[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2012/08/che-t-shirt.gif)Paul Ryan claims fondness for the music of Rage Against the Machine, a hard-left, union-backing and “peace-marching,” grunge group. Ryan specified that the music – rather than lyrics – forms the attraction. For this, the band’s outraged lead guitarist, Harvard-graduate Tom Morello, recently took to the pages of Rolling Stone magazine to denounce Ryan as “clueless.”
“Ryan is the embodiment of the Machine our music Rages against!” raved an ungrateful Morello, proving that for leftists it’s “politics über alles.” (Can you imagine Ted Nugent or Trace Adkins insulting their customers?) “Paul Ryan’s love of Rage Against the Machine is amusing,” continued the scandalized Morello. “Charles Manson loved the Beatles but didn’t understand them. Governor Chris Christie loves Bruce Springsteen but doesn’t understand him. And Paul Ryan is clueless about his favorite band, Rage Against the Machine.”
Rage Against the Machine honors Che Guevara as their icon and “fifth band member.” “We’ve considered Che a fifth band member for a long time now,” gushed (Harvard-graduate) Tom Morello, “for the simple reason that he exemplifies the integrity and revolutionary ideals to which we aspire.” The Stalinist mass-murderer’s image features prominently on RATM’s amps and album covers.
Let’s consider the two issues and determine who’s genuinely “clueless” here.
A Rock group (RATM) boasts that the central inspiration of their “irreverent” music and “anti-authority” image is the co-founder of a totalitarian regime that outlawed Rock Music, Graffiti and “disrespect to authorities” – all under penalty of forced labor, torture and firing squad.
“Youth must refrain from ungrateful questioning of governmental mandates,” commanded Che Guevara in a famous speech in 1961 where he denounced the very “spirit of rebellion” as “reprehensible.” “Youth must dedicate themselves to study, work and military service. Youth must learn to think and act as a mass…it is criminal to think of individuals!”
“Union activists” RATM musicians have made central to their music and image a Stalinist who outlawed strikes under penalty of prison and firing squad.
“By no means can Cuban workers go on strike!” declared Cuba’s “Minister of Industries” (Che Guevara) on June 26, 1961. “Cuban workers must adjust to life in a collectivist social order!”
The “Peace activists” of RATM have made central to their music and image the boastful blusterer of the following:
We reject any peaceful approach!… My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood!..Violence is inevitable! To establish Socialism rivers of blood must flow. The victory of Socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims!
Tom Morello also professes immense pride in his black heritage and in Obama’s presidency. “I honestly thought I’d never live to see this day,” he gushed in Nov. 2008. “Obama’s election is a huge step towards civilization for a country whose past is so steeped in racism.“ But the icon on his guitar, amplifier and album cover went on record to say that: ”The Negro is indolent and spends his money on frivolities and drink. The European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent…The Negro has maintained his racial purity by his well known habit of avoiding baths.” The regime Che co-founded jailed and tortured the longest-suffering black political prisoners in modern history.
In 1959, with the help of KGB specialists, Tom Morello’s icon helped found, train and indoctrinate Cuba’s secret police. “Always interrogate your prisoners at night,” Che Guevara ordered his Soviet-armed goons. “A man’s resistance is always lower at night.” Today the world’s largest image of Morello’s hero adorns Cuba’s Ministry of the Interior, the headquarters for Cuba’s STASI and KGB trained secret police.
The man glorified on RATM’s amplifiers and CD covers adopted and enforced decrees against rebellious youth drafted by Stalin’s police chief Lavrenti Beria during The Great Terror. Che Guevara also cheekily signed his correspondence, “Stalin II.”
So who’s clueless here?
Why Paul Ryan of course, according to the media.
Had Tom Morello been born three decades earlier and in Cuba and attempted the “grunge” lifestyle he’d have found himself digging ditches and mass-graves in a prison camp system inspired by the man glorified on his amplifier. Tens of thousands of Cuban youths learned that Che Guevara’s admonitions were more than idle bombast. In Che Guevara the hundreds of Soviet KGB and East German STASI torturers who flooded Cuba in the early ‘60s found an extremely eager pupil and fan. By the mid-‘60s the crime of a “rocker” lifestyle or effeminate behavior got thousands of youths yanked off Cuba’s streets and parks by secret police and dumped in prison camps with “Work Will Make Men Out of You” in bold letters above the gate and with machine gunners posted “all along the watchtowers.”
But don’t take it from me. Take it from a relatively recent escapee from the regime Che Guevara co-founded, and who is a grunge-rocker to boot. “In Cuba freedom is nonexistent,” he told Mexico’s Proceso magazine. “The regime demands submission. It persecutes all hippies, homosexuals, poets and free thinkers. It employs total repression against them.”
This grunge-rocker’s name is Canek Sanchez Guevara—Ernesto “Che” Guevara’s very grandson. The regime co-founded by his grandfather jailed and tortured Canek for the crime of trying to play some rock music unsanctioned by the Stalinist authorities. Tom Morello might profit from a “jam session” with fellow guitarist Canek Guevara.
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