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Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib was censured by the House of Representatives for words implying the destruction of America’s ally, the born-again Jewish state. She also could be censured for her mendacious claim to being a Palestinian when there is nothing Palestinian about her.
While the Education department in the Palestinian Authority created by Israel’s Marxist leaders thirty years ago, Isaac Rabin and Simon Peres, teaches its school children that the Palestinians have been living in Palestine for five thousand years, Tlaib surely knows not one word of the language they spoke because there never was such a language.
Her religion also is not native to what the world calls Palestine but to the Arabian Peninsula where Islam’s holy city is some 770 miles from the Jews’ holy city that the Palestinians claim is their historic, eternal capital?
For sure, Tlaib’s wardrobe also contains not one garment uniquely associated to her Palestinian nation, like the Japanese kimono, Scottish kilt, or Mexican sombrero.
And also for sure, she has not read even one book on the history of her “Palestinians” prior to the 20th century because there is no such book on any shelf in any library or book store on the planet; and there never will be.
No less in matters gustatory, with so many national cuisines found in the best restaurants in world capitals, who has ever eaten in a “Palestinian” restaurant serving down-home “Palestinian” cooking?
But in defense of Tlaib, she is hardly alone in claiming to be a child of a putatively primeval Palestinian nation. Consider the life of the late Edward Said (1935-2003), arguably in his day the foremost propagandist for Palestinian Nationalism in the English language. In 1966, one year before Israel’s miraculous Six-Day War, Said was an unknown, 33-year-old assistant professor at Columbia University, working on a PhD at Harvard, teaching a course on 18th century English Literature who told his curious English major students – a high percentage of them Jews — one of them this writer — that although he was born in Jerusalem, he was a Lebanese Christian who grew up in Cairo.
Only after the ’67 war did Assistant Professor Said morph into an “Ancient Palestinian refugee” claiming to have been robbed of his family manse in Jerusalem by the evil Zionists. Shortly before his death, Said published an autobiography that unwittingly exposed this lie. The man was an imposter, a complete fraud, as the movement he flacked for has been.
Ironically, Said’s dissertation was on Joseph Conrad, a Pole who wanted to be an Englishman, which treatise Said entitled The Fiction of Autobiography, wittingly or otherwise resonant with the fiction of his own biography and that of his father who became an American citizen during WWI. Said pere joined the Church of England, and named his son after no Ancient Palestinian hero in history but Edward, the Prince of Wales.
Little Edward Said was brought up in the upscale Zamalek neighborhood in Cairo where his father had a successful stationary business, supporting a car and driver. Little Edward was educated in an English language school and at home in the family all spoke English. For this, his own Arabic was rudimentary. Only in 1967 did Edward Said transform himself into an Ancient Palestinian Jerusalemite tragically expelled by the racist, fascist, capitalist, imperialist, neocolonial Jews.
So, in defense of Rashida Tlaib, born in Michigan in 1976, she was probably told by her parents she is a Palestinian, and if memory serves, she has whined about a grandmother in the “West Bank,” which very name is evidence of the fact the Muslims like her never in history had a name for these lands, what on all maps for millennia had labeled “Samaria and Judaea.”
Indeed, in the UN Partition Plan of 1947, those were the terms used. Not until after the Six-Day War did “West Bank” become common usage, which is a no-name name, a topographical description, versus the practice of authentically indigenous peoples who give names to their homeland’s natural features, e.g., lakes, rivers, mountains. Before the Six-Day War, the Arab and Muslim worlds had no name for what became the “West Bank.” In 1950, Jordan annexed these territories and until 1988, the kings in Amman never thought the Arabs there were another nationality besides “Jordanian” deserving of their own independent state. Indeed, these kings ruled by virtue of direct descent from Prophet Mohammad, and they did not think the Arabs on the west bank were of a different nation than those on the east bank, site of Amman, their capital.
After the 1990-91 Gulf War, this writer was commissioned by the office of Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir to do a statistical analysis of voting patterns in the UN because President Bush, 41 and Secretary of State Baker, no friend of Israel, were pushing for a peace conference under UN auspices, and Israel needed ammunition to oppose the initiative and expose the UN as an antisemitic hot air factory.
The project entailed reading 870 UN resolutions in the Security Council and General Assembly from 1945 to 1989, which produced such statistics as: the UN Security Council in that period condemned Israel — its highest rebuke — 49 times but never an Arab state. In the General Assembly too, no Arab state was ever condemned, but Israel 321 times.
Overall, in the UN’s first four decades, the number of individual member-state votes over those 870 documents against Israel came to 55,642.
But apart from doing the work commissioned, this writer kept an eye out for the first-ever document referencing “the people of Palestine” and found it: GA Res. 2628 of December 1970. Before then, the Palestinian nation did not yet exist within the halls of the United Nations or was a concern in international diplomacy. In the UN’s first quarter-century, including Arab and Muslim member-states, there was not one resolution on behalf of a people called “Palestinians” pining for a state.
In 1972, Yasir Arafat, a native Egyptian raised in the Muslim Brotherhood, and Mahmoud Abbas, planned the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic Games, when the 11 Israeli athletes were corralled into one room and the Muslims exulted in their domination of them by castrating the weight lifter.
In 1972 as well, the PLO massacred air travelers in the arrivals’ hall in Israel’s one international airport. In May 1974, a PLO gang massacred 22 Jewish school children at Maalot, Israel, which did not stop the UN that November from inviting the mass murderer Arafat to address the UN General Assembly and receive a standing ovation.
By 1980, after a dozen years of bloody terror in Europe, the European Community (not yet the EU) at Venice recognized Arafat’s Fatah, founded by eight graduates of the Muslim Brotherhood Youth Organization, as a legitimate political entity fighting a legitimate war of national liberation. And the rest is history.
The Palestinian National Movement for the Liberation of Palestine has been the greatest historical hoax in history though now superseded as a political force by Islam. In the 60s, 70s and 80s, the Palestinian Liberation Organization was a front for more than a dozen terror clubs with faux-political names like the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) or its breakaway group the DPFLP, (Democratic Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) whose terrorists presumably broke away because the PFLP wasn’t democratic enough.
Today, in the “West Bank” and Gaza, the two principal Jew-killing fraternities are the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas) and Islamic Jihad; and notice there is nothing Palestinian about either name.
Likewise, in 1948, the aggression against Israel was labeled the “Arab-Israeli Conflict,” which in the 1970s was rebranded its conceptual opposite, the “Israeli-Palestinian” Conflict. In the first formulation, the Arabs with their 30,000,000 people and armies three times larger than those of 650,000 Israels, were “Goliath,” and Israel “David.” In the second formulation after 1967, Israel moved into the superior first position, the superpower bully oppressing its stateless “Palestinian” victims.
From day one, the “Palestinian nation” has been a fraud. In Israel recently, one popular Jew-killing technique among the Muslims has been driving a car into a group of people waiting, say, at a bus stop, killing some that way, but then the driver jumps out with a knife to stab the still living while shouting “Allahu Akbar!” There is no record of even one of them ever shouting, “Long Live Balestine!” (sic)
Tragically for Israel, the Jews themselves have been a major purveyor of the lie thanks to the Marxists, a.k.a. the atheists for whom religion was superstition and should play no part in Israel’s relationship with its Arab neighbors. Indeed, the architect of the so-called Oslo Peace Process, Yossi Beilin, speaking for his slice of anti-religious Israeli leftists said, “If we define the conflict as religious, there can be no peace, so let’s call it a political conflict between two nations,” which then required inventing this phantom nation, when for forty years after WWI, the murderous Grand Mufti in Jerusalem said there never was such a country as Filastin and over Islam’s fourteen centuries he was right.
Factually, the “father” of the new “Palestinian identity” was Egypt’s modern pharaoh Gamal Abdel Nasser (1918-1970) who in an Arab League meeting on March 29, 1959, in imitation of the situation in Algeria in its fifth year of intifada against the French, promoted the idea of a “Kiyan Filastini”/ “Palestinian entity.” In Algeria in 1954, the Muslims there revolted after 124 years of French rule, and had the brains to appeal for political support aboard not as Muslims but “freedom fighters” in a “war of national liberation.” They knew that if they cast their rebellion in religious terms, this would not win support in the France of post-religious Existentialists Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone DeBouvoir.
Nasser had been an active supporter with weapons and other assistance to the terrorist FLN in Algeria and thought transforming the “Arab refugees” of the war with Israel into a “Palestinian” nation was the way to go. Since the ceasefire with Israel in 1949, the whole world, Muslim and Arab states included, referred to the “Arab refugees” as just that, generically, because most were migrant workers from the all over the Middle East working in Mandatory Palestine who ran from the fighting with nothing “Palestinian” about them.
The “Palestinian people” is a verbal hologram, which is something that looks like it is there, but really is not. In effect, the Muslim butchers in Gaza on October 7 were the same people who brought down the World Trade Center in 2001; massacred US officers at Fort Hood in 2009; bombed the Boston Marathon in 2013; massacred a Christmas Party in San Bernardino in 2015; massacred hundreds at the Bataclan Theater in Paris that same year; massacred people in Berlin at the Christmas market; massacred scores in Nice, France in 2016, and so on and so forth ad nauseum.
Rashida Tlaib, unlike the imposter Edward Said, may be forgiven for having been lied to from the day she was born, but not for her classic, age-old, Islam-based Jew-hatred. On October 7, those maniacs were not “Palestinian freedom-fighters” but Muslim holy warriors.
Palestine is a fabrication, a narrative, Created by the United Nations of Jew hatred as a cudgel to beat the Jewish people with and give them no peace.
See how the Jew haters rally around these monsters and attempt to save them after their abhorrent slaughter and kidnapping of innocent civilians.
If Palestine is an Arab country, then why doesn’t it have an Arabic name?
If I remember correctly there is no P in the Arabic language, they use the F.
Now that gives the game away. They are the Philistines from Gaza their native home land, the enemy of the
Arabic is a real language? It sounds like people hawking up loogies to me. Swallowing their boogers.
There’s no connection with the Philistines, referred to in Biblical times as a “sea people”, likely having their origins in the Aegean. They were long gone from history by the time of the Babylonian conquest. The Arabs arrived more than ten centuries later in an early war of conquest.
One key counter to the Palestinian history is in family names, which show distinctions between those in Gaza and those in the so called West Bank. The former have more Egyptian and North African origin, while the latter are more significantly from Arabia and the greater Levant. There’s also a smattering of Balkan, a consequence of Ottoman settlement, as well as remnants of old Jewish populations which converted to Islam, a way to escape harsh Muslim rule.
A very intelligent reply. I wonder if Siddi Nasrani is capable of reading and understanding it, or if, since it might disagree with the narrative and hurt his/her feelings, it was simply ignored by the most relevant potential reader.
Horse hockey. They have no more to do with the Philistines than, to pick a random example, Xi Jinping has.
Good question.
But the Palestinin myth wasn’t created by the United Nations, but by the KGB i 1967 – at the suggestion of Nasser and the nazi-allied al-Husseini, mufti of Jerusalem.
In the book Disinformation, I believe that one of the co-authors, Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa formerly of the KGB, said that the KGB invented the whole concept of the “Palestinian” nation.
Thiis a common false belief. The Arab Muslims needed no instruction in Jew-hating from the Russians.. Islam is a form of Jew-hatred.. I suggest you re-read the piece in which Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1959 had the idea of rebranding the “Arab refugees” a nation. Better yet, buy m book.The Russians assisted the PLO terrror cultists politically and via training their assassins but had nothing to do with inventing the myth of a Palestinian people living in Palestine for millennia. The Arabs are the people who gave the world 1001 nights, a string of fairy tales.
On a related note, currently, both the UN and UNICEF have tweets calling out Israel for the deaths of children, etc. etc. But no such tweets were forthcoming after Oct. 7 on behalf of the Jews.
Thank you for first hand and your life chronicle; for what the UN originated as has long been obliterated.
How extraordinary to read that in the first four decades of its existence, the
United Nations condemned Israel hundreds of times – but never condemned
any Arab nations. And yet, it was the UN who approved the partition of land
by the British which allowed the Jews to found their own country! Even though
Israel was subsequently infiltrated by secular Marxists like Simon and Peres,
it sounds like the UN set up the Jews – with their belief in and devotion to God –
to be insidiously destroyed. A globalist communist plan in the making for sure.
As per S’hai Ben Tekoa, prior to December 1970 there was no official recognition
of the “people of Palestine” by the UN. It was only six years later that the first
true globalist – with the assistance of his communist henchman Zbigniew
Brzezinski – Jimmy Carter, was elected U.S. President. Another liar presenting
as a Christian, well-meaning, folksy peanut farmer whose eventual revelations
of anti-Semitism could give Hitler a run for his money.
For anyone doubting this – Brzezinski is co-founder of the Trilateral Commission
a globalist organization espousing a new world order of one-world, borderless
government in which both President Bushes and President Clinton were members.
Obama’s cabinet was mostly comprised of Trilateral Commission members. And
the globalist plans for takedown of Western civilization continue to this day,
including the destruction of Israel.
The Arabs – who are primarily Muslim – have never been castigated at the UN
because while presenting as besieged, helpless Palestinian people instead of the
Jew-hating Muslims that they are, they can help globalist communists achieve
their evil goals.
Where I differ is when you labeled Jesuistapo agents as communist . Zbiggy was joe kennedy’s spawn . Miz Lillian was joe’s secretary , and moved back home to Georgia when she got knocked up . Likewise shimon is no marxist either.Far from any ideology , he was the vat #1 agent in Israel , who has blood on his paws from the hits on the two murdered prime ministers . Doubt me ? Then please explain how the head of state could be driven across the country in an ambulance !!!??? instead of being put on a medevac helicopter ??? Especially after a stroke , where minutes are critical !
The Egyptian, Edward Said, “enhanced” his Palestinian resume by throwing rocks at Israelis.
I appreciate very much journalist-thinkers who inform us about the big
picture concerning Israel – especially regarding the so-called “Palestinians”.
It is also shocking-anew to learn still more about the depths of depravity
in Palestinian-loving, Jew-killing monsters like Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud
Unfortunately, the world has wholeheartedly embraced the lie that there
is a distinct Palestinian ethnicity. We know we’re past that when even
ordinary Israelis call the Arabs surrounding them “Palestinians”. The
drumbeat now across the Earth – the pounding of the latest pogrom- is
“The Jews stole the land from the Palestinians – the Jews are occupying
Palestinian land”.
Israel is not illegally occupied because the conquerors, the British, gave
the Jews that sliver of land – with the UN giving it its final approval. They
offered the remainder of the land to the Arabs to form their own country
but the Arabs refused – because they knew other surrounding Arab
countries planned to annihilate Israel. The British never remained to
make sure the partition went smoothly. The Jewish state has been
defending itself from vicious wolves of Islam dressed up as Palestinian
sheep ever since.
No reason for the British to remain to guarantee anything after what happened to them.
That’s not the narrative here but there’s no clean hands.
You mean she’s not really from an old, and I mean a really, seriously old, Canaanite family?
Well, that seems an honest mistake, like our Massachusetts Senatrix who’s convinced she entered the world as a papoose.
Tlaib is as “Palestinian” as the rest of the Islamofascist colonists. She is a hate filled liar that raises funds for terrorists, living off of other people’s money – that makes her just like them
Perhaps we should call them the sons and daughters of Ishmael, the son of the slave woman. They do nothing more than fulfill the prophecy given to Hagar in Genesis 16:12.
Hagar, their mother, who wandered and got lost and who abandoned her son so that she would not have to watch him die. Ishmael, the mocker who cried like his mother. Remember he was much older than Isaac.
Unlike Abraham who got up early with the son of the promise, Isaac, to perform the LORD’s command. Isaac who went willingly with his old father, whom he could easily overpower, but was obedient even in the face of death.
They are Ishmaelites. Nothing has changed.
Sand monkeys. I have nothing but contempt for them.
I did meet a pretty girl once in Modesto CA who thought she was a Paleosimian. I felt pity for her. She was deluded.
“Paleosimoian”. Another good one, Jeff, along with your long-missed “islamopithicine”.
I have to admit I didn’t come up with “Paleosimian.” Somebody else around here did and it was so good I had to steal it. 🙂
And they will be a thorn in your side…
The sum and substance of “Palestinian” nationalism is is destroying Israel and killing its Jews. They are indistinguishable from Arabs in neighboring countries, and in fact are indifferent to whether or not they ever have a state (it would be more of a criminal enterprise than North Korea)- they just want to destroy Israel and kill its Jews (who now number 50% of Jews globally). That’s why October 7th (which the United Nations has never condemned- nor has Rashida Tlaib) was so “exhilarating” to them.
The only substantive difference between Adolf Hitler and Rashida Tlain is the ABILITY, not the INTENT to kill millions of Jews. That’s why they immediately screamed “CEASE FIRE NOW!” after Hamas murdered 1,400 Jews on October 7th and kidnapped over 200. If Hamas had the upper hand, they would not.
Excellent article. Thank you. One can rest assured that all things “Palestine” are fraudulent. Tlaib needs to be weeded out before she becomes too invasive.
Somebody should take a weed whacker to her fugly face. Out of all”The Squat,” she’s the most repulsive. Not even Ayanna Pressley or whomever is as ugly as Ragheada.
VERY enlightening! I’ve read many articles concerning the “pals” but this does add some before unknown history – THANKS! As far as the PAST – it should be considered THE PAST – it’s well documented and the LIES of the LEFT should not be allowed to change it! As for the PRESENT – Israel needs to continue fighting until every one of the murderous horde is dead! And for the FUTURE? Israel should control what comes in and goes out ! NO CEASEFIRE – NO one sided releases – Turn over the Hostages – TEN Hostages gets you ONE “pal”! Tell the UN to shove it and RESIGN from the CORRUPT ANTI-Israel, ANTI-America cabal! FINISH hamass (I know it’s not ham ass) and then SLOWLY begin rebuilding SOME of Gaza back with the BILLIONS that should be RETURNED by the BILLIONAIRE TERRORISTS hiding in qatar and demanding “Gazan blood”!! PRESIDENT TRUMP said “If ONE DROP of American blood is spilled a bucket of yours will be spilled”! THAT PROMISE was what kept the crazies calmed down during his First term! It SHOULD be the doctrine of all FREE Nations!
What is Palestinian about her? Well . . . She is a compulsive liar, ugly as sin, dumb as the proverbial sack of wrenches, hates Jews, hates the west, hates decent people of any stripe., is consumed with jealousy of cultures more successful than her own–which is pretty much all of them, hates democracy. Did I mention that she hates Jews, a hatred that is the foundation of her worldview. It’s impossible to be around her for more than a few seconds because she is a professional shrieker, who gives your average hysteric a bad name. Descended from those putrid people who fled the middle east after they made life there impossible, and came to North America to replicate their failed society. Hates Jews.
Did you mention that she hates Jews?
//sarc off//
That’s an accurate description of that fugly skank, for sure!
I don’t mind ugly chicks, so long as they’re good people. I don’t even consider them ugly because they’re pretty on the inside. But pig dogs like Ragheada Tlabia? Every time I see her online or on TV my blood boils. I wish somebody would assassinate her.
Where’s Lee Harvey when we need him? Or even Sirhan Sirhan, who I think is still alive in some butt pound prison. Or John Wilkes Booth. Say what you will about that scumbag but he had balls. She needs to GTF out of our country. She doesn’t deserve to live here. None of the skanks in “The Squat” do, although I have to admit I think Inbred Omar is cute. The rest are skags, though, and unless I see Inbred naked, I’l assume her attractiveness is reserved to her face only. 😛
The essential guide into Islam’s sick soul is BRIDES OF BLOOD by Joseph Koenig. Here is what Kirkus gad to say about it.
A Gorky Park-style thriller that’s truly frightening—because it’s set in today’s Iran, which in Koenig’s expert hands unfolds as a modern-day Bedlam run by Muslim fanatics. There’s no clue given as to whether Koenig visited Iran to research this story, but readers will feel as if they’ve gone there and escaped with their lives. Their guide to this sinister land and its amazements—like the box shaped like a pencil sharpener that’s replaced swords for amputating thieves’ fingers, or the seegah, “temporary wives” who marry for as little as an hour in a kind of sanctioned prostitution—is Darius Bahktiar. An American-educated prosecutor under the Shah, Darius years back killed a top dog of the Shah’s secret police who’d gotten away with murder; thrown into dreaded Evin prison, Darius became a hero upon Khomeini’s ascent and now is Teheran’s homicide chief. But, with his Western ways, he’s under constant suspicion by the Committee for the Revolution and its leader known as Bijan, who yanks Darius from the case that opens the story—the slaying of a woman involved in drug-running. Besieged at home as well—his ultrareligious wife wants a divorce- -but not to be blocked, Darius pursues the case—which turns up two more dead drug-runners—into a tangle of clues pointing to a group of female Muslim revolutionaries known as the Brides of Blood, and to the smuggling not just of heroin but of mycotoxins, agents of chemical warfare. Darius is tossed back into prison and brutally tortured. A dramatic escape in which they pose as corpses allows Darius and his new love—a former Bride of Blood—to race for Turkey, with Bijan close behind. An absorbing mystery, incandescent action, and an Iran locked in nightmare: Salman Rushdie would love this novel.
Strange but compelling comment.
What a wonderful summary of history and the lies that are so common in the Arab world. Wikipedia notes that Rashida’s parents grew up in Ramallah and East Jerusalem. I wonder if anyone has done extensive genetic testing of Arab citizens in the Middle East to see if there are distinctive differences. From a brief Google review, I get the sense that Persians (Iranians) are related to but distinct from the Bedouin gene pool. Most Arabs appear to come from the Bedouin gene pool but distinctive subpopulations have NOT been described. Thus, the elevation of a distinctive Palestinian identity to the status celebrated by Tlaib and others today does not seem to be supported. I would appreciate other perspectives.
Read “From Time Immemorial.” by Joan Peters. The Paleosimians are a motley crew of ethnic mongrels, not just Ayrabs.
No wonder they’re the scum of the Earth. They don’t even know who and what they are.
My recollection is Joan, obm, accounted for the overwhelmingly genocidal mythical s-called Palestinians being descendants of 55 different nations.
I never found any ‘free Palestine!’ supporter able to answer this short list of questions concerning the mythical State they say they want to liberate’:
Who funded Palestine and when?
What was its capital and main cities?
What were its borders?
What was its official language?
What was its religion?
What type of economy did it choose?
What was its currency?
What form of government did it have?
Who were its most famous chiefs of State?
Also no one among these ‘Palestine’ supporters were ever able to tell me why there wasn’t one single mention of the words ‘Palestine State’ or ‘Palestinian people’ in any written document before 1967 – as revealed in the Google books graph below:
It’s like asking a monkey to do calculus. It ain’t going to happen.
What exactly is Palestinian about her?
Oh, she is Palestinian all right.
She hates Israel. She hates Jews. She hates the US. She’s Muslim. She is insufferable. She believes she is a victim even as she victimizes others.
She is a Palestinian poster child.
American citizens are being displaced by the DemoNazi jihad on America. The DemoNazi Party is destroying America every single day.
A vote for the DemoNazis is a vote for the destruction of America.
As there is no such place as “palestine”, there is no such thing as a “palestinian.”
another fakestinian , a pocahontas of arab descent , the overly large gob , high cheekbones , crone appearance , and nasty to boot . who knew ? and she is in congress and will remain there because america is doomed and the u.s. doesn’t have the b***s to kick her and her partners in crime and fraud out . and she uses taxpayer dollars to bag america !! you can’t make it up .
The “palestinians” are vile creatures. There are reasons that no nations want to take them in. Israel should wipe out the entire population then turn toward the west bank.
Dear Shai Ben Tekoa
I remember your show back in the days when arutzsheva still had its transmitter boat in the waters off the coast of israel. Many years have passed and we have lost count of their atrocities, however, politically nothing much got changed. Don’t you think at this point that only moshiach can do the clean up job so overdue?