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Pop culture icon Rabbi Shmuley Boteach recorded, then recounted, a harrowing interaction with a run-of-the-mill Muslim family in New York City’s Times Square, Christmas eve. The Rabbi was accosted by a young Muslima who recognized him, and told him to kill himself, ostensibly for his support of Israel. This was followed immediately by her younger brother repeatedly kicking Rabbi Boteach, while his sister continued to suggest he commit suicide. Their Muslim mother did nothing to stop her young miscreants, rather, as the Rabbi noted, she “smiled broadly and proudly as if she had done her job well to inculcate within her children a lethal hatred of Jews.” The miscreants’ father, also beaming, added, “You will never defeat Islam, because it is too strong and too large.”
Exhibiting profoundly uninformed, willfully blind denial, Boteach then proffered this self-assured, Chelm-like wisdom:
“And I make the pivotal point that I am not speaking about Muslims, but Islamists. Muslims are our brothers and sisters under God. Islamists are hate-filled miscreants who abuse and defile a great world religion.”
Rabbi Boteach, please meet this year’s designated “World’s Most Influential Muslim.”
Toward the end of each year, The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center (RISSC)—a pre-eminent avatar of mainstream, “moderate Islam”—issues its annual rankings of “The World’s 500 Most Influential Muslims.”
This year’s top ranking was bestowed upon Yemeni theologian Habib Umar bin Hafiz, “one of the foremost scholars, spiritual guides, and preachers within the Islamic tradition today,” whose direct influence extends to “hundreds of millions of Muslims around the globe.” Upon release of the rankings in early October, 2023, a fawning report gushed that Habib Umar bin Hafiz “played an instrumental role in shaping the ethical and moral compass” of Muslims worldwide, concluding he represented, “the true essence of the religion [Islam]—one that promotes peace, tolerance, and understanding.”
Those previously unfamiliar with these yearly rankings and their ostensible promotion of ecumenism—”peace, tolerance, and understanding”—might be dubious of that goal when noting the third ranked individual was inveterate, annihilationist Jew-hater, and authoritarian theocrat, Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Examining Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s public pronouncements since the unprovoked, brutal Hamas jihad carnage and atrocities in southern Israel, 10/7/23, indicates, with the tragic predictability of our age, that the current “World’s Most Influential Muslim,” is also a virulent Jew-hater.
On 10/10/23, ignoring the precipitating murderous brutality wrought by Hamas just 3-days earlier, and anticipating Israel’s understandable defensive response, bin Hafiz launched into a diatribe against Jews employing standard Qur’anic motifs of sacralized Jew-hatred, “spreading corruption” (5:33; 5:64), and “propagating falsehood” (3:75; 5:41). He further invoked Qur’an 41:15 condemning Israel’s/the Jews’ “arrogance”, “without right”, and threatening Allah’s retribution. Illustrating Islam’s religious supersession and negation of Judaism (and Christianity), bin Hafiz intoned, “They do not belong to our Master Moses, nor our master Jesus, nor our master Muhammad. They have falsely claimed a connection to Moses.”
Habib Umar bin Hafiz concluded his diatribe with a genocidal declaration, repeating the canonical tradition of Jew-annihilation attributed to Muhammad himself, and also featured in Hamas’ Covenant, article 7:
“When one of them seeks refuge under a tree and stone, the trees and the stones will cry out, ’Oh Muslim, Oh servant of Allah! Behind me is a Jew, come and kill him.’ This was repeated by the most truthful of people. No doubt that day will surely come.”
In follow-up pronouncements issued 10/21/23 and 11/1/23, bin Hafiz denied there was any evidence Palestinian Muslims killed Israeli children on October 7th (notwithstanding gruesome video and forensic findings, confirmed by captured Hamas jihadists), contended the Jews were “even more debased than insects and animals (7:179; 98:6),” reiterated the Jews/”Zionist oppressors” sought only “corruption on earth (5:33; 5:64),” and claimed those among them who died, like Pharoah and his minions, are burning in Hell (40:46).
Finally, bin Hafiz’s most recent, lengthier pronouncement (12/15/23) repeats the charge that Jews/Zionists fuel discord and corruption, claims they lie and deceive in a manner that “is more disgusting and foul than people realize,” before insisting all Muslims have always been the target of the Jews’ conspiratorial treachery:
“The war they wage is the same type of war from the very beginning [of Islam]. It is a war born of hatred (5:82)…You are their target. Your religion [Islam] is their target. Their aim is to destroy the Islamic laws! Their aim is to claim the earth is theirs! It is hostility towards Muhammad…It is hatred toward his divine message and revelation…It is hatred towards companions, pure family, and his Ummah (entire Muslim community). It is hatred towards the laws of the religion [Islam]…[The Jews are] the leadership of disbelief on the earth! ‘If they attack your faith, fight the leaders of disbelief. They never honor their oaths, so fight them (9:12).’…They killed prophets (2:61; 2:91: 3:112; 3:181). They have been doing this from the very beginning…So what do you expect from them? ‘Hatred has become evident from their mouths (3:118)’…’If good befalls you it grieves them, and if harm afflicts you, they rejoice (3:120).’”
The percentage of Muslims worldwide sharing bin Hafiz’s hateful attitude towards Jews, is likely mirrored, to a large extent by those Muslims whom he represents, in terms of their “piety.” That alarming number is indicated by RISSC’s own educated estimates: “Traditional Islam,” based on Islamic Law, as represented by Habib Umar bin Hafiz, 90%; “Islamic Fundamentalism” a more politicized form of “Traditional Islam”, 9%; and “Islamic Modernism” (1%), a movement over a century old which has called for a “complete overhaul of Islamic Law,” but “remains popularly an object of derision and ridicule, scorned by traditional Muslims, and fundamentalists, alike.”
Tragically, hard Anti-Defamation League survey data revealing the grossly disproportionate prevalence of extreme Antisemitism in Islamdom, comport with these RISSC estimates of Muslim piety: the 16 most Jew-hating countries in the world, with extreme Antisemitism prevalences of 74% to 93%, are all in the Middle Eastern cradle of Islam, and 62% of French Muslims, the largest Muslim diaspora population in Western Europe exhibit this degree of Jew-hatred.
Rabbi Boteach briefly encountered the modern pandemic of “pious” Muslim Jew-hatred. It is long overdue for the good Rabbi, and those of his ilk, to acknowledge the extent of this uniquely Muslim scourge, and condemn, publicly, both the animating mainstream, traditional Islamic doctrine, and most revered Muslim religious leaders, like Habib Umar bin Hafiz, who promulgate this sacralized Jew-hatred.
pinchas baram says
Rabbi B. makes a very common mistake, believing there are two kinds of Islam– far right and meanspirited, and centrist,moderate and neighborly.
it is way too hard for Westerners to believe that nearly all islamic preachers believe in ugly maxims like: Jews Christians Buddhists Hindus are destined tohellfire and deserve it.
But what about that friendly Moslem guy at the cash register? Odds are he is not very religious, or he knows how to cover up his beliefs in order to make the sale and get your money.
Kynarion Hellenis says
I disagree. The dichotomy is in the individual, because Islam is universally evil. Some individuals depart from its evil doctrines.
Rachelle says
Tell that to the thousands of loyal Israeli Muslims.
Çâşëğ says
Too many people in the west including Rabbi Boteach and many lefty Israelis, are unable or willing to comprehend the inhumanity of Islam. There no different kinds of Islam. You don’t have to believe me., just listen to Turkish Islamist president Erdogan he made clear when he said.
Only people like me who were born and lived in Islamic hellholes understand what Erdogan said.
Steve (retired/recovering lawyer) says
Not only Rabbi Boteach, but all people of good will must realize that the annihilation or subjugation of non-moslems is the goal of ALL islam. It’s in their “holy” book. It’s in their culture. It’s what forms their central tenet of life; first, kill the Saturday people, then kill the Sunday people. And yet we in the West continue to invite them into our countries. It has often been said that the definition of insanity is to do something repeatedly, each time hoping for a different outcome. We continue to import our cultural, ethnic and religious enemies, hoping they will suddenly learn to adopt our values, each time being rudely disabused of such idealistic notions. The Greeks under Odysseus were able to gain entrance to Troy and conquer it by means of subterfuge. We here in the West have obviated the need for islamic subterfuge by throwing open the gates of our cities and countries to these islamic invaders. Unless those currently in charge, who have facilitated this invasion are removed, our fate is as certain as that of the foolish Trohjans. and as tragicaly terminal.
Kynarion Hellenis says
It is not insane, but intentional. There are very powerful forces globally and at home seeking to destroy western civilization and its peoples. Importing foreign, hostile hordes will do the trick.
Annie45 says
Doesn’t Rabbi Boteach see what’s going on all around him regarding
Islamic Jew hatred. He gets spit on and kicked on Christmas Eve in
Times Square, NYC and then proceeds to defend his Muslim “brothers
and sisters”.
Only a week before – Muslims and Palestinian Protestors stormed NYC
transit hubs like Port Authority, Grand Central Terminal and Penn
Station in calls for annihilation of Israel and assertion of Islam. Such
anti-Semitic tirades are taking place all over the world. The very next
day after the Rabbi was assaulted, the Palestinian protestors on
Christmas Day violently clashed with police in NYC resulting in injury
and arrests.
The Jew hatred is now loudly in everyone’s faces but the one who
doesn’t see it is popular public icon Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. The
prominent Muslim leaders and Jew-haters honored by RISSC must
be among the Rabbi’s biggest fans.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Whether Boteach sees or not is not important, ultimately. He is now firmly and shamefully in the category of useful idiot.
Judith2 says
Check out “1400 year secret, why we are afraid” on youtube and on political Islam.
Judith2 says
Check out”1400 year secret, why we are afraid” on youtube…and
Horace Yo says
Boteach is no dummy. He knows exactly what he is doing, He is leading his sheep to the slaughter and promoting false claims that Islam is peaceful in the face of 14 centuries of jihad slaughtering Jews, Christians and Hindus etc, and creating death, insanity and violence wherever it goes, So what if there are millions of Muslims who are not doing the actual slaughtering. Not everybody can be on the front line in any war. Jihad is war and is one of the pillars of Islam believed by all Muslims, and you are its next victim as soon as they get around to it.
Darryl says
Even for anyone not particularly moral and otherwise libertine, “hatred” is the proper response to a religion that celebrates the sexual torture of our girls and children, and are indifferent to even their own children, as demonstrated as much in the Syrian civil war as in Iran using their boys as mine sweeps in their first war.
To relish in a religion that makes the Marquis de Sades imaginings pale in comparison to the wanton cruelty from Allahs incel army of sadistic rapists and child killers reeks of a demonic mindset.
Jesus was kind to children according to Christian teaching, the fires of that kind of love will never be quenched.
A religion of slaves driven by wolves in the clothing of Moses and Isa.
Political gang rape really merits a sentence of death. The gates of hell have been opened up against us in Gaza.
The tentacles of the Marxist Leviathan extend throughout the institutions of the globe at this point.
But anyone who “love” in response, or denies the reality even as the blows are landing in him, have no future in them.
Jojo says
I will never understand the odd, disjointed sentiment of “I love the Muslims but hate the Islamists.” Really it’s like saying “I hate women but I love ladies.” I’ve read much of the Quran, many of the Hadiths. They’re filled to the brim with kill the Jews, beat the women, sleep with the children and enslave or murder your opposition. It’s no wonder Hitler took them under his wing – they had similar ideologies. They even appropriate Jesus – in their imaginations, Jesus will return to earth in the end of days just to murder all the fools who followed him instead of Momo. What a bad joke.
Please keep your Sharia Laws in the Nation you came from we don’t want them forced upon us
john blackman says
as jesus once said ” they have eyes that dont see and ears that dont hear ” this has been the case for israel and the jewish people for their entire history . they will continue to be blamed for the worlds ills and their leaders will lead them into more of the oct. 7 in the future and the leftwing courts will seal their doom . this is what happens when you trust the satanic evil of the cult of mohammed . the left continue to promote a 2 state fiction which goes to show you they havent learnt anything . the recent attempt at annihilation of israel will continue unabated until they recognise that jesus is their messiah . if this is what the jews can expect imagine whats instore for gentiles if they ignore the gospel of jesus christ . time to get your house in order america .
Fg says
Doesnt this website proof him correct though?