The only good aspect of this revolting story is that the government of the Isle of Man, a sparsely populated Crown Dependency of the United Kingdom that will soon be having to change its name (Isle of Folx? Isle of Women, Womyn, and Oppressors? Isle of LGBTQ+?) has actually moved to stop this madness, at least to a limited extent. Fox News reported Wednesday that Isle of Man (sorry!) authorities have “suspended sex education at schools after a drag queen allegedly forced a student to leave class for refuting the concept of 73 genders.” It’s just great that they have forced the gears of the grooming machine to grind to a halt, at least for the moment, but how did it get this far? And what is being done to change the attitudes and policies that led to this happening in the first place?
In a telling indication of how important it is for ordinary citizens to become activists in this time of deep societal and cultural crisis all over the West, the Isle of [Redacted] government didn’t even act until parents started to complain. The ghastly incident took place at Queen Elizabeth II High School, and when parents heard about it, they began a petition drive. Among the statements in the petition was this: “We consider the attendance of a ‘drag queen’ in class and alienating students clearly confused about the information discussed during this session wholly inappropriate.”
You can say that again, Isle of Manners. The petition called for the school’s head teacher, Charlotte Clarke, to begin an “immediate investigation” not just into the drag queen incident, but into the whole rancid curriculum that led to the drag queen being invited to the school in the first place. Over 500 people signed.
Eliza Cox, vice-chairman of Isle of Man’s Marown Parish, revealed the drag queen incident at Queen Elizabeth II High. Cox recounted that the drag queen was teaching children as young as eleven years old, and informing them that there are not two, but 73 genders. According to Fox News, “one student responded that there were only two genders, which prompted the drag queen to say, ‘you’ve upset me,’ and ask the student to leave the class.” Remember the days when children were told to leave class for talking excessively, not paying attention to the lesson, cheating on tests, and the like? Now you get sent out of class for not bowing to the dominant Leftist insanity.
Cox also “alleged that one group of students was taught how to perform anal and oral sex. Another group was shown how skin grafts are taken from a patient’s arm to create an artificial penis for a transgender man.” Understandably, after all this, according to Cox, some of the kids at Queen Elizabeth II High were “too ‘traumatized’ to talk with their parents about what transpired.” Who wouldn’t be?
And so finally, the local government stepped in: “The minister for education on The Isle of Man, Julie Edge, has said the Department of Education, Sports and Culture has made the ‘decision to pause all relationships and sex education (RSE) delivery across primary and secondary schools, and will be unable to comment further until the facts have been established.’” That’s “pause,” not “stop.” Is the Isle of Man’s government likely to challenge the entire sexual orthodoxy of the contemporary Left? Unlikely in the extreme. Will the drag queen be back once the heat is off and the establishment media has gone on to the next story? It could happen.
QE2 High’s Clarke has now commented, laconically: “Having viewed a video, which is currently circulating on social media relating to the school’s RSE curriculum and its delivery, we are concerned that there could be a number of inaccuracies with the information being shared.” No kidding, really? What was your first clue? In response to seeing the gender madness being taught to her students, Clarke has punted and shifted responsibility: “Given the concerns being raised, and in order to be open and transparent, we requested an independent review into the situation. As such I am happy to take part in the external investigation which is being deployed by the Department of Education, Sport and Culture and would encourage our community to avoid speculation at this time.”
Terrific. But is the Department of Education, Sport and Culture any more likely to buck the Left than the Isle of Man’s government? No. And so the drag queens will almost certainly keep their elementary school gigs. The grooming, at least for the foreseeable future, will almost certainly continue.
Spurwing Plover says
Back when I was in High School in the early 1970s (Graduated in 1976)they were talking about changing the name Manhole to Person Hole now what Person Kind they have already been trying to replace BC and AD with BCE and CE
David Ray says
I’m not sure which trash needs to be taken out 1st; the filth in fishnet stockings, or the POS who said “a perverted freak show placed next to children. Yeah! That’s a great idea!”
Home-schooling, or private schooling.
Public schools need to be abolished & several teachers jailed.
Onzeur Trante says
There is only one question to ask here: Where are the parents?
Kasandra says
I’d like to know where the school administrators’ minds are. Why, after thousands of years of human experience, did they now decide decide it desirable to have transvestites or transsexuals or whatever they are instruct children in gender theory? How inappropriate. How insane.
Ron Grant says
Truth isn’t always kind nor agreeable,and it is not democratic,(nor Republican,for that matter). Gender is more a biological construct,rather than a social construct,so less a choice than we might think or charge. How someone identifies is something else,again.
Individually,or as a community,or even as a society,we have our moral values,that include sexuality.
We know from history what harm it leads to when we demonize a People,and that includes members of the LGBQT+ community as well as the Jewiish,Catholic,and Japanese communities.
What we chose to teach our children at home is one thing,what we chose to teach our children at school another,and what we choose to teach our children at the local children’s library another.
. …
Fire Girl says
Demonizing a group of people is not apologized for by letting them run amok. Just letting them be as long as they conduct themselves within the same society norms as the rest of us is enough. It is not productive to allow them to advertise their personal activities to the world. Just as they don’t want to be exposed to what my husband and I get up to in the privacy of our bedroom and what we wear, we dont want to have their intimate info forced fed to us. I have been friends with many guys through my work, many are friends and they all hate and are embarrassed by this new generation of exhibitionists.
Fire Girl says
Sorry that was gays not guys. There needs to be an edit button.
MaMa Snitz says
This is the only good that came out of the Plandenmic! Parents finally saw what was being taught to their kids!!! BUT now the parents are being called Terrorists and the FBI is being called in to check these parents out! WTH???
Mark Dunn says
In the 1960’s the latest education fad was “New Math” and the see and say method of reading. I thought the educrats had ruined my life. When I see what the kids are up against now, I realize evil has no boundaries.
Prayers end with Aman says
We all know that most all Christian Prayers end with Amen how long before they replace it with Aperson? their already trying to replace BC and AD with BCE and CE
David Ray says
Unfortunately, they already have over 2 decades ago.
I was in a neighbor’s house & checked out his daughter’s history book.
I saw the BCE bullshit and realized leftists had dismantled one more facet of western Judeo-Christian culture.
(January is Janus, March is Mars, etc as our calendar has pagan gods in it. Yet one doesn’t see Christian’s pushing for name changes.)
my question always is: why is this happening in the first place? who initiates this? who authorized it? that is where your culprits are, do something.
10ffgrid says
This perverted, sick, and destructive behavior is supported and condoned by democrat groups – specifically.
John Reese says
What’s wrong with these people running our schools?
Public schools are already under fire for the curriculum…..people home schooling or anything to get their kids out of the public schools. Now they bring these perverted, abnormal people to perform at our schools.
When I retired from teaching, I missed it some, not anymore. I would be fired anyway, when I refused to march my class to watch some of this nonsense.
Siddi Nasrani says
The Leftists want to break up the family unit because they want to take control of you & manipulate the child’s mind
to their Demonic thinking.
Ron Grant says
Firstly, I don’t believe anyone chooses to be “Trans”, why would they. Gender being a biological construct, vs identity, being a social construct, should allow for more acceptance and tolerance,rather than rejection and dismissal
That said,acceptance is one thing,pushing it down societies throat,and in our faces,is quite another. While I understand the need and desire to introduce and educate our children to diversity, indoctrinating innocent vulnerable children by those very diverse,ie Trans communities in Public spaces,besides being controversial,speaks to a self-serving agenda that invites push-back..
The LGBQT+ community should instead push their agenda at their local Football or Basketball arenas with an adult or young adult audience rather than the local libraries in front of a child audience. Just sayin’.
Fire Girl says
How about not pushing it at all? If a person is truly Trans they should find acceptance in that community and be free from negativity from others. But they insist we not only support them but that we like them. Well news flash, we are humans and are free to like or not like anyone we please. They put themselves in the perverted category by iadvertising to every other human exactly how they do every private thing in their lives. Our tolerance needs only to extend to doing them no harm as long as their conduct is respectful of others. Holding hands and kissing in public is not the same as doing acrobatics only in a thong in front of children, or riding in a gay parade twerking at everyone.
Tex the Mockingbird says
Will they replace Amen with Aperson? Their already replacing BC and AD with BCE and CE then comes Personkind instead of Mankind and Personed in place of Manned
Intrepid says
Looks like the kid is smarter than the drag queen
Lisa says
This won’t be able to be stopped because it’s due to the ruler of this world, satan. We are moving towards end times prophecy and God doesn’t lie. These things will only get worse.
Steve Burstein says
But in England kids grow up seeing comedians in drag as the “Pantomime Dame” in staged Children’s shows. So is “Drag Queen Story Hour” so harmful?