Recently an unarmed 29-year-old African American, Tyre Nichols, was brutally beaten to death by five Black Memphis police officers. They were charged with murder. All belonged to a special crime unit known as the Scorpions.
Both the victimizers and victim were Black. The Memphis police chief is Black. The assistant police chief is Black.
Nearly 60 percent of the police force is Black. The white population of Memphis is about 25%.
The now-disbanded Scorpion unit of mostly Black officers was created as a response to grassroots appeals to stop spiraling crime in mostly Black neighborhoods.
The death of Tyre Nichols could be attributed to many things: a basic lack of humanity on the part of the officers, poor police training, lax administrative supervision, and lowered hiring standards.
Instead, no sooner was the beating death announced than accusations of “systemic racism” surfaced.
Van Jones, the former Obama Administration green czar and recent recipient of Jeff Bezos’ $100 million “courage and civility award,” pronounced on CNN that the Black police oppressors were acting out white racism.
Some claimed that charging the five Black officers with murder was itself racist. Others alleged that creating the unit in the first place to reduce Black-on-black crime was racist.
Yet, when everything becomes racist, then nothing in particular can be racist.
About the same time, the city of San Francisco, along with the state of California, was exploring paying out huge cash reparations to its African-American residents for the ancestral sin of slavery.
That evil institution was abolished some 158 years ago through the Civil War that killed some 700,000 Americans.
Yet California was always a free state with no history of slavery.
No resident of America in six generations has been either a slave or slave owner.
Such multibillion-dollar payouts apparently are to be funded by a nearly bankrupt state facing a $25 billion budget shortfall.
How do we quantify either current eligibility or culpability in multiracial California where 27% of the residents were not born in the United States? Whites make up only 35% of the state’s population.
College campuses increasingly greenlight racially segregated resident housing.
These reactionaries seem eager to return to “separate but equal” apartheid, supposedly outlawed nearly 60 years ago by the 1964 Civil Right Act.
A recent National Association of Scholars study found that of some 173 schools surveyed, 42% provided racially segregated residences. Some 46% offered racially segregated orientation programs. An overwhelming 72% hosted racially segregated graduation ceremonies.
So-called “safe spaces” on campus exclude students on the basis of race, especially whites who are reduced to stereotyped members of a toxic collective.
Race-based admissions have transmogrified from proportional representation – the entering class should reflect roughly the racial make-up of the nation – to reparatory or compensatory admittance.
So, for example, Stanford University’s incoming class of 2026 lists white students at 22% of the enrolled, roughly one-third of their percentage of the nation’s general population.
Ironically, current racial engineering resurrects the old quota systems used in the past to discriminate against Jews.
“Whites” – to the extent we can determine any race in an intermarried, multiracial society – do not fit the now ossified definition of an exploitive majority.
They no longer even compose a majority in most major American cities and in some states.
They rank well behind many non-white ethnic groups in terms of per capita income and millions of working-class Americans certainly don’t fit the tired stereotype of “privileged.”
In racist fashion, white males are often smeared as exhibiting collective “white rage.”
Yet they commit suicide at double their demographics – and more than twice as frequently as Blacks and Latinos.
They were also killed in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq at twice their numbers in the general population.
In terms of hate-crime offenders, whites are demographically underrepresented. The most overrepresented victims of hate crimes are whites of Jewish background.
Whites commit violent crimes against those of different races at rates below their percentages in the general population.
In sum, class, not race, remains the best litmus test of being underprivileged in America. It is no longer synonymous with race.
No wonder the identity politics industry now strains to attach prefixes such as “systemic” or “implicit” to “racism,” or “micro” to “aggression,” purportedly to ferret out bias that otherwise is not apparent.
Pause to reflect that America is the only successful multiracial constitutional republic in history.
To survive in an increasingly dysfunctional and hostile world abroad, the unique idea of the United States requires concord.
But national cohesion is only possible through citizens subordinating their tribal interests to a common culture. Only then do they cease being automatons of warring tribes and collectives.
As the world becomes ever scarier, Americans must – as Benjamin Franklin once warned – hang together, or most certainly they will soon all hang separately.
Almost no crime committed against non-Jewish whites is ever labeled a “hate crime”, no matter how heinous. Whites are frequent victims of hate crimes, though it will never be called such, and I believe we have the Democrat establishment and their hateful racist propaganda to thank for it. I know also that when a Hispanic man commits a race crime they call him white. If he is the victim they call him “Hispanic”. This is to inflate the apparent numbers of white perps.
The large influx 0f non-white, non-western immigrants has been used to push Americans of all colors, but particularly whites, out of high-paying jobs. My husband went to work in a Silicon Valley research lab in 1995, at a major firm. At that time, most of the staff was white. Over the years they had wave after wave of layoffs. The company pushed the Americans out of work and gradually replaced them with foreigners. Within about 15 years of his employment with this firm, nearly all the employees were non-white foreigners. These are very sought-after high-paying jobs. Now that my husband retired, I suspect that there are very few of these jobs still held by an American. This was obviously racially motivated. I believe this same pattern has been repeated all over Silicon Valley and all over the country.
It’s economic not racism or anti Americanism. My friend had the same experience. She went on vacation and came back, and her work room was full of people from India. Anybody who is willing to take less pay and is easily trained is who they are interested in.
The three strains of American Marxism are the junk sciences of systemic racism gender fluidity and climate change.Each must be fought continuously
“Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne,— Yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadow …” – James Russell Lowell
Those words written by an ardent abolitionist, a white man addressing the evils of slavery.
Full poem here:
Maybe we should divide the country up and separate conservatives and liberals to different states. Once you are in that state you cannot cross over into another state without approval. A liberal cannot move to a conservative state and vice versa.
I don’t want to divide whites and blacks because there are blacks that are conservatives.
This is not grassroots. The current racism s purely a product of the intelligentsia.
So, stop talking about it.
VDH for Prez! Bec he’s the only one saying if we don’t find more internal solidarity then we will face external failure. While certain NYrkers wallow in what has become parochial preoccupations with Roe v. Wade, BLM and DEI etc the world is close to going over the falls. e.g. If we don’t stop Russian expansionism Ukraine will only be the front line followed by hostile takeovers of Lithuania, Estonia, Poland etc. Thats why Finalnd and Norway long advocates of neutrality for their countries have now joined NATO quick step. Not to mention China invading Taiwan. Having spent several months there (albeit back in the 70’s I never came across anyone who wanted to join the mainland. A lot of trade with the Mainland now but it’s clear by all accounts independence is still wished for. Not to mention the disaster Hong Kong became. The storm clouds are brewing and no one wants a nuclear conflagration but there are many steps before that to take. I will say, as a young rebellious soul I laughed at Reagan’s Star Wars. But it may be the only solution we have – if we only have the political will but again – internal dissension will stop anything good.
Art Dir
The Great Am Play Series
I asked a 20 something young white American girl if she is aware that everything she uses in her daily life was in FACT invented, created and discovered by the very white males she appears to denigrate, unless of course she can inform me of all the things black males invented, created and discovered that made her life what it is today..
I enjoyed watching her head explode as she walked away eyes rolling inside her empty head.
As she started scrolling through her Phone, that was invented by…..????