The Supreme Court’s willingness to consider West Virginia v. EPA strikes at the original beating heart of the power grab perpetrated by the Obama administration.
The media is vehemently denying that West Virginia v. EPA is still relevant. The Biden administration claims that it has no intention of resurrecting its abuses. Yet in a legal environment and court environment where the abuses of the Obama administration have often been quickly buried, the determination to keep pursuing West Virginia v. EPA is laudable.
And the Left and its enviro-profiteers are understandably worried because West Virginia v. EPA has the potential to bring light into the great darkness of unlimited regulatory power that they have wielded for so long.
Once the Left got its EPA, the agency has seized unlimited power, asserting control over literarily everything. The manufacture of a global crisis shifted the terms from real pollution issues in identifiable bodies of water to the power to regulate and control every single shred of human activity in the United States.
West Virginia v. EPA may bring a reckoning to that power grab. If the Supreme Court does the right thing.
Leftists are running away from West Virginia v. EPA precisely because it’s an ideal test case for reiging in the EPA’s power grabs. It’s also an overdue reckoning with one of the many egregious abuses perpetrated on a wounded nation by Obama administration officials… many of whom are either in the Biden administration, operating in the private sector or running activist non-profits aimed at destroying our energy sector and leaving Americans in the dark, cold and hungry, and dependent on their green gatekeepers who collect a dollar out of every two spent on heating homes, fueling cars, and making life livable.
As Obama moves into a Hawaii mansion that he would never entertain living in if he truly believed in the fiction of global warming, that is a reckoning that is long overdue.
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