Robert F. Kennedy Jr., founder and chairman of Children’s Health Defense, reveals the collusion between the federal government and pharmaceutical firms with meticulous detail in his new book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. In the process, Kennedy exposes Fauci as a self-serving, manipulative bureaucrat who “implemented a system of dysfunctional conflicts and a transactional culture” that enabled Fauci’s National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases to become “a seamless appendage of Big Pharma,” Kennedy wrote.
Part of the book describes how Fauci manipulated the AIDS crisis during the 1980s to promote a dangerous drug, AZT, which made patients sicker but made a lot of money for its manufacturer, Burroughs Wellcome. The AIDS crisis became the template for Fauci’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kennedy asserts. FrontPage Magazine discussed Fauci’s role in the AIDS crisis in October in “Trust Fauci and the Bureaucrats?”
Kennedy, who founded Children’s Health Defense in 2016, is a vocal opponent of government vaccination mandates. His father served as President John F. Kennedy’s attorney general before becoming a Senator from New York. He was seeking the Democratic Party’s Presidential nomination when he was assassinated in 1968.
Since Kennedy was not available, his publisher, Tony Lyons from Skyhorse Publishing, agreed to the following interview.
JH: So who is the real Anthony Fauci?
TL: The real Anthony Fauci is somebody who prioritizes financial return on investment over public health. That’s the real Anthony Fauci that is described in The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. If he disagrees with that, he should respond. I mean, these are serious allegations of corruption. He should respond to them and disprove them if they’re untrue.
JH: How does the book help people understand and negotiate the rapidly changing information maze surrounding COVID-19?
TL: It makes them understand that the mainstream narrative that they’re given requires them to do more research. So whatever they hear, they have to recognize that it may be misinformation. Or, to be more clear, it may be disinformation. They should do more research, and this book helps them do that research. The end of each chapter has a QR code that gives you all of the latest research that the nonprofit Children’s Health Defense has uncovered since the book was published. So it’s meant to be kind of a living document that gives you resources so that you can do further research.
JH: The introduction states Fauci played a major role in making Americans “among the least healthy citizens on the planet.” How was he able to do this and how does that specific problem manifest itself in today’s society?
TL: The book claims that the financial entanglements he has orchestrated over his 50 years in power has led him to always prioritize medical interventions or products or vaccines or drugs that make a lot of money for a pharmaceutical company, and that are protected by patents, rather than anything that might be cheaper and readily available. So by not prioritizing public health, he has led to a situation where people are misled, and where they don’t really know or have access to information that could be helpful to them.
JH: How does Fauci benefit from this financially?
TL: As is described in the book, he’s the highest paid public official. But it appears that there are also complex, additional sources of income that come to him and to people who he’s worked with and empowered through patents. So it is possible for public employees, for government employees, to make additional revenue based on owning a share of a patent.
JH: How great a role did he play in corrupting the FDA, the CDC, possibly the World Health Organization? How compromised are those organizations?
TK: The book alleges that they are incredibly compromised. Dr. Fauci repeatedly says his favorite book is The Godfather, and his favorite line from that book is, “It’s not personal. It’s just business.” That, I think, has been his mantra. It’s about business. It’s not about people. It’s not personal. It’s not about public health.
JH: The book says that from the start, Fauci knew the pandemic models were inaccurate, and that masks and social distancing would be ineffective. So why did he advocate those measures if he knew that? What was he trying to do?
TL: He says repeatedly that he represents science, and that if you disagree with him on anything, you’re anti-science. Any disagreement by any other doctor or scientist is then misinformation. So clearly, he doesn’t have a problem telling the public to do things that aren’t true, and that he knows aren’t true. That comes out in some of his e-mails that contradict his public statements. So I think that by doing those kinds of things, he wanted to maintain his position as the ultimate arbiter of what people should do, even though he knew that things were complicated. That’s just my own view of it there.
JH: The book goes into great detail about how Fauci manipulated the AIDS crisis. Can you go into that?
TL: The book is meticulously researched with literally more than 2,000 citations. It says that throughout his career, he has steered the public towards drugs and vaccines that were covered by patents, that were expensive, and could make a big return on investment for his pharmaceutical partners.
JH: Why hasn’t anybody in Congress investigated him until now? It’s an interesting question, given all the research.
TL: I think this book serves as a blueprint for Congressional hearings on the subjects that are covered because the claims are dramatic. If the claims are true, then he is responsible for people dying as a result of not getting access to viable remedies. So it’s an important investigation for Congress to engage in. Because if true, we really need an overhaul of the CDC, the NIH, and the FDA.
JH: How do Fauci and Bill Gates mutually benefit from their relationship?
TL: They engaged in sort of public-private partnerships. That. I think, is a piece of it. They had a joint interest, once again, in furthering the use of expensive drugs, and vaccines, versus remedies of any kind that were not covered by patent.”
JH: How do Fauci, Gates and pharmaceutical firms threaten democracy? How does the book outline the threats to democracy?
TL: The threats to democracy come in a bunch of different ways, but one of them is the idea that Dr. Fauci represents science, like I said before, and he can’t be questioned. So in a democracy, you have to be allowed to question and there has to be a role for dissent. There has to be a role for dialogue and debate. So if you take out that role, then what you have is not a democracy anymore. One of the additional things that he did, or that he seems to have taken part in, is in the censorship of any kind of dissent. He would vilify anybody who disagreed with him. So by doing that, he not only was trying to maximize his own power. He was making it difficult for there to be scientific progress, because for scientific progress, you need to have competing points of view. It has to be possible, for example, for doctors and scientists to publish dissenting views in scientific journals, and for investigative journalists to disagree with, for example, the CDC or the NIH.
JH: One of the things I found fascinating about the book is at the very end, it includes a bracket similar to the kind Americans see everywhere during “March Madness,” the NCAA basketball tournament, that Fauci designed. In his bracket, COVID-19 beats out such diseases as Zika and SARS for the championship. How does that reflect Fauci’s character or approach to his job?
TL: I think it shows that to Dr. Fauci, this was a game. He’s trying to win. He’s trying to maximize his own power. He’s trying to control people. Doctors and scientists are prevented from publishing dissenting views and investigative journalists are working at newspapers that refuse to allow them to really investigate things, like this book (has), that haven’t been covered in any newspaper at all. The only thing that’s been covered is that Dr. Fauci and, presumably, people who agree with him have decided that you should attack the messenger in order to discredit the messenger, so that people don’t take even meticulously researched writing or research or studies coming out of reputable doctors and scientists seriously. So rather than address the claims that are made in this book, or in other studies, you attack all of the people who disagree.
JH: What kind of a response has the book received since it came out in November?
TL: It’s received no response from the mainstream media. It was so badly received that you couldn’t even advertise for the book. The New York Times refused to take an advertisement. The big tech platforms all refuse to take advertisements for it. They refused even to allow a book signing and Q & A on YouTube. Even interviews that I had to discuss censorship of the book were themselves censored. But what I find really fascinating is how well the book has done notwithstanding all of the censorship, the boycotts, the media blackout and the lack of reviews. So what it really shows, which I find fascinating, is that people are beginning to recognize that they’re not getting the full story. And they’re seeking out alternative sources of information, alternative platforms, where things are not censored, because they want to make their own decisions about what they believe and not just be force fed one preconceived narrative.
Joseph Hippolito is a freelance writer and a regular contributor to FrontPage Magazine. His commentaries have appeared in The Federalist, The Stream, Wall Street Journal, Jerusalem Post and National Post.
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