The lengths to which the media will go to whitewash even the most blatant displays of anti-Semitism by their political allies truly knows no limits. There is no expression of leftist anti-Semitism too blatant for the media to try to contextualize, spin and whitewash.
This week’s example comes from Brian Murphy at the Raleigh News and Observer, desperately trying to spin the leak of a video of a rapper singing about anti-Semitism at a UNC event.
“I cannot be anti-Semitic alone.”
“Let’s try it together,” rapper Tamer Nafar tells the audience before his performance, inviting them to sing. “I need your help. I cannot be anti-Semitic alone.”
UNC brass already apologized for this. But Brian Murphy and his bosses at the Raleigh News and Observer launch a desperate defense.
“Congressman wants investigation of alleged ‘anti-Semitic rhetoric’ at Duke-UNC conference,” the RNO headline declares. It’s not “alleged” when it’s actually there on video.
Murphy and the Raleigh News and Observer fail to interview a single Jewish person for their story. Or anyone. The only student quoted, from another source, claims that the song was misconstrued.
Truly amazing.
I’m sorry. “Allegedly amazing.”
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