The media lies. It always lies.
DeSantis sparks outrage with rejection of African American studies class – The Hill
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is facing criticism after his administration rejected an Advanced Placement African American Studies course from being taught in Florida schools, the latest curriculum-related action by the governor to draw fierce backlash.
The DeSantis administration made the move earlier this month, when it sent a letter to the College Board Florida Partnership arguing that “the content of this course is inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value.” The letter didn’t name which law the course purportedly violated, and the state’s Department of Education did not clarify that matter when asked by The Hill.
In fact it’s quite obvious when studying the contents, as the Florida Standard has done, why it’s blatantly in violation of Florida’s Stop Woke Act.
Section 4 of the syllabus introduces the topic “Postracial Racism and Colorblindness” and features texts from Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, who employs Critical Race Theory in his writings.
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva’s book Racism without Racists describes how “Whites talk, think, and account for the existence of racial inequality and makes clear that color-blind racism is as insidious now as ever.” The book’s second chapter, entitled “What is Systemic Racism? Coming to Terms with How Racism Shapes ‘All’ Whites (and Non-Whites)” explains how “all members of society participate in structural racism,” according to an online summary.
Section 4 also includes “Black Queer Studies.” A description states: “This topic explores the concept of queer color critique, grounded in Black feminism and intersectionality, as a Black studies lens that shifts sexuality studies towards racial analysis.”
Additionally, Topic 4.29 focuses on the “Black Lives Matter movement” and 4.30 includes a call for reparations from racist author Ta-Nehisi Coates.
Topic 4:26 pushes police and prison defunding. Topic 4:24 promotes liberation theology. Topic 4:15 includes a text from the writings of domestic terrorist Angela Davis.
The media doesn’t want to discuss any of this. And, as usual, it tries to smuggle in hate, bigotry and anti-Americanism under the guise of teaching “black history”. Much of this is not dealing with black history, but with radical leftist activism. And that’s inappropriate in an educational environment.
Finally, there’s the “writings of Amiri Baraka” in topic 4.10.
Here’s a sample of the writings of that deranged racist.
“I got the extermination blues, jew-boys. I got the Hitler syndrome figured… So come for the rent, jewboys, or come ask me for a book, or sit in the courts handing down your judgements still I got something for you, gonna give it to my brothers, so they’ll know what your whole story is, then one day, jewboys, we all, even my wig wearing mother gonna put it on you all at once.”
Later in “Confessions of a former Anti-Semite,” Baraka explained these lines as meaning “Jews had stolen Black secrets and then said that Hitler disliked Jews because he could smell the contact with Black on them.”
In “The Black Man in Making New Gods,” Amiri Baraka reached new heights of deranged anti-semitism, denouncing Jews, the way some Nazis did, for Christianity. “Atheist jews double crossers stole our secrets crossed the white desert to spill them,” Baraka ranted. “The fag’s death they gave us on a cross… they give us to worship a dead jew and not ourselves.” “The empty jew betrays us, as he does hanging stupidly from a cross, in an oven, the pantomime of our torture, so clearly, cinemascope the jews do it… the little arty bastards talking aritmetic they sucked from the arab’s head. Suck your pricks. The best is yet to come. On how we beat you and killed you.”
“We are all beautiful (except white people, they are full of, and made of shit),” Amiri Baraka wrote. “Come up, black dada / nihilismus. Rape the white girls. Rape / their fathers. Cut the mothers’ throats,” he wrote.
While these Baraka poems probably didn’t make the AP black history cut, no decent person should find any educational material that promotes racists like this to be acceptable.
Typical ghetto poetry. Like the graffiti their taggers put up.
Yeah, I saw some graffiti yesterday and wondered why people do that? I mean’ do they think they’re impressing people? Do they think it’s even decipherable to normal people?
What mutants.
Yeah, people probably think we’re joking or exaggerating 🙂
Did you see what’s happening in Atlanta? Woke leftists are out of control, although they’re getting their asses kicked this time.
And there was another mass shooting in CA today. Ten bucks says it was one of the usual suspects. A lefty, moslem or black supremacist. No way was it a conservative.
Yeah, Atlanta has a black Democrat mayor I think, while the State officials are Republican.
I was worried at first when I saw that the mass shooting in CA was at Monterey Park, thinking it must be near Monterey, but it turned out Monterey Park is down near Los Angeles 🙂
Poetry, my scrawny white hindquarters. It’s garbage, to put it politely. I do not understand why these racemongers can’t write a decent poem; at their best they spout doggerel. At their worst it’s less than crap, just some stream-of-consciousness that sounds more like you’d hear in a psychiatric therapy session than a poetry reading. Makes you understand why psychiatrists make so much money, to have to listen to that sort of thing.
And it’s hatefully racist and anti-Semitic and anti-Christian.
Easy to understand, I thought a lot about it in years gone by, after seeing so much of it defacing the public infrastructure in my former city. They are dumber than dirt, and don’t know how to spell. And are poorly educated.
Unfortunately, there is a large segment of the American population that does not respect study and education. They see pursuing an education as trying to “Act white”. When members of that segment disrupt classrooms and are disciplined for their misbehavior, their supporters call that discipline racist: Then they say that their group is disciplined at a rate disproportionate to their number. They detest the postings of Class Standings as racist.
The Left seems eager to support their behavior.
Let the white girls worry about it if they will. Already seen to much to be concerned.
too* much being already too* much
These idiots have no concern.
Actually they like it so let’s stay away
I used to write a poem or two
And made sure there was a RHYME for you
There’s nothing but HATE in those idiot lines
So the REAL RACISTS are in the spotlight that shines!
There’s NOTHING in what he wrote that could be considered educational or LEGAL if a white person wrote it!
Good Job Governor DeSantis and TEAM!!
What rhymes with Nantucket?
Pro Tip: Lose the idiotic disgusting dirty soy boy beard. Looks like s*it and unintelligent! No real man in the 21st century sports these disgusting dirty soy boy beards. Beards make you look like a talking asshole!
That sounds girly and gay to me.
I have a beard and I’m the best looking man in human history.
Better looking than you could ever hope to be.
Listen, you anti-Semitic dope. Greenfield sports a beard because it is required or at least strongly recommended for religious Jewish men to wear one. His is not very obvious because he is blondish and his beard is not very thick; it’s just the way it is. Shut up and leave the man alone to practice his religion.
Typical Black asshole racists. Needs to be shot in ghetto gang violence. Guy looks like an idiot with that stupid looking disgusting dirty soy boy beard.
You aren’t Black. If there is antisemitism in the Black Community that’s not for you to choose who we choose to read or admire. If you read the Old Testament it’s filled with the exploits of a Genocidal people in the name of their God.
I knew Amiri Baraka and he had a great love of Black People. He had a love of Black Culture. While I may have disagreed with some of his stances, I respect him as a writer and literary figure. You can’t discuss the 60’s and Black Power Movement without him.
Maybe you should learn Grace from your Christian friends and tread carefully on who you malicious slander. Also Black Lives Matters is a reality. Why no just put counter arguments instead of trying to suppress them.
NO LIVES MATTER especially low IQ feral H0m0Erectus ORCs who can’t comply w/ the armed db4g w/ a badge. You’re an insufferable failed race who destroys everywhere u inhabit in mass or govern . Go live amongst your savage brethren far away from civilized sane society eggplant
You can spin this any way you want to sir, but any form of racial and/or ethnic hatred is wrong. This racially-charged divisiveness is a tool of Satan and total nonsense. We are all sinners; all fallen human beings who cannot meet the impossible standard of God Himself so He sent His Only Son, Jesus, to atone for & reconcile us to Him. The sooner mankind accepts the fact that he is a fallen-being in desperate need of a savior, THE Savior Jesus Christ, he will cease these petty battles with his fellow man and realize it’s a sin-problem and NOT a skin-problem. We all descend from Shem, Ham, or Japeth (sp?), and we all face God once we step into eternity. God will mete out punishment for those who deserve it, in His Time, in His Way, and it shall be perfectly just. These constant inter-racial bickerings and tit-for-tat nonsense is a total distraction from the IMPORTANT issue: salvation. Peace and blessings to you sir.
You’re a contemptible reprobate and a fool.
So, according to your idiotic logic, one must be black in order to condemn the vile Baraka’s indefensible and despicable Jew-hate? Racism and bigotry should be universally condemned by all people possessing moral probity, and bigots don’t receive a pass because of their dark skin pigmentation.
Go to hell, moron. You’re a prime example of how stupid and feckless fools enable evil.
If you’re condemning Jews — unfairly and stupidly — as allegedly “genocidal” because of the content within the Old Testament, where’s your similar condemnation of Muslims for the far more explicit and pervasive genocidal hatred contained within the Koran, directed at Jews, Christians and non-Muslims?
You’re a reprobate, a hypocrite and a fool, rationalizing Jew-hate in the most idiotic manner conceivable.
Stop writing, lest you embarrass yourself further with your kindergarten-level logic and infantile assertions.
What would you propose as a solution? How can disparate peoples live together in mutual trust?
If my question is unanswerable, how do we avoid the conclusion that peaceful coexistence is impossible?
I get along with my neighbors. And they’re black drug addicts. 🙂 🙂
I very much fear that history shows that they cannot.
There is no debate on the subject because, without Christ, it is impossible.
It is likely Mr. Coggins does not give the matter much thought, and is an economic migrant with no appreciation for western civilization and the beautiful principles of equality before the law and individual worth and dignity – something Christianity alone brought into flower through the establishment of this nation.
His writing has an undercurrent of racial hatred and wounded pride, animus against Jews and Christians and the tired demands of one who deems himself victim, superior and entitled all at once. All complaint but no thought or answer. He represents the danger of aggressive stupidity.
“Victim, superior and entitled all at once.” Yes, that’s them in a nutshell. I broke up with my girlfriend because of that. She just couldn’t drop that racist stuff. It got tiresome. America is a majority white country. People need to accept that.
Thank goodness for sickle cell, and the rate at which blacks kill other blacks through abortion, and ghetto street killings.
We need more thinning of the herd with actual racist’s and bigots like you.
F, that’s funny. Sickle cell enemia. We used to joke about that when we were kids in Southern California. Not that I want my black brothers and sisters to die. Just the racist ones. All my girlfiends are black.
All lives matter. Maybe even anti-Semitic poet lives matter but not if push ever comes to shove. Which I hope never happens.
As even men like you and him have mothers.’
And I doubt it was your mother you taught you to hate the way you do.
Black children are taught racial hatred from a young age. Have you ever heard about “the talk”? It is a matter of black awareness and pride – and it is hateful and racist.
Here is John Derbyshire’s white version of the talk, for which he was fired:
You do know BLM is an anti white, insurrectionist, terrorist organization, right?
I quoted Amiri Baraka. If that’s slander, then he slandered himself. Did he love black people? Perhaps. He certainly hated everyone else. And there should be no room for promoting his hate in public education.
Or do you think David Duke should be taught in schools?
David Duke. That poor bastard. He’s never going to outlive his reputation.
If David Duke were a different ethnicity, but teaching hatred of whites, he would be a celebrity millionaire.
And you know he must feel regret, right? Nobody could be the Grand Poobah of the KKK and feel proud of that.
If that ghetto crap is poetry I am Shakespeare.
That’s f’ing funny.
Self-hating whites fawned over Amiri Baraka and fawn over Bonilla-Silva today.
Dump the detestable Trump and run Ron DeSantis for President.
Ron DeSantis is going to be governor until when? 2017? and he has young children.
He ain’t Going to run, you NEVER TRUMPER retard. Give it up you stupid assholes.
We all know you only push this shit because you hate Trump
I mean’t 2027………………
Doesn’t that qualify as a racist class? Better yet, isn’t that “poetry” what Ms. Jackson Lee would classify as “hate speech”? Bring it on and lock the prof up.
reggins are the most racist people in America. they are taught that they can’t be racist because only whites can be racist. So they can say or do anything they want. blacks are still only 12% of the population. one day when whites wake up there will be a reckoning.
One day blacks will wake up and figure out that with the number of Latinos in the country they are suddenly more like 6% of the population. And nobody will be listening to them or catering to them then.
Have you noticed they’re in every commercial on TV? And every movie.
Postracial racism?
I Have always said that the more equal people are treated the more they whine about inequality. “We just want to be treated equal” to “its racist to treat us equal”
how about a class / poetry; ” cut the ball of black men to stop the rape”
“cut the balls of black men to stop the rape”
Sounds like the GOP. That’s why DeSantis needs eyes in the back of his head.
DeSantis is way out there and not very popular with Republicans representatives in general. To understand the situation look at who is popular.
Maybe it’s the salary.
This really sums up the disconnect between how conservatives and liberals think.
For libs the answer is always systemic, always and for conservatives it’s almost always how do I get ahead?
If libs are such idiots why are they systemically turning us into them?
What dose the liberals think new of their sewer mouth poet?
That evil Black guy , in that top picture , is not only a real, actual , racist but a criminal racist., at least in heart.
That malice-filled fiend is the one who is full of s…t. In the way of the old saying “If you point your finger at someone there are three more fingers pointing back at you.”
That villain is a true race agitator.