Old Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the rest of the Democrat establishment spent Friday commemorating what the Left would have us believe was a greater threat to “our democracy” than the Pearl Harbor attack or 9/11. In the face of this Big Lie that keeps getting bigger, it’s important to remember: There was actually no “insurrection.” There was no plan, no leader, no weapons, and no casualties except among those who entered the Capitol after the police opened the doors. President Trump, who was supposed to be the ringleader of the “insurrection,” told the demonstrators to proceed “peacefully,” and two years of relentless investigations have turned up no evidence, despite breathless media reports to the contrary, that he ever wanted anyone to overthrow the government and install him as some kind of president-for-life.
In the face of a failed post-presidency impeachment attempt and a Jan. 6 committee that recommended that Trump be indicted despite the conspicuous lack of evidence that he did anything for which he should be indicted, the Leftist establishment is not backing off one bit. Instead, Old Joe and his henchmen are doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down, creating a mythology of what happened on Jan. 6, 2021, that resembles a hagiographical narrative more than a sober history.
On Friday, Biden even canonized saints for this new religion, awarding the Presidential Citizens Medal to twelve (twelve, just like the apostles!) people who supposedly held the line against the vicious “insurrectionists.” These twelve, he declared, “embody the best before, during and after January the 6, 2021.” He claimed that “history will remember your names. They’ll remember your courage. They’ll remember your bravery. They’ll remember your extraordinary commitment to your fellow Americans.”
Old Joe didn’t say anything, of course, about Ashli Babbitt or Rosanne Boyland, Trump supporters who were actually killed that day. He did mention Capitol Police Officer William Evans, whom he claimed died due to “threats by these sick insurrectionists.” Wow, those must have been some strongly worded threats indeed. But the New York Times, in a Thursday recap of those who died “in connection with the Capitol riot,” doesn’t even mention Evans. And the Times, as worthless and biased as it is, had very good reasons to leave him out: William Evans wasn’t killed during the “insurrection” at all. He wasn’t killed by “threats by these sick insurrectionists.” He was, in fact, killed in April 2021, three months after the “insurrection,” when a Nation of Islam supporter named Noah Green rammed him with his car.
Biden, true to form, wasn’t finished lying. Just as Jesus had seventy disciples beyond the twelve apostles, so also now Biden moved to create an outer circle of saints and martyrs for his new religion. He opined that for some who attended his bogus Jan. 6 ceremony, the occasion was “bittersweet,” for the trauma was ever-widening: “More than 140 law enforcement officials suffered physical injuries, and untold numbers are suffering from psychological toll of that day as well.”
As Old Joe himself would say, Come on, man! Mark Levin pointed out acidly on Friday, “More people died from the BLM-led riots in the summer of 2020 than died on Jan. 6. More babies die every day from abortion on demand than died on Jan. 6.” What’s more, the people who were actually killed on Jan. 6 were not defending the Capitol, but were among the supposed “insurrectionists.” So where is Old Joe’s concern for the psychological toll of the Black Lives Matter riots, or the psychological toll of abortion on demand?
Biden doesn’t care about any of that, and if he was fully aware of what he was reading off the teleprompter on Friday, it’s unlikely that even he himself believed it. It was all just part of his sinister authoritarian program to stigmatize, demonize, and ultimately criminalize legitimate political opposition in the United States. The real threats to “our democracy” are the ones who most loudly proclaim that they are intent on saving it, as in Kamala Harris’ Jan. 6 statement: “On January 6th, 2021, American democracy endured a violent assault. Armed with deadly weapons and animated by lies and hate, insurrectionists invaded the United States Capitol in an attempt to overturn a lawful election and silence the voice of the people.”
No. American democracy is continuing to endure a violent assault from those who claim that what happened on Jan. 6 constituted an “insurrection,” and that, as Old Joe intoned last September, “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” The threat to our republic is coming from those who would rule half of the electorate out of the bounds of acceptable discourse. That’s what the Left’s Jan. 6 hysteria is all about: fascists advancing fascism. And the fascists aren’t the MAGA Republicans.
The actual criminal activity concerning January 6, 2021 was from Nancy Pelosi and her left wing associates. For that fact is that before 1/6/21 event of a rally President Trump had ordered a good number National Guard troops to go to Washington DC for crowd and maybe even riot control.
Yet Pelosi blocked the President’s order and kept the national Guard from entering the Capital City that day.
It’s rather obvious the Pelosi had inside information provided by the Red/Green infiltrated Federal Bureau of Investigation that the hooligans of Antifa had planned to enter by bus Washington DC that day masquerading as “pro-Trump conservatives and infiltrate into and among the real pro- Trump patriots to incite chaos and mayhem especially with the younger immature impressionable younger patriots. That schemed Antifa ploy is an old low despicable tactic of deception which is called” a False Flag Operation.
The lawlessness that occurred on that day was a leftist criminal set up in which the horrible villains as Nancy Pelosi and her comrades are largely responsible for.
Excuse me, but do you understand how the government works? Nancy Pelosi blocked the President’s order to the National Guard? Since when does the Speaker of the House have authority to give orders to the National Guard?
You’re spouting fantasy, fiction, lies. Anybody with a brain can see that.
Sounds like you are spouting the party line. The J6 Kangaroo court is over and finished. Hopefully, now we get to find out what Pelosi knew and when she knew it.
You know that the Speaker is in charge of Capitol security, right?
Nancy Pelosi is a very devious and manipulative scheming old woman who knows many insidious methods of how to reach beyond the limits of her official authority.
Let’s not understatement the power of the treachery of that mean old harpy.
She didn’t block the use of the National Guard per se. Trump offered to bring the Guard in to protect the Capitol. Pelosi, who during the various BLM riots had referred to the Guard as storm troopers, did not like the potential “optics” of the Guard stationed outside the Capitol building and declined Trump’s offer. So, the “fact checkers” get to say she didn’t block an order to deploy the Guard. Then again, Trump didn’t issue that order. But she sure did reject Trump’s offer.
Pelosi had authority over the Capitol, where the Guard would have been used. She refused to have them on HER PROPERTY. She DIDN’T BLOCK Trump’s order, she refused Trump’s offer to protect an area under HER authority.
Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy!
Nancy Pelosi is despicably cunning that she no doubt had her sinister and insidious hand in that leftist sinister schemed January 6h 2021 set up against the pro-Trump American patriots of that terrible day.
This shows valid the claim by some Conservatives about the “global lefts attack on free speech” is very valid and true and seen on the horrendous affronts committed against the American patriots on January 6th 2021 who only came to Washington DC , not to engage in any so called “insurrection” but only to peacefully to gather to protest to a despicable rigged hoax of an “election.” In other words, they came to speak out by objecting to election fraud.
In which when the leftist politically correct set up. Likewise, leftist appointed Capital “police” actually waved the patriots into the federal building to engage an entrapment and deadly violence inside that Federal building and that Capital “police officer ,Byrd, viciously murdered the defenseless Ashli Babbitt in cold blood.
The simple fact that DC police cheerfully removed two barricades (looking like long bike racks) and motioned the crowd in demonstrates you have a valid point.
The fact that AntiFa scumbags were there also proves your point. They had been attacking/harassing patriots that day & the day before – with little interference from the police.
The scumbags were also caught on film changing into MAGA apparel.
In spite of all that, the atmosphere had remained a festive tailgate party.
So what changed it?
The static/docile crowd being fired upon with tear-gas, rubber bullets, and “sting” bombs for half an hour changed it – especially after Greeson had his eye slammed by a “sting” bomb pellet; inducing a heart attack.
As no one can possibly endure such crap without getting livid & finally responding is impossible.
Mission accomplished, Nancy. (Naturally, her husband’s trist-gone-wrong was also blamed on MAGA.)
The ancient Greek Philosopher Plato wrote that “The measure of a man is which he does with power. Therefore the Joe Biden’s “measure’ is terribly lacking. In fact his “measure is horrendous evil. For that despicable fiendish villain who is posing as a real US President ,Joe Biden ,who is so extremely evil that he takes a large part in a heinous cover-up in the blatant murder of Ashli Babbitt, a non-violent ,unarmed peaceful patriot protester who shot and murdered , though a closed door by a US Capital “police officer..” The words “police officer” referring to murderous character, who viciously killed Ashil in cold blood. After she and other American patriots had actually been waved in that Federal government building by some “Capital police officers” . That was a real, actual “set up” in the most horrendous, wicked insidious kind there could possibly be.
Then Biden after he officially entered the Office of the US Presidency abused that power as a Chief Executive to hide that grisly murder of this young patriot from the public, the ,law courts , and helped get that murderous off with total impunity.
This among other hideous unconscionable affront by Joe Biden reveals now more than ever before that Biden is not a genuine US President but an actual criminal.
In a FoxNation ep 82 Carl Carlson interviewed in investigative journalist Julie Kelly about the so called “insurrection” which occurred on January 6th 2021.
In this interview she explained that ”The Biden regime is turn against Americans on the political right.
Those pro-Trump American patriots in Washington DC that day had been ruthlessly denied their basic decent human rights and their US Constitutional rights .
Even to the most vicious malicious murderous extremes possible.
As one young woman, Ashli Babbitt , was shot through a closed door and her was unarmed and non –violent. The other young woman Rosanne Boyland, was beaten by them and chased in a nearby tunnel by them and murder by them. This is North Korea or America. ?
For some people vicious actions of the Capital “police” by how they harmed Rosanne Boyland so terrible that she because unconscious and they attempted to revive her but the Capital police stopped them “ Are they that Capital police of America ? This wicked murderous behavior is more fitting for the Capital police of Communist China.
Kelly speculated that the awful abuse against peaceful American citizens on “January 6th was an excuse to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights. “ Sadly she might be right, after all, there is an old saying that “Evil is always looking for an excuse.”
I’ve stopped following closely what Biden says or does. So, thanks for this shockingly disturbing information.
What’s sad is that there are still Americans in the enthrall of the left’s lies.
Until “leaders” in DC loudly debunk these lies, that will continue. Lies create division among Americans. Division enables tyranny.
Fear of tyranny enables tyranny further
I don’t know if information alone is an effective counter to tyranny. Do you?
The scheming bltch Nancy Pelosi has a habit of trying to set up & smear patriots.
When Obamacare was being passed she made sure democrats brazenly walked through a crowd of Tea Party protesters on March 20th, 2010 (rather than take the underground passage), hoping to provoke something, ANYTHING to film for their allies in the press.
However, Nancy’s hopes for an altercation never materialized, so they went with Plan B. They simply lied and claimed to endure racial slurs (Andre Carson claimed 15) and to have been spat on (as John Lewis claimed).
Both lied, the same way DC cop Harry Dunn lied.
Dunn claimed racial slurs during Jan 6th, but like Jussie Smollet, over played his hand by claiming to have never heard it before. The lying weasel went on to maintain the bald-faced lie about Brian Sicknick.
Consider that the Tea Party patriots that day on March 20th were NOT besieged for half an hour with tear gas & flash-bangs. As such they had no difficulty behaving like civilized adults (unlike OWS mobs that regularly rioted unprovoked & needed hazmat teams to clean up after them.)
Nancy learned from that mistake & fixed it ten years later on Jan 6th. MAGA patriots were attacked by AntiFa & then later by DC cops as they stood complacently in the ellipsis. That time it worked. How could it not?
We will never learn the truth about January 6 without a full and open investigation into what the FBI knew snd was doing on and prior to that day . What the Democrats are talking about is a kangaroo court Stalinist show trial
And political prisoners still remain in solitary confinement without trial on charges of trespass?
Have they all been released yet?
Hundreds of thousands of People were there and did nothing wrong by walking through our House, lawmakers be damned.
Ashli was murdered after punching a guy for nefariously trying to disrupt things; Boylan was beaten to death by capitol Stasi while trying to withdraw during a Stasi induced commotion.
It is instructive that the Left including its media adjunct all refer to January 6, as an “insurrection.” That’s obviously just a psychological operation designed to mind eff the American people. Even the corrupt FBI long ago concluded that it found no central planning. Such planning would be essential to an “insurrection. They know this. But, as the column states, “It was all just part of his sinister authoritarian program to stigmatize, demonize, and ultimately criminalize legitimate political opposition in the United States.” Ray Charles could see this.
The January 6th uprising was a legitimate reaction against a blatantly stolen election
Moreover, when these historical events run their course and come into clear perspective it will be clear that it was a latter day version of the ”Boston Tea Party ” when true patriots stood up to tyranny and lit a long fuse on a powder keg that would ;later explode as the American Revolution
All those genuine patriots who were there on Jan 6th will at some time in the future stand on tiptoe and proudly proclaim ”I WAS THERE ” just as their predecessors did in 1773
No mention of probable Fed provocateur Ray Epps?
“ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,…That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,… But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government…”
Those in our government call Jan. 6, 2021 an “insurrection” and “in-American”, I say just action is our birthright and duty to take action against those who might try to govern us without our consent. OUR government does not belong to either political party, any foreign influences, unelected bureaucrats, appointed figureheads, unions or any corporation.
Ashli Babbitt and Newsmax
What about the human rights of the person murdered in cold blood by the name of Ashli Babbitt ?
On January 6th 2021 at Washington DC the patriots were waved in that government building by the Capital police. What a setup. That was totally unconscionable of those politically correct fiendish villains.
It’s been discovered and proven that the Capital police officer had viciously shot dead Ashli Babbitt thorough a closed then she was not engaging in any type of violence and the Capital officer who shot her was a Black man which is part of the cover up. Later that murderous Capital officer was “cleared” as in he escaped punishment because of the heinous influence and power in those politically correct leftist in the US government. So that awful man literally got away with murder.
That murderous escaped justice. This country is no longer a nation of “Justice for all”
The point in mentioning that is to think of a the national politically correct outrage and even riots that would occur if a White Capital police officer had shot dead a BLM rioter, for any reason, no matter how valid that reason was.
It’s nice to know that FP is still lying, gaslighting, and defending treason. It’s kind of like having a calm, steady, unchanging, blithering psychotic center to the world.
Well, at least Ashli Babbitt is still dead.
Like a moth to a flame. Good to know nothing changes in that empty Leftist space you call your head.
Guess what….the J6 Kangaroo court is over, fini, kaput. Adam Schiff, Eric Swallwell and Ilhan Omar have been removed from their committee assignments by the new Speaker, and some sanity is starting to prevail in the House.
Now that Ray Epps has admitted to orchestrating, in large part, the J6 FBI insurrection we will probably see him grilled before a bipartisan sub-committee.
Poor you.
Guess what….. you and your god-king have been rejected by the voters twice. Now your Super-Jesus look like an elderly sweating rhinoceros lumbering into the wallow before he finally expires. He’s going to get slaughtered electorally and then sent to jail where he belongs.
Poor you.
Wishful thinking. But then you always get it wrong. Now that Pedo Biden has been caught with classified docs from his VP days, which he is not allowed to have per the Constitution, there is no way Meritless Garland can indict him with out a lot of discovery in court.
So Garland will have to let it go. Poor you. Trump can go out tomorrow and fill a stadium with a rally. Pedo Jose can’t do that.
I don’t know where you get your Trumpian info but your obsession with him is almost as nuts as your obsession with Ashli Babbit. The BBC should do it’s homework instead of being a lapdog for the Left, like you.
Trump 24. MAGA
blah blah blah I hate England blah blah blah Trump is god blah blah blah everyone I don’t like is a pedophile blah blah blah
Really, you’ve got to come up with some new material.
That despicable fiendish villain who is posing as a real US President ,Joe Biden ,who is so extremely evil that he takes a large part in a heinous cover-up in the blatant murder of Ashli Babbitt, a non-violent ,unarmed peaceful patriot protestor who shot and murdered , though a closed door by a US Capital “police officer..” The words “police officer” referring to murderous character, who viciously killed Ashil in cold blood.
After she and other American patriots had actually been waved in that Federal government building by some “Capital police officers” . That was a real, actual “set up” in the most horrendous, wicked insidious kind there could possibly be.
Then Biden after he officially entered the Office of the US Presidency abused that power as a Chief Executive to hide that grisly murder of this young patriot from the public, the ,law courts , and helped get that murderous off with complete impunity.
Michael Byrd is my hero.
Yes, we know that. You support murderers, as long as you don’t have to actually pull the trigger yourself. What a nancy you are.
Cue the stupid “sig’ remarks. That’s about all you have going for yourself.
blah blah blah you’re gay blah blah blah dink country blah blah blah I love guns blah blah blah insurrection! I’ll do it this time! I swear! blah blah blah
That’s you. That’s what you sound like.
Yeah, I love my guns. Waddya gonna do about it Mr. Toughy Tough?
There obviously was no insurrection and poor little Ray Epps, who admitted to his role in the fake insurrection, will now have to answer to a real Congressional committee run by Republicans. Sucks to be you.
Oh yeah, you do live in a dink country. So blah-bety blah blah. You write like a 5 year old.
Ah yes, “Mr. Toughy-Tough.” Did you come up with that when you were dancing around your basement in lipstick and a tutu?
On the night of 11/26/21 the news broadcasting channel NEWSMAX had in interview with a nice young woman who with the Patriot pro-Trump rally on January 6th 2021.
She was arrested and she had done nothing but only entered that Federal government building and only after being waved in the Capital police, along with her friends, in the building she only just looked around and the left
What a despicable set up if there ever was one.
In court the judge, the politically correct leftist, judge sentenced her to 60 days in prison and said ”that should be a lesson for future right-wing insurrectionists not to act up”
That was a totally outlandish slanderous by the PC Judge and his sentence upon her is completely outrageous, unfair, unjust biased to extreme.
One aspect of that despicable leftists set up against one groups of the pro-Trump American patriots on January 6th, 2021, at Washington DC was persecution of the members of the “Oath Keeper” an all-American organization.
The criminal complained fled against some of them what that they “ready to assist in the attack of the Capital” This turned out to be slanderous false charges for it was discovered that that accusation was totally “devoid of supporting factual allegations.” [1]
The actual violence that was started it was by those Marxist hooligans of Antifa who had infiltrated the pro-Trump rally masquerading as “patriot’ to incite mayhem. That despicable ploy is an old low tactic of deception which is called a “false flag operation.”
Any valid indictment that should be made ought to be made against those Antifa thugs who stated chaos as well as those Antifa leaders who took a bus full of his lawless Antifa stooge /operatives Into Washington DC in that to carry out their scheme masquerade as “patriots” to incite the less mature and impressionable patriots to act up.
Well I guess then that by that logic Hitler didnt commit genocide because he didnt wipe out ALL the jews – he merely ATTEMPTED to but failed. Is that right ?
And “attempted” murder is OK because it is only an ATTEMPT.
An offense under 18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy (an offense – to overthrow the government) which carries a penalty of TWENTY YEARS prison, is still an offense EVEN if the attempt fails.
There is so much wrong with the original post – here is a list of what the author DID get right :
It happened on an 6th.
End of list
I’m so amazed that Trump is so
squeaky clean they can’t fin anything g to get him with. And because of that they go through great lengths to try to pin something on him. This time though…ordinary people got caught in the crossfire and they are using those poor people as political pawns. Why didn’t Trump pardon them when he had the chance?
Lipstick and a tutu….really? That is what you are reduced to? Is there something you would like to confess, Mr Toughy Tough. You always had the emotional maturity of a 5 year old who isn’t going to get his way.
There is really nothing more pathetic than being sore loser, especially where Trump is concerned. Looks like no more J6 for you. All you have left are your endless Trump issues, your dink country, and your Byrdie fantasies.
I’m just saying that “Mr. Toughy-Tough” is damn near the gayest thing I’ve ever heard. You’re well into drag queen territory champ. Any closets you’d like to come out of?
If there had been an actual insurrection, and the Federal Government had been overthrown and replaced, would it have actually been worse than what we have now? Please, show your work.
The Left/DemoCommies are amazingly successful in manipulating the masses and drawing them into a fantasy world. The Insurrection Narrative is part of that. It not only detracted from the dismissal of evidence of election theft and the takeover of the government by people who do not REPRESENT the voters & citizens., but it sets the idea that those who oppose the Demorats are Insurrectionists so that it will be legal & reasonable to institute martial law if people object to their takeover. They have planted this in people’s minds for use later. Martial law will allow them to confiscate all weapons from citizens & be controlled centrally as a Police State.