COVID dwindle to at most 10% of that figure. Factor in that every patient admitted to a hospital or morgue was tested for COVID using the highly inaccurate PCR testing (many false positives) and you get far more “cases” of COVID than really ever occurred. So examine your premises, crunch some numbers, and see what you come up with before repeating that inflated number.
I now read FPM sparingly, realizing it is nothing but a neocon and warmongering mouthpiece save a few of its writers. We outside of the West understand what is happening, knowing fully well the evils of the meddling of the USA in other countries in the name of freedom and democracy. And they never help when it counts for humanity, like when Christians are being massacred but always for their hegemonic expansion needs. Recently the same USA removed Nigeria from the list of countries oppressing Christians even in the face of the horrors, and now they want us in the rest of the world to join them to punish Russia. That would never happen. And who gave the USA the God-like power to ban the sale of Russian oil? They sure think they are “gods.” No, you are not, and the rest of the world will show you this time that you are not. Already, all that the West wished upon Russia is coming upon them. You wished for an economic collapse of Russia, but it is the economies of the West that are collapsing. As I tell my friends, the spiritual hedge around the USA is gone with its evils and moral depravity it is only a matter of time before it learns its lesson bitterly. I still wish America will repent and turn back and be saved.
Good reply and I agree with Peter Schiff’s outlook.
The “nuclear threshold” is not falling! Russia and its Western supporters want Western countries to believe that it is falling. The purpose is to frighten Western countries so that they will turn over Ukraine to Russia so that a nuclear war is avoided!
Western countries should provide Ukraine with tanks and fighter jets so that it can smash the face of Russia like a face is smashed with a pair of brass knuckles!
No pity and no mercy for Russia and Russians!
Correction; 100,000 people in American die of opiate over doses. How many of these victims were born in the USA? One thing I have learned in life is that if you increase the number of foreigners in our country, you increase the number of drug users and drug deaths. It dies not matter if it is 1965 or the 1980s. More foreigners, more drug users and deaths.
> CONSERVATIVES who are pro-multipolar world
“Multipolar World” means a world where a Fascist Russia and a Fascist China are two of the poles?
regardless how many the WooFlew killed, it is dead certain that the “cure” jabs ave killed at least this alledged number all on their own.
Cute little scam: develop a deadly virus, “let it” escape and begin infecting folks, they take billions of our tax dollars to develop a “vaccine” based on a technique that has NEVER yet provided a cure for any disease in humans despite several attempts, taking billions of our tax dollars to “fund”it… making a number of well placed politicians/government poohbahs wealthy beyond measure. then claiming it was all a natural occurrence And we must take great care to assure nothing like this can ever happen againbut fail/refuse to DO what will asure it does not. Meanwhile millions are dying or suffering serious debilitatig adverse physical conditions even to death in direct result of the “cure” shots formerly mandated on alost everyone.