The establishment media was setting us all up to accept a steal, proclaiming that on Tuesday evening, there might be a “Red Mirage,” that is, the appearance of overwhelming Republican victories that would later be overturned by bogus mail-in ballots, as soon as those who fix elections knew how many they needed. As it turned out, either the shenanigans are now so baked into the system that no prolonged period of fiddling with the totals is needed, or massive numbers of Americans actually like the way things are going under the misrule of Old Joe Biden’s handlers.
To be sure, not all the news was bad for those who don’t want to see the United States become an authoritarian third-world hellhole. The Republicans did win a majority in the House of Representatives, although we will now soon see whether this new Republican House will be a chorus of Mitt Romneys and Liz Cheneys, vying with each other to see who can implement the far-Left’s agenda fastest, or if it will articulate and implement a true America-First agenda, and hold the line against Old Joe’s socialist nostrums.
A couple of big-name Democrat former “rising stars” lost their races, suggesting the wholly welcome prospect that they might now actually fade from the scene. Fake Hispanic Robert “Beto” O’Rourke lost his race for Texas governor, giving this sinister far-Left fanatic the dubious distinction of having lost races for the presidency, the senate, and the governor’s chair. Fake Governor Stacey Abrams, who insisted that she had actually won the 2018 Georgia governor’s race until the Democrats opted to make “Election Denial” a cardinal sin and a dangerous threat to our “democracy,” won a second term as the pretend governor of Georgia. Yet as welcome as the prospect is that we might not hear from these sanctimonious, hectoring authoritarians any longer, O’Rourke and Abrams will probably now get lucrative jobs in academia and the media and continue scolding us for not going full Maoist (yet).
The night was, however, undeniably filled with disappointments. None of the COVID tyrants and Leftist ideologues who are destroying their once-great cities and states lost their elections. California has become a national joke, with astronomical tax rates that appear to pay for nothing at all, amid the daily stories of insane and violent homeless people defecating in the streets and terrorizing passersby, but Governor Gavin Newsom coasted to a second term, as did Michigan despot Gretchen Whitmer, who won fame during the height of the COVID hysteria by sealing off the children’s toys sections at department stores with police tape. Having fun, doncha know, could have gotten you the China bug. New York Kathy Hochul, another COVID tyrant presiding over the crime-ridden, decaying remains of a once-great state, was likewise reelected, which means that New Yorkers, the quintessential frogs in boiling water, will get more of the same, and love every minute of it.
Even worse, the stuttering, sputtering John Fetterman, a stroke victim who only rarely manages to utter a complete sentence, coasted to victory in the Pennsylvania Senate race, thereby proving that the Democrats’ willingness to put up with Old Joe Biden’s obvious incapacity was no anomaly. The Leftist elites are just rubbing it in now, showing that they have now filled a sufficient number of people with their propaganda that they can elect literally anyone to any position they want and perpetuate the governance of a shadowy, behind-the-scenes oligarchy. Fetterman is so clearly unfit for his new job that no one in his right mind could possibly think otherwise; like Biden, he will simply serve as a puppet for the people who are pulling the strings, and that seems to be just fine with Pennsylvanians. Watch for more drooling idiots to be elected to high office in the near future.
Apparently a large number of Americans are just fine with crime-ridden, crumbling cities, open borders, and galloping inflation rates. Emblematic of the results of 50 years and more of hard-Left indoctrination in the public schools was that O’Rourke lost nearly every county in Texas, with the startling exception of the ones that are right on the border with Mexico, the ones that suffer the most immediate effects of the ongoing migrant onslaught. So apparently the people whose lands are overrun and rendered dangerous by the steady migrant arrivals are just fine with it all, and want more. Hit us again, hit us again, harder, harder! Most assuredly, Leftists will be happy to oblige.
Steve Chavez says
THE (D)EVILS RAN/VOTED on one issue and won… the Right to KILL BABIES. Was SCOTUS involved in this since it took decades to change the ruling just in time for an election? Who is the leaker?
WHEN 30-40 MILLION ILLEGALS are given Amnesty, they will vote for those who helped them which means our country’s direction and its leadership will be decided by people who will always WAVE THEIR FLAG WHILE BURNING OURS! With those numbers, Democrats will RULE FOREVER! That’s the reason for their open borders to allow more UNDOCUMENTED DEMOCRATS!
New Mexico Governor, reelected, is spending $10 million for a new abortion clinic in southern NM to handle the traffic from Texas. MAJOR COMPANIES are now offering their employees up to $4000 to travel to a state that will allow them so now NM is gearing up for ABORTION TOURISM. “Visit Carlsbad Caverns, Chaco Canyon, Taos and Santa Fe, and have an Abortion on Us.” (Last week, emails between the Michelle Lujan-Grisham campaign and a KOB TV employee showed that DEBATE QUESTIONS were given to her in advance, and SHE ACCEPTED THEM! NO HONOR OR INTEGRITY but it doesn’t matter since our Justice system, AG, SoS, is run by Democrats. NM IS PURE BLUE NOW!) Abortion was their only issue. NM #2 in crime and 50th in education.
internalexile says
And now I will have to face the question, long avoided, of where I will move to if it ultimately becomes necessary to leave our beloved high desert. God, what a depressing thought.
Gamaliel Isaac says
I wonder how many illegals voted this time. Shouldn’t be a problem when Democrats block voter ID. Colorado was even caught sending out vote registation mailers to illegal aliens.
Ron says
They ran on nothing.
They won because they fixed the election.
America is currently done.
Marlow says
Dani says
it’s the dems that love dead babies
Steve Chavez says
YES, NM abortionists are careful during the ripping limb by limb process to extract viable organs so they can then sell as cheap as a used alternator from a junk yard when it would seem an organ would be in the thousands.
A family protests at one of the main centers and reported two days ago that an ambulance arrived to take the woman to the main hospital. They do report many cases of injuries with the probes used. It would seem those women would then be on the sidewalks with their signs warning others of the dangers but many are too brainwashed!
Moe says
Republican politicians, journalists and pindits also shate some of the blame, as they have FAILED TO CALL THE TREACHEROUS LEFTIST CANDIDATES OUT FOR WHAT THEY REALLY ARE –
Marlow says
You people really don’t realize that you’ve become ridiculous. Yes, it was bracing and scary when you started out, but the last two elections have proven you’re a paper tiger. Either launch your ridiculous attempt at an insurrection or shut up and leave the rest of us alone.
None says
And you are a propagandist.
Do you really support someone the idea of a person who cannot process audible information to represent a state in the US Senate? That is a core ability for a politician.
And you are telling me that the PA state Democratic Party couldn’t scrap-up anyone better?
Marlow says
Irrelevant. My point was about your election fraud lies. No one cares anymore. The country has moved on. Enjoy stewing in your own filth.
MG says
And you are a propagandist.
Do you really support the idea of a person who cannot process audible information to represent the people of PA in the US Senate? That is a core ability for a politician. it’s one thing to need a hearing-aid but at least one with a hearing impediment can understand the message.
And you are telling me that the PA Democratic Party (or the DNC) couldn’t scrap-up anyone better. Or are they planting someone who will act according to their will?
Intrepid says
The rest of us? You don’t even live in this country. But you want to be here, don’t you. Jealous little man.
Marlow says
You know, I never actually said I was British. You just sort of assumed it and I never bothered to correct you. Perhaps I am. Perhaps I’m not. As Trump said, I’m going to keep you in suspense.
Larry Clauser says
According to the Epoch Times (11/2/22), PA
department of State allowed at least 249,000 unverified voters to receive mail in ballots for this past mid term election.
Debbie says
And NM is one of the worst US states for Medical. As a result, we go to AZ for all of our medical.
ProudPagan says
The problem with abortion is that many Republicans don’t want to make exceptions like rape, incest and severe abnormalities.
David Ray says
Here’s hoping the lying grunge band wanna-be strokes out while hectoring on the Senate floor.
Although, his handlers would still have the option of embalming him (like Lenin), and plant a speaker in his mouth. He’d still be the useful puppet, and he’d at least become coherent.
Ron says
Why, who cares? The elections are obviously fixed. What difference does it make which actor they put into power when we effectively have no vote at all?
rocco barbella says
How does Fetterman, Warnock, Hochul, Whitmer, etc, win? There is the old line “never underestimate the stupidity of the masses.” Or, could the voting machines be rigged (again) and easily hacked to create the outcome the Leftist’s desire?
Either way, what a disgrace.
Side note: My grandparents immigrated to the Bronx. Both parents are from the Bronx. I was born in NYC. Lived in NY and NJ. When I eventually left the state I still would vacation in NYC almost every year with my wife and kids. I haven’t been back in years. NYC, you lost my business you f’n scum****. Until a conservative mayor, governor, senator wins in NY I’ll never return.
THX 1138 says
I remember during the Obama years Thomas Sowell saying something to the effect, “It is naive and dangerous to believe that “It’s the economy, stupid!” will determine an election every time, FDR was elected FOUR times even as his policies were DIRECTLY responsible for turning a depression into the Great Depression.”
In other words RATIONAL SELF-INTEREST and RATIONAL SELF-PRESERVATION, i.e., RATIONAL SELFISHNESS, do not always automatically determine how a person will vote. After all, what IS, objectively speaking, in the LONG-RUN speaking, in a voter’s RATIONAL, LONG-TERM, self-interest and self-preservation?
How do you OBJECTIVELY define and determine what is in your rational self-interest? How does the voter figure that philosophical and crucial question out? What if the voter, when he casts his vote, for what he’s been brain-washed, deceived, hoodwinked, or indoctrinated to believe is in his self-interest, is actually voting for his own self-harm or even self-destruction?
The American voter did it, he voted for FDR’s destructive welfare state policies FOUR times. The German voter did it, he voted for Hitler. The Venezuelans did it, they voted for Chavez and communism. The Muslims do it, they vote for Islam and Sharia everywhere they go, even though Islam and Sharia lead to self-harm, poverty, and tyranny.
THX 1138 says
“In spite of all their irrationalities, inconsistencies, hypocrisies and evasions, the majority of men will not act, in major issues, without a sense of being MORALLY RIGHT and will not oppose the morality they have accepted. They will break it, they will cheat on it, but they will not oppose it; and when they break it, they take the blame on themselves. The power of morality is the greatest of all intellectual powers—and mankind’s tragedy lies in the fact that the vicious moral code men have accepted [altruism] destroys them by means of the best within them.” – Ayn Rand
Marlow says
“I once tried putting a cigarette out in my eyeball.” – Ayn Rand
Intrepid says
You are truly an idiot.
Anne says
We only have a few media outlets that are really honest. They helped evil candidates pull off their elections with propaganda and deception., and no transparency. The left now believes because of rigged elections they don’t have to debate on the issues because if they do, they are exposed for what they stand for. All they have to do is run for office on whatever depraved ideology the left supports.
William James Ward says
Yes, and the left loves Muslims floating in the totalitarian boat, how do they
get along so well? It goes this way, Muslims worship the Moon god Allah
and leftists are lunatics.
Kay says
Right and the GOP ran a muslin in PA, who was a fraud and a fake as well.. We had too many far right radicals for centralist too vote for, Trumps time is over he should retire to his mansion, count his money and play golf.
NYgal says
That’s the reason you voted for brain-damaged Communist, Fetterman, who doesn’t have one life’s achievement in any field whatsoever.? Yeah, you prove the point of the article.
And what excuse would you give for voting for Kochul over Zeldin? You don’t vote for Jews? Zeldin is not a fraud, neither is he a radical.
Anne says
The left learned how to steal elections from their Buddies in the Chinese Communist Party. If you can’t win them on policy and ideology, then steal them right!
Gamaliel Isaac says
The left destroys and destroys until things are so bad that a desperate population votes in a Republican. Then when a Republican makes the painful choices necessary to undo the damage the left attacks him for being heartless and greedy etc. till another Democrat gets in.
Ron says
This had nothing to do with stupidity.
This is because the elections were fixed.
Its a test and you are failing it perfectly bc your ego cannot handle the fact thst you are too much of a coward to do anything about it. So you pretend its “stupidity”.
If you would just admit you are too weak to stand to it even that would be something.
rocco barbella says
Was your reply to me? If it was you have some reading comprehension issues. Did you read where I commented about the voting machines being rigged by Democrats?
So amusing when keyboard warriors act like tough Tony behind the comfort of their computer. You sure wouldn’t act cocky to my face.
rocco barbella says
Was your reply to me? If it was you have some reading comprehension issues. Did you read where I commented about the voting machines being rigged by Democrats?
So amusing when keyboard warriors act like tough Tony behind the comfort of their computer. I see you’re not pretending about your stupidity.
ron says
Fair enough, I was too harsh.
`Grace says
I saw a video tonight on Truth Social of an election map of New York. The person who made the video would click on the individual counties and the vote totals would appear. While the fraudsters in NY allowed several counties to go red, the majority blue counties showed a pattern of precisely identical results. For example, if the Dem candidate received 134,359 votes and the R candidate received 59,678 votes in one county, she could scan over the map and find exactly those same numbers showing up for several other counties. Not even one number would be different. The next set of numbers would be repeated across a number of other counties, again precisely, and so on. This is so clearly impossible that it leaves no doubt of fraud. They clearly didn’t even bother to count the real votes. They just sprinkled the same 3 or 4 sets of predetermined numbers all around the counties of NY. They didn’t even try to hide the fraud.
Marlow says
Wow, Spencer actually admits the election wasn’t stolen. Amazing.
Mark Sochor says
You didn’t read the article did you?
Marlow says
“As it turned out, either the shenanigans are now so baked into the system that no prolonged period of fiddling with the totals is needed, or massive numbers of Americans actually like the way things are going under the misrule of Old Joe Biden’s handlers.”
Ok, he kind of sidles up to it, but admits it’s not “needed.”
internalexile says
Just please, sir, don’t let me run out of my soma.
THX 1138 says
When you have charmed, slick-talked, deceived, hodwinked, brain-washed, or indoctrinated the voter to vote for his own self-harm and self-detruction, you don’t need to steal the vote.
The Muslims vote for Islam and Sharia everywhere they go. The Germans voted for Hitler. The Venezuelans voted for Chavez and communism. The American voter voted for FDR FOUR times even though FDR’s intervertionist policies DIRECTLY caused a depression to become The Great Depression.
Marlow says
You’re right, we should have uber-genius supermen take over the world and run it for the good of the proles. You know, like Galt’s Gulch.
Ron says
Then he’s just another shill.
Unsurprising, given the obvious level of theft that took place and frontpagemag’s clear turn to shilling against Putin.
Whoever thought that the result of authoritarian controls would be so boring, and dull.
Marlow says
So, is there anyone besides Trump that you think ISN’T corrupt and evil?
David Ray says
Wow. The fat bitch Stacy Abrams might have also admitted her election wasn’t stolen.
Gamaliel Isaac says
Marlow, you are a typical Democrat, you say things that aren’t true when it’s obvious that they are. Spencer wrote
“As it turned out, either the shenanigans are now so baked into the system that no prolonged period of fiddling with the totals is needed, or massive numbers of Americans actually like the way things are going under the misrule of Old Joe Biden’s handlers.”
It is possible that leftist control of most of the media and the schools has brainwashed the country and there are plenty of stupid leftists whose heads are impervious to reality. People who despite shocking daily crimes vote for the status quo because the right to abort unborn babies is more important to them than anything else. People who despite rising costs and collapsing 401ks vote for a government that gives them perks at the taxpayers expense. People’s whose government’s policies are likely to bring about nuclear war with Russia. I think there could be a lot of voter fraud but I also think America is crazy enough to vote in Democrats. Given the choice between the highly intelligent and rational Dr. Oz and the incoherent stroke victim Fetterman the voters appear to have voted in Fetterman probably because he says he’s for abortion. The Democrat brain is a one issue brain. Gotta vote for someone who is for killing babies and me getting benefits, to hell with the country.
Marlow says
Got it, the people are idiots. Could well be true, but doesn’t exactly help you at the moment, does it?
Intrepid says
He’s a Brit, not an Ameiican. He supports the Labour party or the Cpmmunists, I can’t be sure which. One thing is certain he has massive TDS.
Ron says
He’s a shill.
Tomorrow he’ll be in a Left wing forum looking to incite them against the Right.
Keeping us at each others throats puts us all into a state of high anxiety wherein we end up going along with things we should never do because “it’s necessary”.
Gulf War 2 is a perfect example of that. Remember Code Pink? They effectively made it totally impossible to have a serious discussion of any kind on the subject.
Marlowe belongs to the same organization.
Election Integrity is the one and only thing that matters.
Also, if you have kids, get them the hell out of the government schools.
Anne says
Some were the result of mindless, low IQ voters who are brainwashed, but some of the elections were rigged.
Marlow says
“If I lose, everybody is stupid and they stole it anyway.” Amazing logic there. Of course, you probably think Trump’s statement that he should get all the credit if they win and none of the blame if they lose was a Jesus-esque nugget of quasi-divine insight.
Intrepid says
He also said he was joking. You are a truly a fool.
Marlow says
Who said who was joking?
Ron says
He’s a wacky lefty people! And you know how you can’t trust those lefties!
Lets make sure NOT to find people across the aisle who care about election integrity – because Marlowe is here to show us how everyone on The Other Side ™ is totally our enemy and a completely obnoxious person immune to sincere discussion and compromise!
Remember the Gulf War? LOL, boy you guys sure got us with that one let me tell you. Using those lunatics from Code Pink to effectively make it impossible to have a serious discussion on whether that war was a good idea was JUST BRILLIANT.
Marlowe sweetheart – I am going to ignore ALL politics from this moment on. The ONLY thing I care about as of now is Election Integrity.
Keep being obnoxious bubele. Encourage me. Please.
NYgal says
Ignorant voters are as dangerous to the Republic as is election fraud. I’m afraid, we’re now being faced with both dangers at the same time.
Banastre Tarleton says
It’s worse than fraud as the idiots now outnumber the wise and sensible , moreover, it’s getting worse by the year as young folk are brainwashed by trash TV and social media
gsdtrainer612 says
………and don’t forget high school and college, the biggest brain washers of all.Forty Five percent of Yale students feel that hate speech should be punishable by death. So yes, we are doomed.
New Irene says
Trump backed candidates were specifically targeted with election fraud. There is NO WAY Hochul won. NO WAY. People, INCLUDING DEMOCRATS, are FURIOUS about the crime in NYC. FURIOUS.
The Dems sacrificed Abrams because they don’t want auditors in GA who could uncover the fraud from 2020. Kemp is a Trump-hater so they left him alone.
THIS IS ALL THE FAULT OF BILL BARR who refused to investigate the 2020 fraud, WHICH WAS RAMPANT. I am speaking as a Certified Public Accountant with audit experience. Nothing but the grace of God or a real shooting civil war will save us.
Marlow says
Blah blah blah ALL CAPS blah blah blah FRAUD! STEALING! STOLEN! ACK! ACK! ACK!
That’s you. That’s what you sound like.
Intrepid says
That’s what you always sound like.
Marlow says
I know you are, but what am I? Loser.
Intrepid says
Except that my side pretty much won the election….not as big as we might have liked, but still big enough to bring Biden back to his sippy cup, to put an end to Nancy Pelosi and her J6 B.S. “hearing” soap opera, and to begin the course correction that ends the 2020 steal.
So you can call me a loser all you want, (which is all you pretty much do to everyone) but it changes nothing. The Dems are effectively out of power except for useless executive orders which go nowhere. Kind of like Obama with his pen and his phone.
So enjoy being the loser that you are, from 3000 miles away in your dink country….unable to influence nothing here in my country. Bitter, table for one.
Ron says
This is exactly what Marlowe is here for. To make you think it’s “your side” vs “his side”.
He’s a shill. His only “side” is to have us at each others throats so the election fraud can continue.
I don’t care about R or D, I care about fraud. That’s it. That’s the only subject that matters.
Anyone that is pro Election Integrity is my side. I dont’ care what their views are past that.
Anyone against it is my enemy.
THX 1138 says
Your side is the morally lower RINO Party. The Republican Party IS the RINO Party and has been for more than a century. The Republican Party IS the MAJOR cause of America’s slow collapse into dictatorship. Conservatives have transferred their belief in an Imaginary Friend In The Sky to a belief in an Imaginary Republican Party Fighting For Freedom, Liberty, and Capitalism. That imaginary Republican Party doesn’t exist and hasn’t existed since the days of Abraham Lincoln.
“Pecisely because of their pretense, the conservatives are morally lower than the liberals; they are farther removed from reality — and, therefore, they are more harmful in practice. Since they purport to be fighting “big government”, they are the main source of political confusion in the public mind; they give people the illusion of an electoral alternative without the fact. Thus the statist drift proceeds unchecked and unchallenged.
Historically, from the Sherman Act to Herbert Hoover to the Bush Administration, it is the conservatives, not the Leftists, who have always been the major destroyers of the United States.” – Leonard Peikoff
Marlow says
Why are you whining about fraud then, loser?
Tortoise Herder says
Considering Project Veritas caught a Democrat fraudulently getting himself recognized as a Republican Poll Watcher, we keep whining about it because it keeps happening. The only controversies are how much it happens, where, and whether it would be enough to change the outcomes of elections.
Which is kind of redundant when you realize that the Fraud that is detected is almost always outweighed by the fraud that isn’t, an axiom from financial accounting that later proved applicable to election accounting. Made all the worse due to concentrated efforts to prevent clean and comprehensive audits.
Intrepid says
Because fraud is obvious especially in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and a few other states. Since when does it take weeks to get results when Florida did it that night.
kayster says
I still no of nobody that admits voting for any democrats.
Banastre Tarleton says
NOPE, it wasn’t fraud it’s worse than that as we have reached a tipping point wherein the fools outnumber the sensible ..USA …RIP
gsdtrainer612 says
Yep, Benford’s Law. It took down Enron didn’t it?
World@70 says
Why did so many vote for Democrat, with their dismal performance over the past two years? Stockholm syndrome is all I can think of.
But even that can’t explain Fetterman.
deesine says
Abortion, the women getting arrested ads worked.
Kasandra says
This is the crux of it – “Apparently a large number of Americans are just fine with crime-ridden, crumbling cities, open borders, and galloping inflation rates.” Americans have just proved themselves unfit to govern themselves as free people. You have to ask yourself just what more the Democrats would have had to have done over the last two years to elicit the negative response they so richly deserve? Order the killing of every first-born? I doubt even that would rouse the majority of people out of their idiotic stupor.
Jason P says
The Trump brand is damaged … time to move on. DeSantis has gained in Dem strongholds. He should be acceptable to the MAGA Trump supporters while picking up independents. No disrespect to The Donald but your retirement would help the country.
ron says
The Trump brand is not damaged. Don’t feed us propaganda to give us another weak candidate. DeSantis only became bold because Trump was President at the time and showing the way forward.
Marlow says
Yeah, Trump is a hell of a strong candidate. Such a manly man. He probably s**ts stainless steel. I mean, he only lost the popular vote twice…
Intrepid says
Popular vote is not how we do things for Presidential elections. We are a Republic, you f**king Communist
Marlow says
Marx did say the bourgeois would sell their enemies the noose that would then be used to hang them. You seem a perfect example of that. You’ll happily hand over your fate to an obscenely wealthy con artist so he can cut taxes for himself and leave you to pick up the tab.
In any case, it doesn’t really matter. It’s clear that the country has moved on. Trump is boring and you’re boring. Welcome to the ash heap of history capitalist running dog.
Deborah says
Ron DeSantis became Gov of Fla because he begged Pres Trump for his endorsement and got it. He rose in the Polls and won ! But this year he ran on his success in office, totally distanced himself from Trump and did not appear at Fla Trump Rallies. And now he plans to abandon the voters who gave him this landslide victory to run for President in two years? How’s that for gratitude? Never underestimate the loyalty of Trump Voters, Ron…..
NYgal says
No, De Santis has won in Florida, which Trump also carried. Unless DeSantis follows Trump policies, he’s just generic Republican.
Mark Sochor says
Democrats voters are like owls, the more light you shine on them, the less they see..
Dr2xFour says
Maybe the vegetable in chief did get 81 million votes.
Truly astonishing results.
If only every angry post counted as a vote.
Looks like we forgot to get off our asses and actually pull a lever.
Reminds me of the line in Tombstone….
“You called down the thunder well now you got it”
They called it. We unfortunately are going to have to suffer through it with them.
Our 40 years in the desert appears to just be starting.
Romans 1:24
NYgal says
I voted Republican, in NY. Somehow it didn’t help.
Minerva says
I see no hope for America after this. The tyrants remain firmly in charge.
internalexile says
I truly wish I could disagree with you, but I can’t.
Marlow says
Excellent. Would both of you please leave?
Intrepid says
Perhaps you should take your own advice outlander. You have no idea what makes this country tick.
Marlow says
How’s the insurrection coming along, big man? Or has treason lost its appeal for you?
Banastre Tarleton says
It’s far worse than election fraud ; it’s mass idiocy that has reached a tipping point wherein the wise are outvoted by the fools ; the skeptics outnumbered by the gullible, and the adults surpassed by the grown up children . This is not the end but it’s getting close
Exit polls have shown that abortion was a major issue for Dems voters and for women voters it was the top issue, insomuch, young feckless women were motivated by the emotional buzz word ”Abortion” to turn out en masse and stop the red wav
Marlow says
Maybe they just don’t want people telling them what they can do with their own uteri. You know, they want the gummit off their backs. You folks are in favor of that when it means letting rich people make more money off you, so why not let the women get into the game?
Intrepid says
Wow you are truly a low rent Communist. You even use the worn out phraseology. “Running Dog” Really? In case you haven’t noticed the ability to kill the unborn is pretty much intact in this country.
As far as the insurrection goes it was on November 8. We voted. If it wasn’t for a second straight attempted steal by the Left we would know by now if Pelosi has been sent packing. But we have some country supervisors in several states who just haven’t found the votes in the trunk of a car to put the left over the top.
I see you’ve been very busy for this article. It still doesn’t make you an American. You will always be on the outside looking in Marginal Marlow….our moronic morale officer and self appointed Leftist shill from a dink country.
THX 1138 says
Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectism taught at the universities is America’s only long-term hope.
Marlow says
“And I for one welcome our new Objectivist overlords! Rule us with your transcendant selfish genius, oh thou ubermenschen!”
Intrepid says
It will never happen…..sorry.
Walter Sieruk says
It might be very possible the Tom Wolf did have have his insidious and sinister hand in getting John Fetterman in the 11/8/22 election to “win” that position in the US Pennsylvania Senate.
After all,Wolf meddled and interfered in the Presidential election of 2020 when he took part in that crooked rigged Pa election fraud in November 2020 fraud in which involved mail in voting farce play its sinister larger schemed National election hoax. Wolf knows a very effective voter cheating ploy and he’s will not give it up. Therefore Wolf will done likewise for Fetterman.
Marlow says
I really think you ought to try writing in English next time.
Ugly Sid says
You really don’t have a life, do you?
Rather, posting is your life? This is it?
How do you stand all the excitement??
Marlow says
It’s difficult, but I manage.
Intrepid says
Quite a life you have carved out for yourself, Mr. Post Toastie.
Intrepid says
Being snarky and insulting is more your speed.
gsdtrainer612 says
Swing on over to Project Veritas and look at the 2 videos from Philly. One is an election official ( Asian woman with heavy accent) telling a PV undercover reporter how to vote. The 2nd is a PV reporter who found the keys to an election drop box on top of the box itself. He found an election official who said he wasn’t going to do anything…..just leave the keys where they were. PA announced weeks before the election that it would take a few weeks to get al the results. Funny how they had Fetterman called on Tuesday night. No need to take more time to cheat, 70% of PA Dem voters voted by mail before they ever saw the debate.
Marlow says
So… someone who was supposed to tell them how to vote told them how to vote and a guy who was supposed to have keys to the box had the keys to the box. A box that has to be, you know, UNLOCKED at some point.
Ron says
That’s right Marlowe! Completely and totally ignore the fact that the fraud always takes place with electronic voting machines, easily and provably compromisable with sketchy internet traffic around the same time! You totally didn’t know that!
Totes sincere!!!
Because you are a Sincere! Committed! Wacky! Leftist! and NOT a shill trying to derail a conversation about electoral fraud.
Totally NOT a shill people! Just another waaacky and cwaazy lefty! Let’s go hate leftists now and totally forget about electoral fraud!
It’s those damn lefties again martha! I hates it when those lefties start lefting around! They are stupid! Soooo stupid! No need for me to pay attention to those anti war loonies back in the Gulf War, President Bush is the right wing candidate! Anyone saying it’s a scam for oil is just another wacky lefty!
Nice try shill.
Marlow says
Yeah, you just pretty much proved my point. You sound like a raving lunatic.
Love! All! The! Exclamation! Marks! BTW!
Walter Sieruk says
The voting citizen in this 2022 Pennsylvania election for the Senate had an awful choice between two politicians of the Devil. It was a rather difficult for some people to decide which one of them is the lesser of the two evils.
For then is comes right down to it “the lesser of two evils is still evil.”
It’s was a choice between two possible very un -american politicians, even though neither of them are honest enough to come right out and admit it.
If voting a stealth jihadists or a Marxist. How awful.
Steven Brizel says
Trump showed that while he was a great president he is very narcissistic and only interested in replaying 2020.De Santis showers that a coalition of conservatives working together can turn a state red that once leaned blue and is a fearless fighter of the woke agenda and its enablers and apologists Dr Santis would make a great nominee and win the Presidency in 20:4
Intrepid says
So, you changed your stupid name to another stupid name.
Gamaliel Isaac says
Actually the GOP is honest about the cardiac damage being done by Covid vaccines.
Albert Einstein says
Anyone REALLY think this wasn’t gonna happen ? They steal elections….
THX 1138 says
FDR was elected FOUR times by the American voter even though his interventionist, welfare state, policies DIRECTLY caused a depression to become The Great Depression. Were those four elections stolen too?
Marlow says
FDR probably saved the country from either a leftist revolution or a rightist dictatorship. Have you ever read anything not written by Ayn Rand or that Peikoff fellow?
Intrepid says
WWII saved the country. FDR had to stop focusing on his Leftist New Deal after the Japanese attack, especially after the market crashed again in 1938, and the fact that Congress was pushing back against his latent Communism and unconstitutional bills, his love affair with Stalin and his court packing scheme.
You obviously have no clue about U.S. History. You are dumb as they come
Marlow says
If FDR hadn’t come in and actually started doing something to alleviate the suffering caused by the Depression, the US would have had a revolution. It would have been a leftist revolution or a right-wing coup that installed a dictator. Either way, the republic would have been finished. You might think about being slightly grateful that didn’t happen, thanks to the gummit you can’t stand.
But sure, cut taxes for Trump and foot the bill for his next ivory back scratcher. That’ll get the gummit off our backs!
Warloch says
Occam’s Razor – The simplest answer is usually the correct answer.
Democrat voter fraud in states controlled by democrats.
Or, two thirds of the country are happy with rampant violent crime, legalizing pedophilia, legalizing infanticide, sky high inflation and weaponized, corrupt, traitor president, DOJ, FBI and IRS that are protected by the fake news and treasonous congress.
Marlow says
So, basically, “I really hate the Democrats, so they must have stolen the election.” Got it.
Who is legalizing pedophilia, btw?
NYgal says
Democrats. It’s coming soon.
Marlow says
When, precisely?
Intrepid says
The Democrats are the groomers and the Drag Queen specialists. Biden runs around sniffing little kids hair. By opening the border Mayorkis is basically trafficking kids.
Are you really that dumb or do you have to practice.
Still racking up the downvotes too.
Marlow says
Whatever, pedo.
Ron says
he probably gets paid. if he’s really stupid he’s just a volunteer.
Intrepid says
“That’ll get the gummit off our backs!” Marginal Marlow is so delusional he starting to think he is an American, so he lies to everyone by pretending to be an actual American. Hint, you aren’t. You are dink leftist from a dink country.
Marlow says
I might be American. I might not. You’ll never know.
ron says
They stole it again. It all started back when GOP allowed conservatives like BI Bob Dornan to have their elections stolen without stopping it. What to do?
Ugly Sid says
What to do?
Elections are controlled by state legislatures. Executives and courts, federal or state do not.
Mandate in person voting. Make it illegal to not vote. Attenuate absentee balloting.
Enforce the state statutes, including door to door Constables with the immigration police in tow. Paddle wagons to the holding pens. No proof of voting means a visit before a judge and a nominal fine, or deportation, depending.
With 50 million illegals amongst us, inaction is inexcusable.
Broken elections could be the beginning of the Big Cleanup.
Marlow says
Give it up guys, it aint working this time. You lied and tried to overthrow the government. You had your fun. People aren’t interested anymore. Just go live your lives, if they can be called that.
ron says
Oh great, yet another clown pretending he cares about the politics.
Let me guess, you are a sincere and caring crrrraaazzyy left winger. Who is just SO crazy he can’t help but say crrrazzzy stuff. So now I am supposed to turn off my brain, hate leftists, and wow look at that! I totally forgot about the election fraud! Whoops, what a coincidence!
Anyone normal: “So the election fraud is a serious issu-”
Clown: “Trump bad! Trump bad!”
Normal Person: “oh hey why is trump bad — waiiiit a minute, you are just another one of those clowns trying to distract me from the election fraud – something that affects everyone regardless of political views aren’t you!”
Clown: “uhhh, no! You conspiracy theorist! You right winger! You this! You that! Uh uh — Trump bad”
Nice try.
F Off.
Intrepid says
And the desperation for Marginal Marlow is finally setting in. Perhaps you should just go live your life….in your dink country and stop obsessing about Trump and America. No one cares about your stupid leftist observations which are always wrong.
Marlow says
I think it’s pretty clear who’s desperate here and who isn’t.
Ugly Sid says
Coming from a former country, rather empire in demographic surrender?
Ugly Sid says
Fetterman is Caligula’s horse. They have so much power they enjoy showing off.
Conservatives seek to better their world.
Screw the world. The left seeks to better their machine.
Anne says
It’s so obvious that the system has been changed to suit the One World Government. Our once great country that ran on principles, balanced government and the will of the people has been thrown aside for a more social diverse culture that does not include God, or Godly values…. Cheating is now a common thing in elections. The Globalists don’t care what they have to do to win, and rigged elections are part of their program now, add on the influence of Communist China, and Russia, who want the US eliminated and out of their way of Global government!
Marlow says
Seriously, this fraud/steal/rigged bullocks is just boring now. You can only do this kind of s**t once, afterwards it gets dealthly dull. Just get on with your lives, such as they are.
Intrepid says
Good, if it’s boring maybe you can go now since it’s so boring. You do realize you aren’t changing minds with your Leftist shtick. But you are occasionally somewhat amusing in a trite 1917 sort of way.
Marlow says
“Trite 1917 sort of way”? I don’t even know what that means, boring loser boy.
Robert Hagedorn says
Looking for an explanation? Education is upstream from everything.
Ugly Sid says
Half a century ago the truly hip had a hundred plus acid trips tucked into their headbands.
Today their grandchildren are teachers union members, and their students are incapable of reading the Declaration of Independence or our Constitution.
Better living through chemistry.
THX 1138 says
Ah! Yes! What do we have here?! Finally a THINKER! Thank you for being a thinker.
“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” –
Abraham Lincoln
“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will give you the man.” – Aristotle
“The present state of the world is not the proof of philosophy’s impotence, but the proof of philosophy’s power. It is philosophy that has brought men to this state—it is only philosophy that can lead them out.” – Ayn Rand
Marlow says
Aristotle didn’t say “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will give you the man.” I’ve seen it attributed to several people, none with direct citations.
“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” -Jesus of Nazereth
“I have misplaced my pants.”-Ayn Rand
“My head is made of cheese.”-Leonard Peikoff
Intrepid says
My mind is made of Leftist mush – Marlow
Marlow says
“I’m so manly I shit bullets!” – You
Ron says
ignore him.
He is trying to distract us from the issue of Election Fraud – the only issue that matters at all in politics – by ranting like he is some kind of Leftist fanatic. As if Leftists don’t care about having a legitimate vote.
It’s all a show meant to get us at each others throats and distract us.
Intrepid says
Better to sh*t bullets than the girly man slop you crap out on a daily basis..
J. Keith Reese says
I’m a senior citizen, and other than a time like December 7, 1941, this country has never seen a time like these months with Biden. Not only did we not see a red wave, but the fact that we have all of these close elections is truly mind boggling.
William James Ward says
Fettidman is evil and supported by all that is dark and dirty, he holds on to the shovel
that digs the grave for Pennsylvania. Many of the vote results seem impossible to
believe, the future of America is put in doubt, dark days ahead but never no never
give up what is right and good.
John Bumpus says
So, the Pennsylvania Democrats voted for, and elected, the Marxist dummy!
NYgal says
They also elected a dead man.
maryanne t. says
Word is, if Fetterstein becomes incapacitated, his wife, w.ho came here illegally from Brazil then became a citizen, will take his place in the Senate. She will become the darling of the Senate and will be re-elected in perpetuity. So goes the fine folks of Philly and really all of PA.
Hell, she could be the first illegal to legal to become POTUS! The Marxist/Globalist takeover is sure-footed, so sad.
Lightbringer says
Last night looking at the returns for as long as I could stand to, I thought that the entire performance looked a bit like the Miss America competition. Totally false, totally rigged, and with its results decided long before any votes were cast. Odd thought, perhaps brought on by fatigue and overwork, but it could be correct.
Fred says
The midterm elections were a disappointment. The next two years will be like the last two years. Very little will be accomplished fixing the problems facing America. It is obvious that too many Americans voted for the candidates that promise the most freebies.
I can visualize what will happen the next two years. Americans with student loans will want all their loans cancelled. People on welfare will want more social programs like free bus service, paid childcare, a basic income without working, expanding the number of items covered by food stamps, and maybe all expenses paid by the government while on vacation. Oh, make that First Class will you President Biden. Oh, I forgot, the criminals out on bail would like to be paid $40,000 a year while they wait for their trials to begin, maybe a year or two from now. President Biden, if you do all these things, you definitely will be reelected in 2024. That should be your agenda for the next two years.
Have a nice evening.
One other thing, if you can fit it in your budget President Biden, the homeowners would like their mortgages cancelled as well.
Ladyanne says
No way the Hobbsgoblin is winning. She’s a thief. Same with Whitmer the Witch, Hoakum in NY and Festerneck in PA.
Old Fogey says
Where Democrats won, they pursued ballots, not voters. Until ballots from vacant houses, mail drops, memory care facilities, and cemeteries are screened out of existence, it doesn’t matter who the Republicans run or how good their get-out-the-vote plan may be.
FJJ says
Selected not Elected, Nothing ever changes or happens to the evil doers.
Not going to waste my time anymore. DONE like so many Americans.
Doug says
Chris Rock said that Mayor Marion Barry was reelected mayor of Washington DC after having done stuff that would have prevented him from getting a job at McDonald’s.
Grandpa says
What went wrong on November 8?
Nothing. CommieKKKrats executed their fraud plan perfectly. While stupid Republican wasted the last two years fighting windmills ala Don Quixote
Walter Sieruk says
One possible answer of to the question of :”Why and how John Fetterman had ‘won’ the election in Pennsylvania ?” It might possibly be that Tom Wolf did have have his insidious and sinister hand in getting Fetterman in the 11/8/22 election to “win” that position in the US Pennsylvania Senate.
After all,Wolf meddled and interfered in the Presidential election of 2020 when he took part in that crooked rigged Pa election fraud in November 2020 fraud in which involved mail in voting farce play its sinister larger schemed National election hoax. Wolf knows a very effective voter cheating ploy and he’s will not give it up. Therefore Wolf had done likewise for Fetterman.
PutFreedomFirst says
Much of this is wrong. The red wave happened but it is going to take a week to count ballots.
The problem, however, is about two weeks before the election, some indicators suggested Republicans would be even greater which simply turned out not to be true.
Alexander says
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Joe says
Robert, I love your great work and service….now the big but! The dem races you mention were not won.
Linda R. says
Wake up people – authoritarianism has its foothold here financed by an old nazi sympathizer whose only intent is to destroy the United States.. Decades ago Gorgy should have been stripped of his citizenship, all his assets frozen, and deported to any country stupid enough to take him in. But the old adage – “money talks” is still true and that is why he is still here spreading his tentacles through agencies and influence across the country.. He may not be able to ascend to the presidency, legally, but he can control what happens behind the scenes..
The question is will “the sleeping giant” ever awaken again? All indications are that he will not – until it is too late.. He’s been drugged! When he finally does open his eyes he just might find himself, like Gulliver, tied down and unable to move.. When crime is never punished appropriately, if ever, it will continue and grow worse with the passage of time. Propaganda becomes truth when it is not confronted and exposed. And fear of speaking out is propaganda’s enforcer. Disarming a population makes subjugation simple and those who forget history are condemned to re-live it. Let’s see a show of hands – who wants to re-live the 1930s?
Andrew Blackadder says
”Mr” Fetterwoman is the result of a Caucasian Mother and a Klingon Father who got lost in space a couple of decades ago and landed his Craft in PA.